Jamie Spencer

Look at the ride given to Limato today miles the best horse in the race - pushed like mad and the jockey hit him . Piggott,Cauthen or Eddery would have eased him home and taken far less out of the horse .
jamie did nothing wrong in the big Aussie sprint race to finish third.
He is everyone's go to guy when a tricky one needs a ride and if he does not get the best result on a given day the horses improve for the experience.
Funnily enough one bookie firm have a free bet cashback offer if your horse comes second; with a picture of jamie on the poster !
Them bookies do not miss much.
SdS looks very strong compared with other jockeys. He has powerful looking arms and upper torso, I'd fancy him against any of his colleagues in a wrestling contest. I think this physical strength is his main asset and tactically he avoids complicating things when he knows he's on the best horse in a race.
He looks like the McCoy of the flat..What I like and respect about the guy he fights all the way to the line unlike some.

My pet hate is Crowley...I am sick of watching this guy not try a leg when the actual winning chance is gone.

On Monday you should watch the guy on Mutafarrid and compare his body language to the ride on Alfarqad earlier in the day........He had place backers pulling there hair out and the layers loving him...He has let success go to his head IMO