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Ipswich Murders?

Merlin the Magician

Dormant account
May 2, 2003
:o I posted a thread on here highlighting the above ....now its been deleted ?? can someone enlighten me as to why? I noticed it late last night...... but on further checks it has been deleted........... :rolleyes:

Now a 5th lady!!! is missing assumed to have been part of this killers number of prostitutes killed........... :o
A link was posted to another forum on which a poll was being conducted as to how many murders would be uncovered.

There were four or five responses to that link saying how sick it was and I personally received two PMs complaining about the whole thing.

Incidentally, as the news about the murders was the lead in every newspaper and on all TV and radio news broadcasts, one wonders why the thread was necessary anyway.
Originally posted by BrianH@Dec 12 2006, 11:16 AM
A link was posted to another forum on which a poll was being conducted as to how many murders would be uncovered.

There were four or five responses to that link saying how sick it was and I personally received two PMs complaining about the whole thing.

:o Oh o-k, right that had the treatment it deserved then... I thought it was deleted because of what I posted!!.............. I posted it because it was NEWS!! not all have a morning paper and some no facility of a radio-t-v too if in work................It was what I would call news with a further loss(missing) of two female ladies of the streets.......
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Dec 12 2006, 02:18 PM
not all have a morning paper and some no facility of a radio-t-v too if in work
I disagree. And in the unlikely event that they don't, if they have access to a PC then then the internet is full of the latest news.
I thought anyone on the forum could start a thread about any subject, whether it was on the news or not.

Is there some on the forum's terms and conditions I have missed? :blink:
No I didn't, but that's not to say that the link couldn't have been deleted and perhaps the rest of the thread could have remained.

It's a horrific news item, and I am sure some people may want to comment on it if not now, in the future as the whole horrible course of events starts to unravel.
Originally posted by BrianH+Dec 12 2006, 02:21 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BrianH @ Dec 12 2006, 02:21 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Merlin the Magician@Dec 12 2006, 02:18 PM
not all have a morning paper and some no facility of a radio-t-v too if in work
I disagree. And in the unlikely event that they don't, if they have access to a PC then then the internet is full of the latest news. [/b][/quote]
Brian you are entitled your opinion exactly the same as myself!!

There are threads I don’t agree with one iota, but I just don't comment on them, or contribute or read, it’s not a crime mate to post something that I found interesting and NEWS and possibly being of some sort of use to others.......

There are posts that I think are absolute drivel but obviously not to the poster, or others that contribute to the same....... but as stated I don't say a word regards them...............

p.s POKER do not appeal to me in all honesty...but its the first time I have posted thus....... but its rare I would read something to do with POKER................ :rolleyes:

So it’s as I stated everyone to their own??????
Can anyone think of an incident when a murderer has ever handed themselves in based on a police appeal to do so? Why do they bother?
This seems to be very unusual murder enquiry. Five girls, in a relativlely small area, all "ladies of the night" surely, it won't be long until the murderer/serial killer is tracked down. I do wonder if the murderer is someone these girls already know or know of. I pray to God the murderer is found soon.
A couple of times police spokesmen have mentioned the possiblity of the involvement of a woman. I wonder whether a man and woman are at work as a team to lure the girls into what would appear to be the safe situation of a couple in a car for example. Just a theory.
Although the actions of the people on the site for which the link was deleted were disgusting , I for one am glad the link was put up. I did not know that there were such fecking shite people and I suspect I am not the only person that found it incredible.
The link was put up with warnings and was condemned by the poster. Others have put up links to speeches, etc of the fecking lunatics in the US administration which are scarcely less offensive. It would be wrong to delete those and in my view it was probably wrong to delete the link.

What can we discuss, condemn or otherwise on this general forum? Flowers, TV programmes and who is bonking who!
I'm struggling to believe that Suffolk police (who admittedly have a very poor performance rating for solving serious crime) haven't been able to get this sorted to be honest. Even I could have told them after the first 2, that it was the same person. Apparently there's only 30 prostitutes in Ipswich which gives you an element of victim prediction I'd have thought? It reminds me more of the 'Washington Sniper' than Sutcliffe in honesty. You've got to suspect that it's someone's whose flipped, I wouldn't have thought it was that difficult to profile them in honesty.

I just hope he doesn't turn to female members of the GP. I realise that sounds crass, and its not meant to sound how it might come across, but Sutcliffe started murdering prositutes, but later moved on to students and generally anyone he thought he could get away with. If the prostitutes do leave the street, and the murderer is indeed suffering some kind of compulsive disorder, then presumedly he's going to be capable of lashing out anywhere. If he can get through 5 murders in 10 days in a 6 mile radius, and focused on such a small pool of victims, and the police still can't find him, I seriously fear what might happen if he feels he wants to escalate further, either selecting a new target group, or moving into a new geographical area, as Suffolk constabulary are sending out all the messages to my ears that suggest they're out of their depth
I am not in the habit of deleting posts - in fact this is only the second that I have deleted in the history of the forum.

