Jayz, it's that time again! Cheltnum previews...


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
Surely to God someone's got to be first with these? I know Plumpton's already advertising theirs, although the guests are still TBA. Can't we start the unbearably long countdown to the Festival now? :D
On 23 September 2011, at about 11.30, my son and I were approached in a Belfast shopping centre by a young lady with a clipboard who asked if she might put a few questions to us. "Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?", was her first question. It was also her last, because we backed away as calmly as we could before making a charge for the exit.
Didn't these kick off in something like September last year, to my unbridled horror? I'm really only semi in jest about them, because for some folks on here, they've been virtually on Pause until now, and the previews spark the season off for them, poor mad creatures that they are.

Troodles - shoot, sorry, kiddo. I forgot that everything on TH is prefaced by "The Road to... " including previews of previews of reviews of reviews and...

... frankly, buoyed by turning £1 into £4.60 at Hove Dogs this afternoon and subsequently backing my friends' four dogs to gallant fourths and fifths (of six, mind you), I've laid into a flagon of Famous Grouse I forgot I'd bought for someone's birthday... which I also forgot, rather conveniently now, as it happens. Must calm down and behave.
At least you buy presents for people and then forget to give them to them. I go out to buy things for people, buy things for myself and then run out of money.
I have unearthed a huge sack of prezzies I've bought through the year for various people, Moe, and have actually wrapped several tonight as I can't stand doing it all just days before Christmas! I now have no recollection of who I intended some perfume for, when I bought it back in April. I may just have to use it mysef...
Always used to buy clothes for myself round Christmas time. When the ex used to ask where all the money had gone, I'd shrug my shoulders, roll my eyes and say 'Christmas'..
Just got this one via email:

THE LONDON RACING CLUB Kensington Forum (Holiday Inn), just behind Gloucester Road Tube Station.

Tuesday, November 8, 7.30 pm. Members free, nonmembers £5 and membership available on the night. To reserve, call the Secretary, Kate Austin, on 07711 260 973.

The panel looks like being Leighton Aspell representing the jocks, Kate Miller from William Hill, Matthew Taylor of ATR, Andrew Barr (Chair) of RUK and the RP, and Declan Rix, ex-Ballydoyle.

See also http://www.londonracingclub.co.uk
Just got this one via email:

THE LONDON RACING CLUB Kensington Forum (Holiday Inn), just behind Gloucester Road Tube Station.

Tuesday, November 8, 7.30 pm. Members free, nonmembers £5 and membership available on the night. To reserve, call the Secretary, Kate Austin, on 07711 260 973.

The panel looks like being Leighton Aspell representing the jocks, Kate Miller from William Hill, Matthew Taylor of ATR, Andrew Barr (Chair) of RUK and the RP, and Declan Rix, ex-Ballydoyle.

See also http://www.londonracingclub.co.uk
