Actually we need some context
What I'm about to tell you is shocking, and I hope you can cope with it
War is nasty, real people get killed, and people do bad things to each other - shock
That they've used a Brit to behead an American isn't a coincidence of course. The White House will see through this, albeit they'll need to keep one eye on American public opinion. Having said that, and this is the perversity of the world, they might actually be mildly grateful for this incident at the momemt, given what's happening domestically. Better to have their news filled up by stories of British jihadists executing gallant journos than Policeman shooting dead black teenagers. It's almost ironic too given the emphasis that Cameron has placed on border controls that the Home Office had to pay £250m yesterday in compensation to an American contractor for screwing the whole thing up (at a time when the government has cut back on customs and border check personnel)
I suppose at one level the panic that it was designed to sow has worked as Cameron comes scuttling back to Downing Street kakking himself and calls yet more COBRA meetings. Did the Americans call a National Security Council when it transpired that money raised in Boston was used to bomb Birmingham pubs? Don't think so, or that their own troops were flying sorties over Vietnam using peasent farmers as target practise for fun. Nah they swept that under the carpet. What about their gung-ho A10 pilots who were complaining that they couldn't find any traffic in 1991 before deciding to take a speculative punt on a British armoured vehicle 10 mins later?
**** happens - it's that simple. Combatants and non-combatants have always been executed in the history of warfare. Sure it's not good, but we need some context, and a thought out response
I say that because one thing you need to bear in mind before you go diving in, is that all the evidence of these types of scatter gun campaigns points to you recruiting more to the cause you're trying to defeat. Martin McGuiness was always very clear on this and openly admits he couldn't recruit prior to Bloody Sunday, but never had any problems afterwards. I suspect that in the UK you could easily find a second front opens up very quickly.
OK Cameron's a clown, and is making himself look more and more peripheral and ridiculous by the day, but we knew that. Thankfully his useless Foreign Secretary as was isn't there now. I suspect events will quucikly over run Cameron now, if they haven't already. His attempts to present himself as the global narrator are only being reported in this country as far as I can see. The Americans started bombing the IS last week, and the French have been supplying the Kurdisn with weapons directly on the same time scale. Cameron is left saying that we haven't received any requests yet. Well war moves at a faster pace then your committee process Dave, so you won't do. In any event, we haven't much that would be of any use to them anyway when they can get superior equipment today, then Britains shite hardware in a months a time (boots, radios and body armour aren't really that much help in the now)