Kate Bush


Banned member
Jul 20, 2006
Fine doc on bbc 4 last night. Often need reminding what a talent she is/was

It was the usual talking heads contributions with Elton John and johnny rotten being particularly good but Steve Coogan being as self regarding as ever

Hounds of love was a soundtrack to a relationship. A great album. I was also reminded what a unbelievably sexy track Wow

And she was just that too
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Is she bonkers, or is she a genius? I rather think the latter.
I love all those literary references in her songs.

What has spurred her back into activity after so many years of quietude? It's hardly for the money, is it? Annual royalties from Wuthering Heights alone must be a nice wedge.
Watched it as well, and I too had forgotten how much I loved Wow first time around. Going to have to download her back catalogue to my phone. Remarkable talent when you think she wrote 'Man With The Child In His Eyes' at the tender age of 13.
Yes. Funny how some tracks come to life when you hear them years later

Other side of coin is that a bird I know says that she can listen to Kate bush... One track at a time. I get what she means. I could listen to angle stone or Shirley horn all day but bush can be a bit air raid siren at times
Awesome talent-it might be best in small doses but it is great stuff.I was showing her Wuthering Heights performance to my ten year old daughter this morning and trying to explain how brilliant it was.Consider how much she did with the songs and compare that to the manufactured starlets of today.
Wuthering Heights is magnificent, One of my favourites.

Apparently Power are offering 6/1 on her headlining Glastonbury next year!
Is she bonkers, or is she a genius? I rather think the latter.
I love all those literary references in her songs.

What has spurred her back into activity after so many years of quietude? It's hardly for the money, is it? Annual royalties from Wuthering Heights alone must be a nice wedge.

Definitely a genius.

I vaguely recall reading of some financial issues or a dispute over management fees or royalties or the like at some point, but can't be entirely certain?
Wuthering Heights is magnificent, One of my favourites.

Still gets a run-out every week on my journey to work. A genuinely brilliant recording that I failed to appreciate at the time of its release, what with being too young and dopey n'that.

It also took until the Babooshka video before I realised what a stone-cold fox she was. I was also late to Debbie Harry too. Maybe there's something wrong with me?
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It was The Red Shoes that is the album about a relationship breaking down - the one between Kate and Del Palmer. Got to feel for Del but he came across very well and is a true gent. He's been offered lots of dosh to write a book about his years with Kate but always turns it down out of respect for her.

Del is a great bass player and has had a couple of albums in his own right. He's got another one coming out in November- check it out dudes.
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I would have dished it all out for a nice big earner. "My hot nights with a nutter"

Would have leaked a video too
I would have dished it all out for a nice big earner. "My hot nights with a nutter"

Would have leaked a video too

Many would do the same, just shows the mettle of the man that he won't betray her for any amount of money. He's still got a working relationship with Kate after all these years but he's not part of her upcoming residency at the Hammersmith Apollo. You'd think that that might have pissed him off enough to spill the beans, but seemingly not.
I watched the two documentaries twice as it was so good to see her in various guises again and to be reminded that she really is a genius. My youngest brother was/is a huge fan ( although not of her last album), and when the tickets went on sale I asked him if we should go. He said he didn't want to be disappointed, to which my response was why should you automatically think that, there is no way she is going to come out and do 'lazy' shows? I really wished I had gone ahead and bought tickets and that someone is recording the concerts for broadcast/release at some point.
It's a very good point in truth. Some people will never admit they've blown their dosh on something pretty ordinary

I remember seeing Steve coogan live a good few years back. Without his scriptwriters (I think he had fallen out with them) it was about as funny as cancer. But the audience were laughing regardless. But believe me, it was rubbish . Same with the most overrated play I've ever seen.. The history boys

Mind you I went to some punk gigs back in the very early days where some bands were bombarded with cans and beer glasses. Right laugh. There was one where the band walked off and the singer just stood there and burst into tears "you don't understand our music!"

Cue another barrage of plastic beer glasses

And although I'm not 100% certain,I'm fairly certain it was a band who changed identity, went onto better things and suddenly stopped because of the lead singer. Also my mate booked their last gig as a promoter
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In fairness it was the last song of the night.

I remember feeling I had paid far too much to see Ry Cooder a few years ago. He was good but not good enough to cost a week's worth of eating out.

Exactly. It's a 2 minute 15 second clip of a fade out from a song out of a 3 hour show, so yes brilliant conclusion that's it was karaoke.
In fairness it was the last song of the night.

I remember feeling I had paid far too much to see Ry Cooder a few years ago. He was good but not good enough to cost a week's worth of eating out.

Yeah I know. Always got the impression that she would never let anyone down. Good luck to her
from what i heard she didn't sing baboushka or wuthering heights....is this true?..a bit ridiculous if it is..a bit like Queen not playing bohemian rhapsody