Those who read the comments posted will know why - plus I received Personal Messages from forum members asking whether it was right to have such a posting.

I have better thngs to do than to judge whether those who want something that they consider disgusting deleted should have their wishes honoured or whether to let those who want to discuss serial killings carry on doing so.

So carry on and enjoy yourselves on any bloody subject as far as I'm concerned and leave me to get on with things that matter.
Why has he been christened a "ripper"? Jack the Ripper used to disembowel his victims. Sutcliffe stabbed his. This guys apparantly a strangler. Just how much are the media licking their lips over this?
The media will be rolling in ecstasy at this story - probably they find the bodies coming almost too quickly, since it doesn't leave enough time between them for them to headline 'Who'll be next?' and other titillations.

The sooner that prostitution (per-lease, what is with this absurd 1950s 'vice girl' crap? The vice is with the user as much as the provider.) is legalised, so that women who pursue it as a career choice can work in the safety of properly-supervised houses, get regular health check-ups, and also pay tax on their earnings, the better.

Young women who patrol the streets by night have always known they were at risk, if only from rough customers and those who beat them up to avoid paying for the service they received. They should be able to work from clean, warm, comfortable surroundings like the prostitutes in Amsterdam or the Phillipines, who are required by their government to undergo regular health checks, including screening for STDs and HIV. That they're still wandering around cold pavements looking for a john is unacceptable in the 21st Century. Like drugs, it's really time to grow up about this.

I'm very sorry for the women's families, especially hit by their deaths just before Christmas. I don't suppose anyone will ever be 'proud' that a relative works at providing sexual services, but I'm sure that they loved them nonetheless. At least the police will have learned a lesson (well, one hopes) - as Warbler alludes - the deaths of a few prostitutes was seen as hardly newsworthy until Peter Sutcliffe began knocking off non-prostitutes. I'm not going to say, as the media did at the time, 'innocent young girls'. They're all innocent - they're just trying to make money their way, and they don't 'deserve' to die for it.
Yes my sentiments too Kriz. Who knows it might spark a debate along these lines yet, as I'm sure there's going to be an enquiry about this after its all over, as one instinctively feels that there's a catalogue of errors being made.

Considering they only need to be protecting 30 people (now 25) I'm not sure the police have done a terribly good job. If the guy starts lashing out into the general public God alive knows what Suffolk constabulary will do, if they can't shield a relatively small group in a small area of one modest sized town, with all the CCTV and back up support they have these days

To my way of looking at things they're giving the distinct impression of constantly being two steps behind, flying round in helicopters, flashing lights on cars, taping off areas and moving their cordons here and there, whilst they're doing all this the guys out there murdering his next victim.

I'd have thought it would be pretty easy to trap someone to be honest, with such an apparent sense of prediction governing his activity?. Or at the very least have a pretty good chance of turning up in the same spot at the same time etc Rather than chasing their tail, wouldn't they be better off concentrating on the small band of prostitutes who they could reasonably assume are the next target. To listen to the police sitting there behind their corporate logo and strap line, you'd think they were dealing with a criminal genius.

And to answer your question Gareth, I believe it's the Dail Mail who've dubbed him "The Suffolk Strangler". Not sure anything scans too well with Ipswich?
It should, technically, be the 'Ipswich Asphyxiator', if reports are correct that the lasses were asphyxiated, rather than strangled. Perhaps that's too difficult for the red top reader, though?

I'd have thought that the girls should all be issued with some sort of GPS tag, if that's not beyond the remit of our surveillance society? They should all use their mobiles to call in their positions to a dedicated 24-hour police service, and they should indicate where they're going, with what type of bloke, and in what type of car, and its number. If the johns don't like it, too bloody bad. If they use a hotel (such luxury!), they should indicate which one. Other than that, why aren't they all temporarily accommodated in a hostel, along the lines of those used by asylum seekers, and monitored?
I was thinking exactly the same as Kri yesterday regarding legalising it. If it was set-up legally in controlled and monitored areas in a similar way to how the Netherlands do it then the working girls and the clients would both be a lot safer.

It's a serious debate and one which is generally opposed by the general public and major politicians and seen as a step too far to the left. People need to get real and realise that small carefully chosen areas in cities where consenting adults exchange money for sexual services is better than 5 dead young women.

I know it's an old cliché but it's the oldest profession in the world and nobody is going to stop it no matter how draconian the laws are.
Originally posted by Aldaniti@Dec 13 2006, 10:19 AM
Completely agree regarding legalising it.
But where do they locate them...............? this was a bone of contention a few years ago here in the bronx and a petition was quickly drawn up to stop them coming here.

I really think that this is the MAJOR problem that they have not been legalised as such...........