Inglis Drever put to sleep RIP

He wasn't the biggest, was he?!

Well Chief aside, he was probably my favourite NH horse of recent times.
A real shame, such a gutsy horse and went through that injury and won at the highest level again. I don't think he ever got the credit he deserved. :(
Cheltenham racecourse paid tribute to ID today before racing by playing a audio recording of the finish of the 2008 World Hurdle over the loudspeaker system after which there was a round of applause from racegoers.
I think it is most unfair to criticise her. Ginni had recovered from a serious illness as had Inglis Drever so can hardly blame her exuberance in his wins. What was the song about him being a monster? Well it made you smile! He was Popeye because his eyes really did stand out. I have a lovely memory of those eyes full of what seemed like great anticipation and confidence as he was saddled in the boxes.
RIP Inglis Drever -a very special horse.
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So sad he didn't enjoy a longer retirement and condolences to all involved with him. Nice to have the memories though.
There never seemed to be a concensus of pronunciation - was it "Ingles Dreever", "Ingliss Dreever", "Ingles Drevver" or what? Did it mean anything? I was in the Ingliss Dreever camp, but I doubt I heard any race caller bawling it the same way twice.
Well considering none of them appear to be able to get the verifiably correct Cow-Toe Star right, I'm not going to hold my breath :p

Anyway, my favourite ID moment was that move he made at the top of the hill in the 2007 World Hurdle, swooping past almost the entire field before eating up the hill. Awesome stuff.
I thought it was clarified at one point that it was supposed to be Ingles Dreever.

Me too. When I was young our next door neighbour had cousins whose surname was Inglis, and it was always pronounced 'ingles' but without following through on the pronunciation of the 'g', as 'singer' or 'singing', but that was maybe the Scottish accent.
I thought it was clarified at one point that it was supposed to be Ingles Dreever.

Correct. The horse's first owner was Piers Pottinger, who named him after his uncle John Inglis Drever Pottinger (1919-1986), a Scottish officer of arms and heraldic author.

Now you know.
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Lord of the Dance, wasn't it? (I thought it was too easy to be pro. Rinse Rye when I saw it - and was equally baffled by OMUIRAH... O'MUIRAHER... oh, you know!)
Oi!!!! You're detracting from the Champ, here!!!!!!

I saw Tasha today; she was Drever's lass for the majority of his NH runs and loved him to pieces. She's absolutely gutted about his demise. It is nice though that she has received letters of commiseration from people within the racing community who knew of the close bond she had with the Champ.

There is a lovely photo of Tasha and Drever after he won at Wetherby (I recall) one season. It was published in the Horse and Hound; it's a photo by John Grossick showing Tasha kissing his nose. I've tried to find it on the net and failed so far!

Amongst a large part of the racing community she will be remembered as Drever's lass which must be comforting for her to know. Likewise, it is comforting to be introduced to people (by former colleagues from that time) as "the girl who looked after Decoupage" even though, in similar circumstances, I left him before he died.
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I didn't know you cared for DECOUPAGE, Shadz. Well, that's the beauty of a decent forum - one looks in, and learns!

It'd be great if we could see the photo of the nose-kiss. Do you have any of you snogging 'Coup?
I've tried to find the photo of Tash and Drever online to no avail, Krizon. I have one (dunno where the others are!!) of myself and Buster (Decoupage) though, even though it's not great as it's an old film photo.
