Isn't It About Time Fireworks

There is now a ban on public sales in Gib and the difference is amazing. Instead of kids blowing up dustbins and the like, we were treated to the sound of silence.

Only time will tell if Spain have any on sale coming towards New Year.
Fair enough Bar but I reckon it's worth a try, at least. If it doesn't work it doesn't work!

I'm amazed they've clamped down on them in Gib CF - mind you one only has to hop over the border and buy a load in La Linea anyway! God knows what's going on in the country - at this rate Gib will find itself dragged kicking and screaming into the 1990's if they're lucky!! Why, they're even clamping down on the sale of prescription drugs (well, ish - if you go to the right people you're still ok!!!) - next thing they'll think about raising the legal drinking age from 16, God forbid!!! :laughing:
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Nov 5 2007, 07:59 PM
Fair enough Bar but I reckon it's worth a try, at least. If it doesn't work it doesn't work!

I'm amazed they've clamped down on them in Gib CF - mind you one only has to hop over the border and buy a load in La Linea anyway! God knows what's going on in the country - at this rate Gib will find itself dragged kicking and screaming into the 1990's if they're lucky!! Why, they're even clamping down on the sale of prescription drugs (well, ish - if you go to the right people you're still ok!!!) - next thing they'll think about raising the legal drinking age from 16, God forbid!!! :laughing:
They are seriously considering banning smoking in public places too.
Illegal in all states and territories of Australia, excluding Canberra (ACT).

So of course all the baffoons go down there, buy them and blow them up randomly.

Though they are legal to use if you have a permit, which is quite easy to obtain.
It's like sodding Beirut around here tonight. The bangers being let off are nothing short of criminal and I'm not far off going to bang on the door of the house in question to give the arseholes a piece of my mind.

The sooner the sale of fireworks is banned the better, in my book.
Absolute nightmare round here

Firstly..some bangs are so huge that how can it be that the fireworks are legal?

Second (and this isnt a race thing...) the indian diwali thing went on to 3am in Hounslow area last night. luckily im a couple of miles away but it was still very loud...
I have done a lot of chasing regards the display (noise) that we had to endure on NOV;4TH at the park adjacent to my abode(which they say they are going to make an annual event) with huge air bangers that frightened both the people and the animals, and shook my house on a few occasions.
I had a answer yesterday from the Senydd (assembly) that I hope comes to fruition? If you need to complain, complain to your local noise pollution officer and your M.P. or councillor or all three, something needs to be done to stop these horrendous AIR BOMBS that they now sell and that are used in displays in built up areas.......

Dear John,
So sorry I missed this email from you. I remember reading it and meaning to respond but then got overtaken by hundreds of them! Sometimes I think emails are the worse thing ever invented but I don't know what I'd do without them now!

I agree with you about the very loud bangers and to be honest, I thought the noise levels were now regulated. I will make some general enquiries then will make some specific ones in regard to official firework displays in Cardiff and get some advice from the Police, council and RSPCA. I agree totally with your concerns about animals and I chair the All Party Animal Welfare Group and we had most of our members complaining about the noise and distress caused to all sorts of animals - horses, dogs, cats and birds etc.

will be in touch again but will put a few questions down to the Ministers in the first instance, although I think the issue of legislation for this sort of thing rests with Parliament so will also raise it with Alun Michael.

all the best, and a Happy New Year

Lorraine Barrett AM
Cardiff South & Penarth
National Assembly for Wales
CF99 1NA
Oh well, it's that time of year again. Thought I was in for a result last night since it was hacking down with rain but alas, the rain stopped around 9pm and suddenly the skies lit up and the place sounded like downtown Kabul.

Been feeding the dog valerian and kalms tablets all night to no avail - she was still going mental, panting away, scratching away at me constantly, little heart beating - great! Managed to blag an ACP from a passing vet a few days ago so just trying to work out whether they'll be more of the bloody things let off on Wednesday or next Saturday.....

