Lester Piggott

EC1, Lester used to campaign to get the ride on horses he wanted to ride. He was no wallflower standing around waiting to get picked.

I thought it was well known that Lester would approach owners/trainers of horses he wanted to ride in an attempt to jock off the current rider and get the mount for himself? It's ceratinly something I've been told on many an occasion by people who would know.
I thought it was well known that Lester would approach owners/trainers of horses he wanted to ride in an attempt to jock off the current rider and get the mount for himself? It's ceratinly something I've been told on many an occasion by people who would know.

it is well known SL..can't see a problem with it because I would expect Lester to ask..he knew he would win..the people to blame for letting him do it are the ones that are disloyal...if loyalty is being questioned in Lester that is..I would say connections of horses owe more loyalty to their riders than Lester would towards other jocks.

as has been stated..I'll bet he would have won El Gran Senor & Dancing Brave if he had the rides.

the man was a born winner..unfortunately you also have to be a saint to get full recognition for brilliance if you are a brit
It just seemed to me that some people (not you) were disputing it. Not that I'm judging him for it, buck stops with the owners anyway.
I can remember instances whilst I have been following racing where he got rides from other jocks SL..it went on alright...its said he was an excellent reader of form as well..which aided his course in this respect
I thought it was well known that Lester would approach owners/trainers of horses he wanted to ride in an attempt to jock off the current rider and get the mount for himself? It's ceratinly something I've been told on many an occasion by people who would know.

From what I understand that sort of thing goes on across the board, always has and always will. From yardman to stable lad to jockey. The difference being, in say, instead of bidding in an open ring it is done either sneekily or behind closed doors. I'd say spot on Lester for being up front, at least he let the other jocks know that he would, it was their choice on how they insured they kept their ride.

Let's face it if racing is a sport it will be competative in many areas, after all it's not the Shetland Grand National.
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The biggest stick Lester got for a jocking off was Roberto , which for once was apparently not his idea at all .

One I was very pleased about at the time was Commanche Run and the jocking off of the long forgotten American jockey Darrell McHargue .
Doesn't happen as frequently today, as most jockeys have agents sorting out their rides, back then they had to negotiate directly with connections, also there is a time limit of when you can change the jockey.
Toobe - little did we know we were so far ahead of our time! I'd loved to have snuck a peek in your house at the time you were furiously thrashing the bannister, and your Dad bawling out your riding instructions. Brilliant image - I imagine you were saved many visits by door-to-door salesmen overhearing proceedings!
Toobe - little did we know we were so far ahead of our time! I'd loved to have snuck a peek in your house at the time you were furiously thrashing the bannister, and your Dad bawling out your riding instructions. Brilliant image - I imagine you were saved many visits by door-to-door salesmen overhearing proceedings!

I don't recall Jehovah's witnesses knocking either!
He was truly brilliant and his deafness hid a very sharp mind. I remember him riding at the height of his career,in a little race in the North somewhere. He was riding for Snowy Wainright and had got beaten on the favourite. Snowy exlaimed " He`ll never ride for me again" When told this by the commentator Lesters fabulous reply was " I suppose I had better give it up then