Jumps Race Videos

Arkle was beaten by Mill House and Happy Spring by along way. Then he lost to Strabridge Coloinist. was 2nd in that race with What A Myth just behind in 3rd which is on youtube............He finished 3rd behind Flying Wild and Buona Notte and 2nd to Dormant.
I may not know much, but one thing I do know, is that speculating about how much weight Arkle might or might not have been able to concede to Kauto Star, Sprinter Sacre - or any other horse that's run in the last 40 years - is complete conjecture, a waste of energy, and certainly not something to be falling-out over.
Arkle was beaten by Mill House and Happy Spring by along way. Then he lost to Strabridge Coloinist. was 2nd in that race with What A Myth just behind in 3rd which is on youtube............He finished 3rd behind Flying Wild and Buona Notte and 2nd to Dormant.

Suspect it would have been the Stalbridge Colonist race.
I may not know much, but one thing I do know, is that speculating about how much weight Arkle might or might not have been able to concede to Kauto Star, Sprinter Sacre - or any other horse that's run in the last 40 years - is complete conjecture, a waste of energy, and certainly not something to be falling-out over.

So you telling us that Constitution Hill just wins, and places himself amongst the all-time great hurdlers. Wasn't comparing him to the likes of Night Nurse Monksfield and Istabraq?:whistle:
Comparisons are fine.

Being dogmatic about how much weight one could give to the other? There’s no way to prove it, and therefore getting into a full-scale barney about such a hypothetical, subjective and imaginary race, is a pointless exercise in futility.
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You have gone through this thread without one constructive comment. Reapeatedly told me I am being silly and I am clutching at straws but made no effort to put up an argumnet or debate anything.

Now with wires connected to the moon from that brain of yours you butt in while I am having a laugh with Grassy and have concluded once again I am silly and that racing which has been around since the 1750's s is about to be banned.:blink:

I know not which websites you visit but it certainly doesn't include the ones Kevin Blake was on when he ripped the head of the protesters a new one.

This latest protest has backfired big time on them and all it managed to do is get the BHA's back up to condemn them.

We got too many Honeysuckles, Constitution Hill's and Galopin Des Champs warming the cockles of our hearts to be worrying about a few hundred anoraks with nothing better to do with their pathetic lives.

OK……this time, try paying attention, and at least attempt to wrap your brain around the point I’m desperately trying to make you understand.

You can compare using weights all you like. The problem is when someone is being dogmatic about it, and claiming some sense of supremacy over an alternative opinion, that is pointless and idiotic. To then further compound the issue by actually falling-out with someone over it, is doubly-stupid.

Capisce, paisan?
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