Ignotus/thomas Thompson(10)

Walsworth, he has always known he couldn't be a jockey ( he is 6'1 ). He has ridden since about age 13, and has now worked at a couple of stable for the past three years. He obviously wanted to do a little race riding and took out his conditional license in order to do so. What has been said on here about the fitness aspect sounds to tie in perfectly with what I know about his general fitness levels etc. I'm sure he will learn from the incident.

Martin, will pass on your good wishes next time I see him.
Re the gym I was thinking of eg rowing machines, I know some of the young jocks around Lambourn go to the gyms to use those cos they build up leg and upper arm strength. Difficult if you are 6ft 1 to put on the muscle without going overweight! Feel sorry for the lad, obviously nature is not helping him fulfill his dreams :P

Yes interesting stuff about race-riding fitness, we sit and watch and don't always remember [or know in the first place] how demanding it is.
I didnt do Race Riding but did XC and Hunter Trials.. getting my horse fit and ready was the easy part , me on the other hand took ages to get fit enough to compete safely with him , the fitter he got the stronger he became , so i went to the gym, did swimming, running etc but the one thing that got me ready to ride him more than anything was riding out 3 times a day , serious riding that at the beginning had my legs feeling like jelly when i dismounted , my arms and shoulders felt like they were going to leave my body and as for my hips and backside id rather not say !!..once at the level of fitness to compete you have to maintain it , if you dont your whole body will start to revert back to how it was before...I have the up most admiration for the people who compete wether it be Racing or any Equestrian Sport , its hard going to keep maintaining the fitness level required day in and day out. :)