Kri, you must have heard the old saying "an old head on young shoulders". You must also be aware that if someone calls you "an old head" they're not being complimentary. Now, mix together and stir for a few minutes.Originally posted by krizon@Oct 28 2006, 06:29 PM
Honest Tom - where the hell do the rest of us have our heads? 'On shoulders'... not exactly anatomically radical, man...
The losing runs haven't been quite so bad this year Kri, and followed a mind boggling successful start to this year's flat campaign.Originally posted by krizon@Oct 29 2006, 12:02 PM
:lol: :lol: Have you introduced meat into your diet the past few months? I ask since you've perked up tremendously, and have branched out into previously-untapped areas of light-heartedness which were notable for their absence until this year. Keep spreading the Bovril on your toast - it's working!
I'm a bit like Samson Kri. For strength read self esteem, for hair read betting balance.Originally posted by krizon@Oct 30 2006, 12:36 PM
Bloody hell - I didn't know that betting returns (negative or positive) could have such a noticeable effect on a person's, er, personality. Quite frightening to think of what you might be like if you win the Euromillions Rollover.
Kri, there was an episode of Bilko that illustrated it perfectly. The colonel arranged for a card sharp to pose as a new enlistee and deal the cards such that Bilko was fleeced by Dobberman. The great man's self esteem sunk to such an incredible low that he became a whimpering wreck afraid of his own shadow (when suffering a long losing run I go through certain stages depending on its' length - phase 1 is anger, 2 is psycho, 3 is meek acceptance and 4 is the Bilko phase). In case you're wondering, the moral in the camp plummeted (because Bilko wasn't up to any scams) and the Colonel had to let Bilko find out about his plan. Bilko then used his "condition" to fleece everyone. :lol:Originally posted by krizon@Oct 30 2006, 01:51 PM
Do you think that many serious bettors such as yourself find their notions of self-esteem wrapped up in the outcome of their selections?
Absaloutely not, Harry. In my eyes you are anything but!Originally posted by DIVER@Oct 30 2006, 07:53 PM
Boring old fart,
A true champion is shown not just by how he wins, but how he loses