Kentucky Derby

Big Brown drawn on the inside. Casino Drive and Denis Of Cork (who I fancy to run a big race) are 4 and 5 in a field of 10.

Casino Drive will not be racing on medication.
Only Big Brown and Tale of Ekati (Barclay Tagg) have been confirmed as racing on steroids (not any meds, just steroids specifically) though, interestingly, neither Pletcher or Zito have commented on their horses.
I think I'm correct in saying that in the U.S they differentiate between Meds and steroids ? I'm just pointing that out because people over here wouldn't and may think because the trainer says they are not on meds, may assume the horse is not on any substance.
Interesting the connections of Big Brown have claimed that they haven't given the horse his monthly shot of Winstrol since the middle of April.

From the NY Times:

Gary Wadler, a New York University medical professor and antidoping expert, said that if you took Dutrow’s claims at face value, that Big Brown has not received steroids since mid-April, then it would be fair to argue that a victory in the Belmont Stakes, at least, could be considered steroid-free.

“The impact on the race, if any, would be minimal,” Wadler said in reference to the April steroid injection.

Dr. Rick Arthur, the equine medical director for the California Horse Racing Board, agreed. “The fact of steroids having any effect at this time is virtually nil,” he said.

However, Charles E. Yesalis, a professor of sports science at Penn State, said that the steroids previously injected into Big Brown had already affected his training, and that the athletic machine had already been built.

“These are training drugs — you don’t need them in your body for competition; the effect has already taken place,” he said. “It’s really immaterial that he is not doing it now.
The steroids will have done their work, while traces will be out of his system the actual benefits (musicular and cardiovascular) will still be there for some time.
I don't know any that would admit to using them even if they where, there's a thin line between steroids and 'supplements'.
Unless that foot problem becomes an issue. I think Denis of Cork ran better than the raw result in the Kentucky Derby but he's not in the same league.
Not totally convinced he'll get the trip either myself, but then again it's hard to see anything in tonight's race beating Big Brown. Thought Casino Drive might have put it up to him.
Well the distance never came into it in the end.

I'm sure there'll be plenty thinking that Big Brown ran so poorly because he wasn't on steroids (doesn't make sense - what he built up on them wouldn't disappear overnight, would it?), some will think it was the quarter crack, some will think he might have got a kick, some will think he'll have been got at...

...I just think he was tired.
30/1 shot wins by the name of Da'Tara. I believe it was Nick Zito's 9th Belmont winner, and didn't the horse run on. Absolutely nothing can be taken away from the winner, who looked to benefit from the extra distance.

Sad to see Big Brown go down. But that's racing, and there will be plenty of more races for him, if all is well.

I wonder how the Japanese are feeling now?
Very sad, Big Brown eased in the stretch. For any who missed the race it's here on YouTube at

I wonder if we shall ever know if it was the hoof, the distance, or the lack of recent medication...
I have no great love of the 'connections' but feel bitter disappointment for the horse.
As Gareth implies it was probably the hoof...

Great run from Da' Tara who made all, but fear his win will be lost in the BB fallout