I Gotta Mouse!

Ok, so I've just seen the little fella legging it along the bottom of the wall.....so he does exist! He's quite sweet really!!
"Oh, oh, spare me, spare me, I beg you - skweek, skweek - I pwomise not to nibble anyfing, honest, Miss, if oo just let me go, pwease - skweek, skweek... " how could you bring your brute human strength to bear upon such a perfect little creation of the Almighty's majestic handiwork, Shadz? Have pity on the poor wee slikkit beastie, and let him go free... don't forget, you'll have to answer on the Day of Judgment for his life. Did I forget to tell you that God is, in fact, a giant mouse? When the Bible was translated from Aramaic, it's now been discovered, the word 'mousekind' - which sounds similar to 'mankind' - was mis-translated. Therefore, the image in which God made himself was a mouse, not a man. Imagine all the trouble that's caused down the centuries, just because of some sloppy translation work. So, be careful, you might be about to dispatch a tiny murine saint...
Don't worry Aunty, I'm not going to kill him! He's harmless & pretty sweet really - I'd just rather he'd be sweet elsewhere though! I'm going to plug in my electric pulse jobbie that repels pests and see whether that does the job or not. Fear not, Speedy isn't going to meet a gruesome death from my hands!! :D
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Feb 3 2007, 11:21 AM
Fear not, Speedy isn't going to meet a gruesome death from my hands!! :D
No, just pick an argument with it. It'll never bother you again B)

Nah, Speedy hasn't been a problem yet - I found a couple of nibbled on seed husks a few days ago & have seen him leg it along the wall once, he hasn't actually bothered me so so far!

Kudos to the mate who said to me the other day "my mouse skids sideways on the faux wooden floor in my flat, it's quite sweet really". Made me laugh no end!
You know I'm disliking carpet more and more everyday Kri! Before I moved in 18 months ago my landlord asked did I mind if he ripped up the carpet & put in wooden flooring or tiles - my reply was along the lines of "Please do!" Naturally, I'm still stuck with the carpet now....arrghh! Try hoovering up downy feathers by the hundred, they're impossible to pick up! Mind you long hair doesn't mix too well with carpet either...