Is Donald Trump mad?

I think the universities being left-wing training children to be victims is one of the most boring tropes of the right-wing commentators. The Ben Shapiro, Milo, Breitbart alt-right clan. There are some universities where it has become an issue where some students have protested against speeches from these likes. The idea that the whole of academia can be decried because of this is utter twaddle. It is the mirror image of uber liberal anti-trumpers.

One of the better posts on this thread, except the part of the mirror image.
Comparing this university nothingness to that maniac Trump is like equating the outcome of a minor cold to a global viral outbreak that kills millions.
Trump is infinitely more dangerous than some universities coddling their students.
Roll on the protest movement

But keep on ranting Slim it's nothing if not amusing.
I think the universities being left-wing training children to be victims is one of the most boring tropes of the right-wing commentators. The Ben Shapiro, Milo, Breitbart alt-right clan. There are some universities where it has become an issue where some students have protested against speeches from these likes. The idea that the whole of academia can be decried because of this is utter twaddle. It is the mirror image of uber liberal anti-trumpers.

I'd like to see you argue that point with Jordan Peterson or Bret Weinstein.
Doug Jones is probably value.

What's 2/7? about 78%? so Jones must be about 3/1 or 11/4

In 2012 Moore got 52% on the ballot for the Alabama Supreme Court. On the same day Mitt Romney got 61% in the Presidential. Therefore about 9% of Republican voting Alabamans took a decision not to vote down the ticket, and made a conscious choice to support Romney but not Moore. People already knew he had a history and reputation

The other unknown factor of course is going to be female voters telling pollsters and their family one thing, and then once in the privacy of the voting booth, doing another. We might also see a little bit from the usual stay at home, what's the point Democrats turning out too

I think it's likely close, but then I have very little faith in Alabama

I would proceed with caution personally there. I could be mistaken, but I remember reading that Moore actually outperformed polls in that SC race on the day...

Polls seem to have a tough time getting a representative sample from the evangelical Christian element in the southern states for some reason, which in my experience can lead to GOP candidates out performing polls on the day. Also, the actual polling methodology tends to be much less refined in places that normally do not produce competitive races. I would not be laying 2/7 anyway...

It's a remarkable race. I read a quote from a Republican political consultant in an article today saying Alabama 'would elect a stick of dynamite to Washington if they could... and Roy Moore is a stick of dynamite in walking form' (very badly paraphrased).
Yeah, Im aware of the Weinstein and Peterson and Milo and Shapiro etc and their arguments. The idea that this is the stick to beat all academia with is nonsense. Tthose 'provacatuers' have got more mileage of those protests than any damage was done to them. It also allows them to peddle the nonsense that they have the truth which the establishment wont allow them to speak out. Liberal arts colleges have an agenda - to teach from evidence. There does seem to be a small sector that are keen to be seen to do good by minorities (not entirely sure what is wrong wtih that). However, the argument that they have an agenda is a different shade of the right wing argument that wants evolution to be taught as a theory, that income inequality is not what leads to social disruption, that the provision of basic health care is a communism, etc. The right wing dont like what is overwhelmingly seen as best knowledge in the field being against their ideas. Would be interesting to see how much conscience, ethics, equitable tax etc, is thought in the US MBAs. Guess that doesnt get the attention of Peterson and Weinstein. They could all go to Trump University.
I had listened a lot to shapiro for a while. Would wonder where he is getting his sponsorship from, but the line that got me in the end was that Colin Kaepernick couldnt get a job in the NFL, but he is a rubbish quarterback. Where anyone with a brain knows that he should have a team, except for the controversy. Anyway, that was the end of me and Ben.

This was a good read.
I had listened a lot to shapiro for a while. Would wonder where he is getting his sponsorship from, but the line that got me in the end was that Colin Kaepernick couldnt get a job in the NFL, but he is a rubbish quarterback. Where anyone with a brain knows that he should have a team, except for the controversy. Anyway, that was the end of me and Ben.

This was a good read.

A very good read
The phrase "He doesn’t listen to anyone, he just confronts them". Pretty much sums up that whole segment of right winged "righteousness".
Not unlike my favorite poster on this thread :cool:
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I'll let you at it Brendan to lead the resistance by giving liberal views on the thread a pat on the back. I'll get on with my life. Be sure to retweet Ed today...
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I had listened a lot to shapiro for a while. Would wonder where he is getting his sponsorship from, but the line that got me in the end was that Colin Kaepernick couldnt get a job in the NFL, but he is a rubbish quarterback. Where anyone with a brain knows that he should have a team, except for the controversy. Anyway, that was the end of me and Ben.

This was a good read.

