

At the Start
May 4, 2003
Watching the racing today, I can't help thinking how brilliant Murphy, McCoy and Walsh are compared with the rest.

I was on Redemption each way at 18/1. Compare the ride he got today with Llewellyn's pathetic attempt on him last time. And then you see Walsh nursing Le Duc along the inside, taking advantage of cover between Redemption and himself to sneak up into contention. Brilliant stuff.

Murphy on Korelo was beautiful (I backed Mccoy's mount Lotus Des Pictons) too.
They r good, i dont think Llewellyn is as bad as u make out to be. There r lots of good jocks around - Dobbin, Mick Fitz, Geraghty, Lee but Ruby, Timmy,AP and Paul Carberry does stand out compare to the rest.

How about the worse jock??? 1 where even if u fancy the runner, but wont bet because of the jockey??? i will be interested??...judging by some people's comments in the bookies i heard today, i do sometimes wonder what racing i've been watching compare to them.....for instance im not backin him cos Mick Fitz is on board, AP is a not-nice man......also Murphy left the horse too much to do on it takes time today, otherwise he would have won...HELLO????God wouldnt have won on it takes time today..but of course i kept my mouth shut.

I would add to Murphy,McCoy and Wals 2 more:
Geragthy and Paul Carberry.

About Llewelyn, simply pathetic.
What a shame fundamentalist the hands of that trainer jockey combination.
Suny's list would be mine too. My top 5 would be:

1) Carberry
4)Barry G

Five superb jocks with Carberry just a freak of nature.
fitzgerald is weak of the bridle nowafays and i would be amazed if he is still riding ina year or so.

ruby also is another jockey who is not as strong as he might be off the bridle. undobtedly he is a top horseman and one of the best tactically. get him off the bridle and there isnt much there!!!!

warren marston is avery strong jockey and one of only a few who would be able to scrub a horse along for the whole race. mccoy and johnson being the others,

how many out there could ride a horse for the whole race and win????
fitz - no ruby - no, murphy - ???, carberry??
fudge u say that but really in essence it isnt true.

would you back solerina in a selling hurdle at plumpton, if i was riding?
My order is :
B Geragthy

I think AP is not in the best of form but still very very good.
Have just seen the race in question and I have to agree, the front 2 were brilliant.
Got to agree with the consensus here.

Paul Carberry is a fantastic horseman, i'd love it if he chose to ride this side of the water more often. I'm sure he must have had offers.

Other than Carberry, AP, Murphy, Ruby and Geraghty, there seems to be a pretty decent divide. Mick Fitz is a shadow of his former self, although i do like Sam Thomas and Tony Dobbin.
In my humble opinion, Paul Carberry is by far the best jockey in Ireland and the UK. He's a bit of a nutter though, and his previous stint in England didn't work out. Having said that, I think he has matured lately and is kicking proverbial butt.

Next best is TJ Murphy, for me a super jockey with great hands and great at getting hold a tune into horses, especially hold up types.

Although he has a different style, as a person he reminds me a bit of J Titley, who was a fearless jock over the fences.

McCoy is super on temperamental animals who need a good rousting. But I really do think he is over-rated.

Ruby does sit a bit 'too' stylishly sometimes, which is annoying. Perouse v Limerick Boy is one race from last year that comes to mind.

But I think he's better than Geraghty, who is a bit of a showboater and has not followed up on his Chelt performances of 2 yrs ago.

Andrew Thornton is a very underrated chase jockey. R Johnson is a good chase jock. I don't think W Marston gets the respect he deserves.

Of the poor jockeys, JP Magnier is an absolute joke. Llewellyn is not my cup of tea and I think Mick Fitz has seen better days. Conor O'Dwyer is in and out.

If you look at who was riding Leopardstown over Xmas, you'll realise there is a real shortage of top jocks.

And that horse Joly Bey will never win the race he deserves with the owner on top.
andrew thornton has lost his bottle after some falls.

so he is now unstylish, weak, and i also heard a rumour, he likes betyfair!!!!
I lost a good few quid on a place only bet on Monkerhostin today but in my opinion Murphy stole this race.He rode an exempary race on a horse that is probably one of the most quirky in training-did anyone notice him trying to duck out at the last.What odds Westender being the best of the English in the Champion Hurdle.
I don't know if he 'stole' it. His horse had a stone advantage at the weights and was entitled to win if he put his best foot forward (and stayed, which he obviously did).

What was exemplary was the way he dictated a good, but not break-neck, pace from the front. I hope a certain other 'top' jockey was watching how it should be done...
To get a horse like that an uncontested lead was everything-how many times have we seen Westender pushed along early in a race-he must have really enjoyed himself today.How long since his last victory.
What's with every's view against Mick Fitz?? Im intrgued...must admit i havent seen him ride that many 'bad' races...can any1 give me an example or a couple where he made a meal of it?

Will, will you watch your language? (Even if you're quoting some scum-mouth.) We've been censored for using the "wank" word on "General Chat" and if people on here were REALLY concerned about something meant to be jokey corrupting young readers, they should take offence to the "c" word being insinuated. I'm actually offended by this ugly word gaining common usage. This is becoming the most guttersnipe country imaginable, after the USA, and if we're to mind our p's and q's on here, then this is one word that should be OUT. Thank you.
We've PM'd each other, Will - just a point that if the mods want naughty words off-site, well... <_< But thanks for your courtesy - it's appreciated, and maybe we do need to keep the rougher cuss words in check.
Carberry is head & shoulders the best jumps jockey riding - he is a natural horseman & very talented. I also rate highly Ruby, Richard Johnson, Jim Culloty, Micky Fitz & Timmy Murphy....Choc Thornton is often under-rated too, he can be very strong & is another good horseman.
I've no personal feeling against Joe Tizzard, but I do think he's a first-class basher. You see (as per today in the RP report on his win at Fontwell) him regularly mentioned as giving 'a forceful ride', etc. He starts whacking away at his rides very early on and I think some of them must eventually get sour from the experience. Horses should enjoy the jobs we give them to do, not run out of fear of being walloped throughout a race. He's a nice enough rider in style, but I just don't like the hefty use of his whip.

If I had a horse I wanted to be encouraged to enjoy its' racing, I'd ask for Andy Thornton. He's not the tidiest in the saddle, but I'm not aware of him getting whip bans regularly and he never seems to over-ask. He seems to be a nice bloke, too, although that's based on just a few passing pleasantries.
I know this thread is about jump jockeys but has anyone noticed that George Baker is riding out his skin on the flat despite the poxy rides he's often lumbered with. Regulars will know I've been a fan of his for many years and, given he spent a winter in Dubai 2 or 3 years ago, I can't understand why Godolphin continue to use dumplings like Durcan, Supple & Hills when they could've had GB. The boy is the nearest thing you'll get to Frankie and would've been a more able deputy than Kerrin McEvoy.