Kentucky Derby

I'd guess a combination of not having his monthly steroid shot, basic unsoundness and the unsuitability of the 12f distance.

I don't think it was because he was "tired".

Good result for me though with the third coming in!
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Jun 8 2008, 12:36 AM
Well the distance never came into it in the end.

I'm sure there'll be plenty thinking that Big Brown ran so poorly because he wasn't on steroids (doesn't make sense - what he built up on them wouldn't disappear overnight, would it?), some will think it was the quarter crack, some will think he might have got a kick, some will think he'll have been got at...

...I just think he was tired.
A victory for straight and honest training I feel.

Will Dutrow admit that the drugs made the horse?
I'd guess a combination of not having his monthly steroid shot

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the benefits of using steroids - i.e. the rapid build up of muscle mass - aren't necessarily lost if you stop taking them.

basic unsoundness

Perhaps, although he showed little outward sign of a physical problem yesterday. We'll see if they come up with something.

and the unsuitability of the 12f distance.

Absolutely not a factor. He was clearly in trouble after barely a mile.

I don't think it was because he was "tired".

In the immediate aftermath, before all the tests are completed, this is surely the most obvious possibility despite your dismissive "quotes".
Very dissapointing indeed. Hard to pinpoint a cause but he looked sound trotting back. I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be his day when he took a fairly strong grip (most unlike him) going round the first bend (nearly clipped heals with the eventual winner I believe).
In patients one of the effects of giving steroids is to produce a general sense of well being ---they are gradually reduced when it has been determined that they are no longer beneficial.
Big Brown's April dose may have carried him for 4weeks --Derby--Preakness-- but then the chances are that his supplementary supply---we all carry steroids---ran out ----he did not feel well and ran flat.
My theory for what you make of it.
Are we totally sure steroids were not given to this horse as Dutrow says ?
It strikes me really stupid with everything that was at stake that connections took that risk.
Big Brown Seen Leaving Belmont Carrying Large Sacks Of Cash

NEW YORK—Shortly after finishing in last place in the Belmont Stakes Saturday, Big Brown was reportedly seen leaving through the back exit of the Belmont stable locker rooms carrying several shopping bags stuffed with cash, which the 3-year-old colt placed into the back seat of his Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe. "I could hardly tell it was him because he was wearing sunglasses, a baseball cap pulled down low over his eyes, and a long trench coat, but I remember thinking he was so tall he had to be one of the athletes," said horseracing fan Jason Larson. "Still, I didn't figure it out until I saw the 'Big B' vanity plates on his car." According to numerous witnesses, Brown spent five minutes urinating on the windshield of trainer Rick Dutrow's car before driving off erratically at high speed.

I heard Big Brown didn't want to be exploited and just used for his genes...
Despite the belief of many that, win or lose, the Belmont would be the last time we'd see him, he's now being aimed at the Haskell at Monmouth on August 3rd.