He's done the "Waking Up" podcast with Sam Harris. If someone on the left like Sam Harris who is an intellectual ninja will talk with Shapiro then chances are you're wrong about him.
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I also listen to Sam Harris and the Waking up Podcast. I know he had booked him but havent heard the podcast yet. It must be recent. I think Sam Harris is about as good as there is and Ben Affleck jumping down his throat on Bill Maher's programme was a clear sign of the problems with the hollywood left.

Im not sure what 'you're wrong about him' means really. It will be interesting to see how they get on. My bet is you havent heard it. You are coming across as someone who has dipped their toe in the alt-right stream of nonsense and likes the spikiness of it. Screw them snowflake cucks. However it is just the cool kids alternative to Fox News and tries to provide a pseudo-theoretical backing to the powerful keeping power, and is funded by the same people funding NRA, Trump, Bannon, Breitbart etc. Just have the balls to come out as a Trump supporter.
I'll get on with my life.

So what does that look like then, the pursuit of mindless debauchery with some pro gambling sprinkled in?

By the way I haven't retweeted a single Ed K, I have to this day not retweeted a single time on twitter. My goal in twitter life is to get to zero followers. Seems to be harder to do than reach a million followers.
I also listen to Sam Harris and the Waking up Podcast. I know he had booked him but havent heard the podcast yet. It must be recent. I think Sam Harris is about as good as there is and Ben Affleck jumping down his throat on Bill Maher's programme was a clear sign of the problems with the hollywood left.

Im not sure what 'you're wrong about him' means really. It will be interesting to see how they get on. My bet is you havent heard it. You are coming across as someone who has dipped their toe in the alt-right stream of nonsense and likes the spikiness of it. Screw them snowflake cucks. However it is just the cool kids alternative to Fox News and tries to provide a pseudo-theoretical backing to the powerful keeping power, and is funded by the same people funding NRA, Trump, Bannon, Breitbart etc. Just have the balls to come out as a Trump supporter.

If that were the case why would I listen to Sam Harris? He has about 40 hours of talking about his opposition to Trump. This thread is a perfect example of people being unable to dicuss culture/politics.
I also listen to Sam Harris and the Waking up Podcast. I know he had booked him but havent heard the podcast yet. It must be recent. I think Sam Harris is about as good as there is and Ben Affleck jumping down his throat on Bill Maher's programme was a clear sign of the problems with the hollywood left.

Im not sure what 'you're wrong about him' means really. It will be interesting to see how they get on. My bet is you havent heard it. You are coming across as someone who has dipped their toe in the alt-right stream of nonsense and likes the spikiness of it. Screw them snowflake cucks. However it is just the cool kids alternative to Fox News and tries to provide a pseudo-theoretical backing to the powerful keeping power, and is funded by the same people funding NRA, Trump, Bannon, Breitbart etc. Just have the balls to come out as a Trump supporter.

I'm long on record as saying I'm a Trump supporter in real life and online. I couldn't make it more obvious.
I'm long on record as saying I'm a Trump supporter in real life and online. I couldn't make it more obvious.

Fair enough. Why do you think I'd have it on record that you are a Trump supporter? Im not that interested. It was that the liberal bubble, free-speech limiting, universities are biased, there are bad guys on both sides arguments that were in vogue 12 months ago served their purpose.

Did anything that 'intellectual ninja' Sam Harris on Trump stick with you?
Fair enough. Why do you think I'd have it on record that you are a Trump supporter? Im not that interested. It was that the liberal bubble, free-speech limiting, universities are biased, there are bad guys on both sides arguments that were in vogue 12 months ago served their purpose.

Did anything that 'intellectual ninja' Sam Harris on Trump stick with you?

You're treating me with a lot of cotempt here. I make my own my mind up about stuff. I've always been edgy and spoke my mind so lumping me in with the alt right is a cheap shot. The correct term is alt light by the way.
The universities are biased is straight from the alt-right. It is a deliberate tactic. I was judging you on that, and the liberal bubble nonsense. I didn't know you were a Trump supporter until this evening. I'm sorry if I offend you with the 'cheap shot'. Jaysus, we've gone full circle.
The universities are biased is straight from the alt-right. It is a deliberate tactic. I was judging you on that, and the liberal bubble nonsense. I didn't know you were a Trump supporter until this evening. I'm sorry if I offend you with the 'cheap shot'. Jaysus, we've gone full circle.

The universaties debate isn't alt right. I found Bret Weinstein and Jordan Peterson's views on it quite shocking.

Anyway no point us going around in circles.
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2/7 shot down in flames.
Next stop for Roy Moore the devil's fingernail as it bores itself into his ass for all eternity.
Even the white fat toothless banjo playing inbreds wouldn't vote for them,the end is nigh....:cool: