Kauto Star.

I too thought KS ran rather lazily for much of the time, but showed a good attitude at the business end.

Connections of all the runners have something to take from the race.
Kauto Star getting reminders down the back doesnt fit well with Nicholls subsequent statements regarding course and distance (as well as fitness) being the reason for a lacklustre performance (a performance that looks great on paper in has to be said) His explanation than Monet's Garden was a 2m4f specialist is a little off the mark as well IMO. I dont think MG was near his best today. I think Uncle Goober's assessment - that he switched himself off too much - would be the "excuse" that makes most sense to me. I think Ruby was close to pulling him up going down the back and side of the course.

Also, interesting that Clive Smith mentioned that KS didnt school well earlier in the week. While Ruby and Paul Nicholls gave the impression that he was faultless at home.

Well done to connections for turning up. Very sporting, and a good start to the season. Lets hope the KS we know is back to his best at Haydock.
Originally posted by Garney@Oct 28 2007, 06:24 PM
Kauto Star getting reminders down the back doesnt fit well with Nicholls subsequent statements regarding course and distance (as well as fitness) being the reason for a lacklustre performance (a performance that looks great on paper in has to be said)
impression that he was faultless at home.

Interesting comments in light of the fct that he`s supposed to be going for the Tingle Creek. If he wins comfortably at Haydock he`ll surely be worth taking on at Sandown (assuming Well Chief runs.) Timeform had him 24lbs in front of Monet`s Garden.
I dont think he is going for the Tingle Creek this year as it is a week closer to the King George than last year.
Just watched the race on the internet. Very interesting with regards to how each horse ran!! Before I read the comments here, I was disappointed that kauto didnt pick Monets Garden up in the straight, admittedly, he was giving lumps of weight away but given he stays further and usually shows a turn of foot, I was disappointed with that. Would love to know where Ashley Brook would have finished if he stayed up.
Originally posted by Garney@Oct 28 2007, 05:24 PM
Also, interesting that Clive Smith mentioned that KS didnt school well earlier in the week. While Ruby and Paul Nicholls gave the impression that he was faultless at home.

Well done to connections for turning up. Very sporting, and a good start to the season. Lets hope the KS we know is back to his best at Haydock.
I heard he was pretty damn awful on Wednesday but that he was schooled again on Friday and was a whole lot better.

Yes good to see a CGC winner out and connections not afraid to risk defeat with bigger fish to fry later on.
I thought Exotic Dancer ran much better than his finishing position suggests. Was impressed with his appearance in the parade ring and looks to have done well over the summer. McCoy I dont think raised the whip on him,or at least certainly not to serious extent.
Agree it was a very muddling race, and hard to make head or tail of. My big disappointment was Ashley Brook falling, partly as I love this horse but also as I'd forecasted him with Monet's Garden!

But I wasn't impressed with Kauto Star today either, he looked all out in the last few furlongs and was quite careless, flippant even at some of the jumps. It was a big weight; but I don't think he enjoyed the small field - it wasn't enough of a challenge for him perhaps? And they were too strung out for him too - he seems to like racing in a bunched field.

But it's hard to know what to make of Nicholls' mixed messages regarding whether the horse was fully fit. First he wasn't then suddenly he was... Well, it was fto for all of them so they had to race one another - they couldn't all just amble round behind a lot of race-fit horses, to blow away the cobwebs. Great shame the field cut up so.

Don't know what to make of ED either - he's not a horse I have any feeling for, at all. He can't be judged on that run anyway, given his fto record - on the other hand, AP was quite bullish before the race about his chances, so must be disappointed to trail in last.

Monet's Garden looked to me like he might want further this year as well as KS. Still and all, good to see him win: I really like the horse.

Denman and MWDS will be interesting, when they come out!
Where have you heard this ??

Was only saying yesterday on Tele that he goes to Carlisle ??

If this is true surely Nicholls must be brought to the fore, cus considering a horse stays in its stable in the afternoon, what could possibly happen between 3pm and 3am?????
Been told its bollox by an owner from the yard.

Was speaking to Paul this morning about his bumper horse and asked how the big guns were and he said happy as can be expected and said Denmans off to Carlisle.
You've been told bollox Chris, he definitely doesn't run at Carlisle, they're waiting for rain.
just read all comments in here and think I saw a different race. NOT impressed with Monet´s Garden - oh, he just beat Kauto Star! And not impressed with Kauto Star? Oh, he just gave a stone to a really good horse and ran him close, over an unsuitable trip ??!! I really sometimes do not understand what sort of level you critisize the horses !!? Well, and as for Ashley Brook having them "cooked" - so much that he did not stay on his feet ?! - hope the season will show us that we did see the three best chasers in this country in action, so why not just enjoying that they ran and all came home in one piece. Its a long way to Cheltenham, so why should any have been fully wound up?
Agreed crazyhorse. It would be foolish to take too much out of this race - we had four of the top horses in the country, one best at 2m, one best at 2.4 and the other two the champion 3 milers, all fto. And in a handicap. Nicholls has said today [see R`P] that he was a bit worried KS ran 'lazily' in the middle of the race, then offered an explanation. As I said above I think the small field has something to do with that as well - he didn't really race until the end, when the weight told

AB got a slight cut to a rear fetlock but will be fine in 2 weeks, thank God

I think much of the above discussion is just a result of the starving being thrown the first scraps of meat for many months - everyone has just been dying to get into the NH season proper :laughing:
New thread.

Monets Garden beat Kauto Star and Exotic Dancer at Aintree yesterday, Ashley Brook fell.

End of thread.
Maybe we should replace the forum with the settlers page of the sporting life. Keep every one happy.
Originally posted by Garney@Oct 29 2007, 06:32 PM
Maybe we should replace the forum with the settlers page of the sporting life. Keep every one happy.
I find that's often the best bit.......
Of course if you're looking for ways to improve the forum, you could always follow the example of the hugely popular site Arsefin racing and implement the following features :

1) talk a load of crap about racing that you know you couldn't possibly post on a forum with members who know anything about racing as you'll be torn apart

2) indulge in huge amounts of smug, congratulatory back slapping for no especial reason, even when you're talking shite

and my favourite

3) ban people for no reason whatsoever then merrily put words in their mouths and slag them off on there knowing they can't defend themselves!

Now, lads and lassies, that's what makes a decent forum and that's why we are bereft of the presence nowadays of so many or our previously beloved and special contributors.
Here, Colin - have you read the words of wisdom from the racing experts such as opining that there would be a false pace in the Old Roan due to there only being 5 runners? Hang on, would that be the same race with known galloping front runner Ashley Brook in it? As well as Monet's Garden, who can force the pace if necessary? :laughing:

We could all learn something from the wise ones.....