It's been a while!!!

I'm going to guess by the number of didn't own horses:)

i don't remember you..but welcome back anyway

whats the score then? an AW man..jumps man..spit..turf flat
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Parsnip! You're back! Obviously all the trainers behaving at the moment then?
Ah yes - otherwise known as Phillip in my previous :lol: Gawd knows where I got Phillip from, but names have never been a strong point of mine (numbers I can remember)
No idea who you are but I used to love a Cadbury's Fudge but haven't had one since I moved to they still make them?
Hi all, yes not been on here for years, for the odd ones that don't remember or don't know.

I was an apprentice and conditional before becoming a work rider, assistant trainer and travelling head lad and worked for various trainers; R Charlton, D Elsworth, D Loder, C Wall, J Gosden, R Varian.

I am now working for the National Association of Stable Staff.
I remember you from here and the OH days!! Welcome back lad. Still follow the Wall stable with interest!