I Need Help With Mobile Phones



I have had the most almighty row with Orange. I cannot believe their "customer" service. My fella spoke to the rudest female ever at Orange who basically said if he was not happy with having to wait for 7 days for his phone to be fixed, it was tough. She was awful. She refused point blank to transfer him to a supervisor and was extremely rude. On this basis, we have decided to move our business and personal phones to a new company. We are considering O2 or Vodaphone and would appreciate any comments (good or bad) about either or any others you think I should try. I want to try and take my phone number with me, although it would not be the end of the world if I didn't.

I still cannot believe how Orange have changed from being so helpful to so damn rude. I even phoned them back myself last night and was promised a call back from their technical department this morning after I explained he is a director of a company and has to have his phone for work. No call back. h:) They are in breach of contract, they supplied us with a faulty phone 2 weeks ago, and don't give a monkets chuff if we cancel the contract and migrate elsewhere. What an absolute :angy: Rant over.....

Any help or comments about Orange, as always, would be very much appreciated. :)
Orange are simply superb. I find it hard to believe that you have had such problems with them Kathy as they have always been excellent with me. Their customer service is absolutely second to none and is head and shoulders above that of any other mobile phone company. I would recommend them to anyone, anytime, as I really cannot speak highly enough of them, particularly their customer service which I have found to be pretty much unrivalled with any company. I have only found Amazon or BA customer service to have come close.
I had enjoyed the same positive experiences as you SL up until this week. We have been an Orange customer for nearly 8 years. There was once a policy of fixing or replacing a faulty phone within 24-48 hours. This has now (evidently) been changed to 7 days. Hardly a great service to be without your phone for 7 days whether you are a business user or not.

I refuse to be spoken to by some customer service individual, who was unwilling to escalate the problem to a supervisor and refused point blank to do so, and then in a very common Gateshead accent, said she "couldn't care less" if we closed the account. Yes, great customer service. They deserve to lose our account just for employing her. I told her the conversation was no doubt being recorded and she just laughed. :what:
I would guess she's on notice and leaving the company anyway - I can't imagine that sort of response being typical for any company wishing to remain in business!

I've currently got an xda Mini on O2 and, while not cheap, I've never had any problems re service/insurance. Being a clumsy bitch, I'm always dropping these phones and, because they're bigger than the average mobile, the lastest xda executive they gave me when the upgrade came around got smartly sidelined to aother director, 'cos it was far too fragile to cope with the office/farm lifestyle!!

I've damaged at least three of these touch screens over the past four years and O2 have swapped the phones out on a 48hour basis, no problems at all.

This latest xda mini comes with a really secure case. Bummer is by time I've got the fecking phone out of said case, caller has rung off.... :angry:
I have been with Orange for years and have found their service excellent. They upgraded my phone immediately, for no charge about 3 months ago, when I asked them to and sent it through the next day by special delivery.

Kathy try speaking to someone else at Orange, I am certain that they can help you solve the problem. It sounds as if you got someone who just doesn't care. I am sure there are plenty of people there that do care and will help you.
I'd second that view, Bernardo. Jules could well be right that the one you spoke to was leaving anyway - I haven't ever come across anyone at Orange who was remotely unhelpful. Alternatively when you next ring up, ask to be put through to the disconnection department and they won't be able to do enough for you when you are put through.
I endorse the comments of those who have had nothing but good service from Orange. The experience mentioned must have been as the result of the bad luck of contacting an emotional and temperamental female. They do exist, you know.
I haver never used Orange but like most companies you hear horror stories about every single one.

I have used 02 & Vodafone, no problems with either.

I suppose it depends on what deal your after??????
On another note, as Shads says go through to the "i'm leaving section", I did this with Vodafone and it's amazing the offers they throw your way so you don't leave.
I wish you were right. I phoned again at lunchtime and got through to their customer services department who then couldn't/wouldn't transfer me to their diagnostics/technical department. This one said she was unable to call the details of the phone up on her computer. She told me to call 150 and then 3 and then 3 on the menu, which I did and it doesn't work. It can hardly be a coincidence that we have called 3 times in 3 days and have got some really unhelpful people - infact 3 different ones. Something has definitely changed at Orange as previously the service we have received has been second to none. I asked one of the girls in the office to call too to cancel the contract (it has just been renewed) and she was told she wasn't allowed to? h:) Now bearing in mind they have sent a phone that stopped working after 2 days, they have told us it could take 7 days to resolve, I have a feeling they may be in breach of contract. They have sold us something which clearly isn't fit for the purpose. I am sure we are far too small fry to be bothered with BUT if they don't resolve the issue (and remember we are business users) within the next 24 hours I will be posting their phones back to them with a covering letter.

I am just going to check out the newsgroups to see if there is anything on there about the sudden downturn in their customer service levels.
The first comment I find is this :blink:

Good Points
Best deal.

Bad Points
Awful customer service.
Terrible signal coverage.