FWIW, I did write a letter to the local MP last year who replied to say that he agreed with me, it was distressing and that (if memory serves) there had been plans mooted to regulate firework sales prior to the last election but it was shelved due to lack of time.
Our town's official fireworks display took place last nght. Our wee fella was a quivering wreck within five minutes but I chastised myself for not turning up the volume on the telly as soon as was aware of the noise. He ended up going into the mother-in-law's boudoir where the noise was virtually inaudible and she keeps her telly volume up much louder. He wasn't too bad after that but last night was probably just the beginning.

Its scheduled to go again on the 5th this time I will be recording it sound as well and sending a copy to the so called regulators, to have it stopped or moved if they fail to take the banger element out of the show....

No one would complain about a display but the banger element must be lessened or stopped.....

And yes my poor pet[Holly, a Macaw] along with many others is going to suffer because of other peoples selfishness.....

I asked the madam[and she is a madam ] who organised it where she lived, and said why don't you have it outside your house or I'll come up and let some BANGERS off outside your house ! But it obviously fell on deaf ears......
I hate fireworks. even as a kid they did nothing for me.> despise them. Outright ban regardless

Pets are 365 days of the year and give great comfiort to many. Fireworks are tantamount to animal cruelty
Well I like them, but I must say, I'm having tremedous difficulty in justifying their sale and really can't argue with the central tenet of the thread
Fair enough Bar but I reckon it's worth a try, at least. If it doesn't work it doesn't work!

I'm amazed they've clamped down on them in Gib CF - mind you one only has to hop over the border and buy a load in La Linea anyway! God knows what's going on in the country - at this rate Gib will find itself dragged kicking and screaming into the 1990's if they're lucky!! Why, they're even clamping down on the sale of prescription drugs (well, ish - if you go to the right people you're still ok!!!) - next thing they'll think about raising the legal drinking age from 16, God forbid!!! :laughing:

Gib are raising the drinking age. Still 12 in La Linea though.
Fireworks started here at the weekend which is pretty late for this area - I've got one cat that's not too bothered but the other one's terrified. Even though I've got all the window's shut and the tv turned up the bangers still seem incredibly loud and there's nowhere in the house that you can get away from the noise. The poor cat's taken to living under my bed. Just wish they'd stick to the 5th and then that's it.
Well, it's that bastard time of year again. I thought I'd gotten off relatively lightly last night as I'd drugged the old dog up with some herbal sleeping tablets which made her dopey and a hell of a lot less anxious but it appears she messed everywhere during the night which I hadn't realised, not having discovered it nor cleaned it up (result!!!) myself.

However on going down to muck out the 'oss I spoke to the farmer's daughter who is out looking for one of their old sheepdogs. Poor bugger took off in fright on hearing the fireworks last night. He's a lovely old dog - and a brilliant worker - who is much missed; what makes it more upsetting for all is that he was owned by the farmer's late father who sadly passed away only a few weeks ago.

It really is about time that fireworks were banned from public sale, we go through this every year - and sadly the worst is probably yet to come over the weekend.
I didn't hear or see a single firework last night. Very surprising. I haven't heard from home yet how stressed the dog was.
It's been very quiet around here as well.

Nothing at all before last night.

Shads, you have my sympathy over the dog situation but it is very unlikely that you are going to end a tradition that has been going on so long. TLC and a close eye on your pets is the best you can do in this instance.
I would like to see them legally available here. They're illegal which means kids buy all kinds of crap on the black market.

They also took adds out in the papers on Halloween to remind people that bonfires are illegal. They can f off on that one.
I thought I'd gotten off relatively lightly last night as I'd drugged the old dog up with some herbal sleeping tablets which made her dopey and a hell of a lot less anxious.

That sounds interesting. Do you know if it would have the same effect on humans by any chance?
Colin, I'm not wanting to end any tradition. I think that fireworks should be banned from being sold to the general public and that they should only be sold to licensed people holding proper events.

TLC does nothing to help a frantic animal when they are in that much of a state.