I used to drive one Ted!!! :lol: Hideous vehicles they are too, and in those days at least, weren't required to pass an MoT, the result was that they're just about the most unroadworthy vehicle out there. Turning a corner was like operating a sluice gate. I'm sure that I heard that they are involved in more accidents pro rata than any other vehicle on the road. Mind you I knocked a lamp post over the first time I took control of one, when the lock wouldn't turn off and just kept going around in the same circle. Couldn't find the break quick enough, as that was about 6 inches above the accelerator, and had to be pushed down like the old fashioned sewing machine type thing.Originally posted by Ted@Jan 4 2007, 07:21 PM
I think I'll make my next vehicle a milk float, at least that is until the government decides that even that is too fast.
I'm pleased to know I'm in the 5% Brian