General Comments
If you are contemplating switching to Orange, I would suggest to seriously consider whether the deal you are getting is good enough to compensate for the apalling customer service you will encounter should you have any problems.
Since switching from Vodafone last December I have dropped more calls already than I did with vodafone in 7 years. Orange tell me there is a mast down in my area and can't even tell me when or if it will be fixed (it's been down since Oct 05), but I've also dropped calls in many other areas.
Orange should warn customers of poor coverage in their area before allowing them to be signed up in the first place.
The inept Customer service, which is half staffed by 16/17 year olds on work experience, just aren't interested.

Yep, sounds familiar! :nerd:
Sorry Kathy, I have to join everyone else in recording no problems at all with Orange. I'm about to change my pay as you go phone and will quite happily stick with them. I have to feel that you've just been unlucky. Why not go to your local Orange shop to sort it out?
Archie, but we are still without a mobile phone and in our industry it's an essential tool and we have had up to 15 phones with them at any one time. I suppose one of us could take a few hours out to try and resolve at an Orange shop but frankly I am very disappointed that I would have to go to this extent to resolve something that Orange are basically washing their hands of. They have promised to call back, and they haven't, they have been rude, and I really don't feel after 8 years with them this is good enough. I don't mind paying a slightly higher tariff, which I know we do with Orange, but if this is what you get in return for loyalty, then they can shove it.

I am going to send them an e-mail giving them 24hours to resolve, or I will be quoting The Sale of Goods Act to them - and I can only imagine the Girly from Gateshead's response to that one. :blink:
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Mar 2 2006, 03:24 PM
I would strongly urge you never to use Vodafone.

I have switched to O2, and they're grand.
BtB, O2 are on my short list! The Vodaphone coverage seems good though. I am off to do more research.

Phil, I am glad it is not only me that have had problems. ALL comments have been helpful on here. B)
I think I am going to get my own phone for now, just in case. 02 do a sim only with 1000 mins and 500 texts for a £25 a month, with a 1 month contract. I may just buy an unlocked phone on ebay.

At least then I have a phone, no major contract, and I am sure I can talk for 1000 minutes without even drawing breath.

By the way, Orange came back with a standard e-mail saying that if I want to call their technical support, you can call them direct on a landline for 50p a minute. Bargain eh? No wonder customer services won't transfer you. h:)
3 mobile are the most incompetent bunch of idiots I've ever met.

I've went and got myself a vodafone, despite still having 2 months left on my 3 mobile contract.

My 3 mobile, after having a crap signal for all of the time I've had it, went wonky just into January. It wouldn't charge, and I noticed that the battery charger seemed to be loose in the socket. So I went into a 3 mobile shop.

They promptly informed me that they couldn't even look at the phone because I had purchased it from their Online Store. They also couldn't give me a temporary handset while it was off being fixed. Hardly ideal, eh?

So then I've sent the phone off to them, and now they're refusing to fix it. Apparently the screen is damaged (not when I sent it) and this invalidates the warranty and is not covered by insurance. Oh, and it took them 6 WEEKS to tell me of this.

I managed to get put through to one of the customer service manager in 3. I politely told him what a shower of useless incompetent b..t..ds they were after explaining the issue. I also took great pleasure in telling him to insert the phone in a suitable orifice, as I wouldn't be paying a penny to get the damn thing back.

So Ive done my dough for the last two weeks of the contract, but it was worth it to vent some of my pent up anger at them..
ive just changed from t-mobile to orange, plenty of cock ups on the day of transfer but i did expect that. whatever you do dont go to t-mobile!!
im on orange and 02

despite oranges protestations that they have good coverage in my area they dont
i need to drive 1/2 mile before i get a decent signal

there service centre when in difficulty u speak to four different representatives and each one gives a different story

for safety reasons as i cant afford to miss calls or messages I have the orange phone on divert to the 02 phone for messages and missed calls

i have been on 02 for years i find their customer service polite and efficient
and ther coverage of the uk pretty good except unfortuantly (allthough slightly better than orange) where i live

i have been on vodaphone no complaints with them except a better deal on 02 and orange
Thanks everyone. It is looking very much like 02. Great idea to have 2 service providers PR. I will suggest that to the better half. :)
I have been with Vodafone, O2, 3 and Orange in the last 6 years and 3 were the biggest bunch of idiots this side of The Morning Line. I would recommend Orange every time.
Originally posted by archie@Mar 2 2006, 05:16 PM
Better double check the coverage Merlin. Virgin is pretty poor in this part of the land of nervous sheep.
ARCHIE... that’s why I am getting off Orange to make a call you have got to go outside the house!!(its not much fun to go out the street in my jockey briefs in the late evening or at night) otherwise it just breaks up I have over the years contacted them and complained, but they do nothing at all, that’s what prompted me to change and try VIRGIN mate…………

P.S THE SHEEP ARE MORE NERVOUS down here mate, owing to there being so many!!! prepared to give them one or maybe two?? :p :D