They did have a band I'm told, but no brass.
Goat-skin drum things, mainly.
Was it Goat Skin or....

They did have a band I'm told, but no brass.
Goat-skin drum things, mainly.
Neither were the 50's mentioned either, the middle of which saw the Algerian/French war of independence. Thinking, you must be pushing on a bit now to have seen nationalist slogans pasted on the walls of Algiers back then.
The Algerian jihadist war began in 1990 if memory serves, which is as near as damned to the 80's in any religion. I'm kinda hoping I might be excused for being out a year by most reasonable people, no?
I don't quite follow.irrespective of where ISIS really has its roots they are recruiting from around the world because there are so many young disenfranchised Muslims,
this is nonsense. Whatever you think of Bush's words (which are repeated over and over) those states were clearly different issues. Also there is no evidence that other states financed 9/11 just as there isnt any direct evidence surrounding ISIS. States clearly cannot be held responsible for funding from individuals and its absurd to suggest that Saudi arabia for one would fund Bin laden given that his agenda was the overthrow and presumably death of those that were supposedly funding themCan't think that many of them came from Iraq or Libya though - or for that matter Cuba, but George W Bush put them on his axis of evil, whilst those countries who supplied them and funded them were given 'most favoured nation status'
If you had the faintest idea of what you were talking about you would know full well that ISIS is not AQ and there is no love lost between either faction
And ISIS is operating within one small area. Global jihad? Are you kidding?
I'm led to understand that the security spooks would rather the online outlets used by terrorists not be closed down. Online chatter can be a goldmine of information it seems.
Also I think, in a perverse way, the horrors that ISIS perpetrate and are proud to flaunt should be displayed if only to expose the nature of their evil.
I don't quite follow.
Estimates are that around a quarter of ISIS foreign fighters are British. Are young muslims in Britain really disenfranchised? I understood "disenfranchised" to mean being deprived of one's citizenship rights -- like the right to vote, the right to work, the right to own property, etc etc. Are British muslims so oppressed as that?
How dare you.Moron.
too simplistic
For a start it clearly hasnt taken the execution to make the weat aware of ISIS
I suggest you get a dictionary before dishing it out.
1. to deprive (a person) of the right to vote or other rights of citizenship
2. to deprive (a place) of the right to send representatives to an elected body
3. to deprive (a business concern, etc) of some privilege or right
4. to deprive (a person, place, etc) of any franchise or right
And if disenfranchisement is such an issue (which it isn't frankly) why are they dedicated to disenfranchising others? I think if was a supposed victim then I wouldn't wish it on others would I?