Originally posted by clivex@Oct 25 2006, 07:15 PM
America, after this episode is more likely to become isolationist i believe. In fact american culture and history has often demostrated that to be their most natural instinct
Well if you'd prefer to walk away from the idea that the American is a serial 'observer' of its own people, then who am I to ask you to expand?
I'm interested by this notion though, and don't necessarily disagree with you in some respects. Can you not however seperate the battle for the heart of the Republican party and what you call isolationism and with it an inference of adopted American foreign policy? Indeed, would you not accept that you could be confusing the concept of America with a political party? The Democrats, have afterall traditionally reached out more internationally than their Republican opponents. Do you not think that there's a possibility that a change of partisan political leadership might actually trigger a knee jerk reaction to embrace a wider global perspective in recognition of the previous regimes failures?
I'd be interested to hear if you have any analogies regarding the debate that challenged the heart of the Republican party in the 1950's regarding the internationalist Eisenhower, and the isolationist Taft. The latter of course, lets not forget was another limited horizon thinking,
an America 1st, 2nd and 3rd Texan. Eisenhower of course being a General of recent global magnitude possessed an international perspective, and argued this successfully so. Number 43 by contrast, until becoming President had only ever spent a 2 week holiday in Mexico, I had more international diplomatic experience than he. Number 41 when in power, actually tried to throw off his Texan background for fear of it being conceived as baggage. He was happier to trade on his on his Ivy League, Vice Presidential Statesman role. His son by contrast, is only to happy to have himself photographed in cowboy outfits, he even tries to mimick the walk of the archetypal gunslinger (watch him next time he walks face on to a podium)
And do you remember when he was famously interviewed on Foreign Affairs in the Presidential Campaign, and asked to name the President of Pakistan? In faltering hesistancy he said "err...... the General..... General.....He's recently taken power" (if I'm verbatim incorrect, can someone please do the decent thing - preferably in bold type and block capitals preferably
). So you think the USA might get even more isolationist?
i doubt it, so long there's Gold in there damn hills!!!! Corporate America will demand, and more importantly, finance it.