laura jayne-roberts

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Just noticed a new face on The Racing Post Reporters list, anyone know more about her? - She's very attractive too.

Will be interesting to read her updates today.
Yesterday, 9:42 PM #21
Senior Member

Join Date: Oct 2011
I am here, I just find both of you tiresom and boring.

I've told Administration that the best thing for me to do is go away from the forum for a few days in order to let things cool down as we have a highly volitile and low threshold infastructure that can only crumble when someone as powerfully opinionated as myself enters the fray.

Very much like the Fukashima Nuclear Plant, we don't want the tanks to boil so turn down the cooling system - I won't leave any notice but you'll know when I am on vacation.
Senior Member

Join Date: Sep 2011
It's amazing how quickly he disappears from threads when he doesn't catch any bait. He just hopes they fall of the end of screen while he starts another couple of threads to begin the process again. It's very tiresome.

Slim Chance,

There are ways in which you can attend to your severe personality disorder, given your high traits in characterstics of a depressed individual I would not be within my rights to confront you in case of anything happening at dispense of your current state of mental health.

Please I am here to help and will glady be a punching bag for you to let out any steam or problems you may be facing in your current personal life.
Slim Chance,

There are ways in which you can attend to your severe personality disorder, given your high traits in characterstics of a depressed individual I would not be within my rights to confront you in case of anything happening at dispense of your current state of mental health.

Please I am here to help and will glady be a punching bag for you to let out any steam or problems you may be facing in your current personal life.

Unless you are going to be the punch bag for the whole forum you can f**k actually just f**k off anyway.

Back on topic, the current updates have been regular and precise! four solid updates within 20 minutes of each other with good detail on why horses are withdrawn for example; "1.20 / No.6 Spellmaker (coughing)" and good detail on weather conditions! for example "The winds are expected to be approximately 14-16mph in a westerly direction."

More of this would be a treat!
Mods - surely this Bruce thing has gone on long enough. He is on the verge of spoiling the forum for the rest of us, both regular posters and infrequent posters. If it carries on, the intelligent, informed members will leave and the place will degenerate (like TRF has), and the next stop is the Betfair forum.
Bruce was slightly amusing to begin with, but is now a crashing bore, a one-trick pony with no wit or originality. On those grounds alone, he should be cashiered. He's got no chance of spoiling the forum, because he's just not interesting enough. Just another troll. You'll keep him going if you continue to let him suck on the teat of responding to him - that's like mother's milk to his need. Starve him of the attention he craves, and he'll get bored and go and molest Gardeners' World or Extreme Angling.
Mods - surely this Bruce thing has gone on long enough. He is on the verge of spoiling the forum for the rest of us, both regular posters and infrequent posters. If it carries on, the intelligent, informed members will leave and the place will degenerate (like TRF has), and the next stop is the Betfair forum.

...seriously, it is extraordinarily tiresome. People will draw a line under their involvement with the forum with such nonsense clogging it up.
If he had come back on here and just said who he was he might have even been welcomed to a certain degree.

The eyecatchers on the way too the post are Forceful Appeal and favourite Henry Clay looks very well

Another winner! In fact make that a forcast!
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I've clearly missed something with this Bruce Savage lad but this must be a first.....Hamm, OTB and every other member of the forum in agreement on a topic :lol:

My tuppence worth is to ask Admin to please hold a vote and let the forumites decide, in this once off and very rare instance, whether someone is welcome or not. We all have opinions and we don't all get along all the time. But I've never seen one person create such a one sided view in the forum.
I've clearly missed something with this Bruce Savage lad but this must be a first.....Hamm, OTB and every other member of the forum in agreement on a topic :lol:

My tuppence worth is to ask Admin to please hold a vote and let the forumites decide, in this once off and very rare instance, whether someone is welcome or not. We all have opinions and we don't all get along all the time. But I've never seen one person create such a one sided view in the forum.

Do you not remember such classic threads as:

Weight doesn't matter
Cantoris, it's a troll who has infested this forum before in the guise of Phil, Swirly Chaser, Dayna Jane Stirling II and possibly other personae I haven't heard of. He becomes unglued when challenged (all part of the game, you see), seems cheerful and almost rational in other posts (ditto) and then extremely offensive (yawn... you're getting it now, surely?). The whole purpose of trolling is to cause dissent and for people to take sides. I really thought old-time forum users knew about these little gremlins, but it seems not. We don't need to vote on it. He is a troll, and if Admin is happy to let one continue to run loose, it's their prerogative as the board owners. If people get the hump and go, the troll's work is done. It's a form of cyber-wanking, really.
Maybe your spare time, sweetie. Old wimmin like me have their minds on stuff like what's for tea or on telly.