Little Annoyances

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ardross
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An excellent film, as are almost all of the Coen's. The Hudsucker Proxy may be my favourite.
Ya, Brian, there's rather a lot that - I didn't notice it so much first time around! Some blackly funny moments in it, though, ya? William H Macy was perfect - becoming slightly more and more unhinged as one plan after another goes completely awry. I think he's a very gifted actor, with a great range (even if he probably won't be a candidate for James Bond!), and I can never fault Steve Buscemi in anything he does.
Becuase my communication signals from satelite in space isn't as good as it should be and I have wireless Internet on my laptop, my internet sometimes disconnects becuase the satelite cannot retreive the signal and stays down for 3 hours some times when I badly want to use the net and theres nothing I can do but wait! and sometimes it just keeps going off and on every 5 minutes. Bloody annoying it is :angy:
I think William H Macy is brilliant in everything he does. I first came across him in er about 10 years ago I think and have seen most of his work since.