Me? An angel? Awww, thank you!
(Never been called
that before.) Thanks, Soba.
I would do it for any animal or human in my sphere. There is something inside me that actually physically hurts to see a person or animal in pain or fear. Funny though, that I was never called to nursing and wasn't allowed to train as a vet.
I have been privileged to share my home with several cats, all of whom have had very strong personalities and characteristics. Once you get to know an animal personally, how could you not give it all the help that it needs to either get well or enjoy some life before its end and then to make that end as easy and comfortable as possible? That would also apply to animals and people that I don't know personally but whom I can help in some way.
One of the reasons that I do the job that I do is that although I have no call to nursing, I want to help in my own way, which is making sure that things on the admin side go as smoothly as I can make them and solving problems for patients where possible.
On the subject of Dougal, I watched him roving around for a year in all weathers and saw this beautiful young cat get tattier and skinnier each time that I saw him. He must have been ranging quite far afield, because there would be weeks between sightings. I always used to try to get his attention by calling to him and he would stop and look into my eyes then trot on about his business again.
The crunch came when, after enduring a cold winter, he started to shed his winter coat in May. As he had no-one to groom him, he was trailing a long, matted mass of fur and at first glance I though that he had broken a leg, but he trotted away from me quite soundly to put the length of the lawn between us. I greeted him with a cat's chirrup and he stopped dead in his track and stared really hard. That was when I started to feed him regularly and he began to hang around my garden and make it his territory.
Having gone to the trouble of making friends and inviting him into my home and being given his trust in return, what could I do but give him the best life I can - however long it is?