Look after this forum


On a break
May 7, 2007
late 1960's early 70's
guys...in a time when twatter and co are taking control..thats the place where people talk to themselves most of the time by the way...its time to get together and show some interest..this is way better on a forum like this..the number of folk who talk to themselves on twatter is unreal..what a waste of effort..a totally self consumed area where it makes me wonder where people's brains have gone..its **** on twatter..no fooker responds and if they do its negative

i've heard all the excuses about..ohh it will liven up when jumps starts before..its like the marie celeste on here..no matter what the code

we need people to take part imo...come on..there is so much to talk about jumps or flat

if you got time to read..you got time to post..imo

is the forum important to you?
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Sounds like you are getting freaked out EC1...I know what you mean though...because if just 5 percent of readers started contributing it might help improve the forum. But at the same time I guess we should be grateful people are actually reading in?
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not freaked out really.just facing reality..some good forums have diappaeared due to sh1t sites like twatter..and then when you go and look at folk on twatter that used to post on forums..their feedback is crap..what is the point of that nonsense?

readers will only come whilst there is something useful to read...tbh..if i didn't really like this site..i'd give it a miss as its so quiet
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It will probably pick up in the next few weeks once the jumps stuff gets more serious.

The flat at the moment is full of turgid shite with dodgy results right left and centre. Punters would be as well playing the puggies.
if i hear that ..ooh it will pick up when twigs start..grrr

forum shouldn't have to wait..there is plenty of good racing..and plenty viewing here..the problem ain't the code..its fookin human nature..let some other folk post summat interesting for me to read etc..i'll just leech off it
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I rarely contribute because I don't bet and I don't follow form closely enough to post anything of interest to the majority who are, understandably, looking for an angle/value/maximising a profit. My interest is primarily the horses themselves and bloodstock (as a pedigree anorak rather than an industry participant), so I read and 'thank' Colin in his 2yo thread quite a bit, and keep up with the obits & retirements/jockey news and occasionally post when I have something relevant to add. I tend not to just add a link to an RP story as I assume that we all see the same stories either on the RP site itself or through Facebook.

I also find it a turn off when the board goes through its inevitable phases where a couple of forum members turn every thread into a snipefest, bitching and trying to score cheap points off each other. I appreciate racing is a game of opinions but for me personally, it sets a tone for the board which is offputting, childish and boring when the majority of posts on a thread are two people slagging each other.

I've enjoyed and contributed to some of the more general 'which tracks have you been to / best finish / recommend a good racing book' threads. I like the annual bloodstock thread started by Miesque but TBH I find the Breeding & Bloodstock sub-forum on Betfair covers more.

If I have something useful to add I'll say it, but I don't post sh!te for the sake of it, I don't need to 'hear' the sound of my virtual voice and as I no longer work in the industry I usually find someone else has beaten me to posting the kind of thing I'd be likely to share.
no one needs to justify to me why or why they don't post..i gain nothing if forum is boring or thriving

personally..i like thriving

it all depends really on if you value the place..most macho types won't want to admit they do..but they do really

all i'm trying to suggest here is..complacency and just expecting a forum to keep carrying..even if its as boring as sh1te..won't happen nowadays..one day it won't be here..unless we mak a little effort

i know who does and doesn;t post..i'm not having a go at anyone...its just a wake up call to the large % who obviously like reading..but then just expect it to be there without putting in one bit

Cruella..you made over 500 posts..you contribute...can't see you need to explain owt tbh..i don't expect anyone to explain owt..just look after summat if you value it is the message to the constant viewers who offer nowt
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I rarely contribute because I don't bet and I don't follow form closely enough to post anything of interest to the majority who are, understandably, looking for an angle/value/maximising a profit. My interest is primarily the horses themselves and bloodstock (as a pedigree anorak rather than an industry participant), so I read and 'thank' Colin in his 2yo thread quite a bit, and keep up with the obits & retirements/jockey news and occasionally post when I have something relevant to add. I tend not to just add a link to an RP story as I assume that we all see the same stories either on the RP site itself or through Facebook.

I also find it a turn off when the board goes through its inevitable phases where a couple of forum members turn every thread into a snipefest, bitching and trying to score cheap points off each other. I appreciate racing is a game of opinions but for me personally, it sets a tone for the board which is offputting, childish and boring when the majority of posts on a thread are two people slagging each other.

I've enjoyed and contributed to some of the more general 'which tracks have you been to / best finish / recommend a good racing book' threads. I like the annual bloodstock thread started by Miesque but TBH I find the Breeding & Bloodstock sub-forum on Betfair covers more.

If I have something useful to add I'll say it, but I don't post sh!te for the sake of it, I don't need to 'hear' the sound of my virtual voice and as I no longer work in the industry I usually find someone else has beaten me to posting the kind of thing I'd be likely to share.
I'd have similar sentiment, from reading the threads its quite clear to me that most that post here are following form etc much closer than me.

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The flat at the moment is full of turgid shite with dodgy results right left and centre. Punters would be as well playing the puggies.

I've genuinely no idea what your justification is for such a sweeping statement. I'm thoroughly enjoying the season. Newmarket last weekend and Deauville the week before were great. The Ascot card at the weekend looks terrific. Turgid shite? Dodgy results? Sorry, I just don't see it.
Whilst the sentiment is admirable, EC1, a balance can't be forced or imposed. If there is less interest in one Code over the other, we just have to accept that there may be quiet spells, because - if you don't like the Flat - it is impossible to feign interest in it. That's not anything against Flat racing - it's just a fact of life.

If people want to just read rather than contribute, that's fine by me. We offer our opinions on here freely, so it's not like they're stealing anything, and whilst wider contributions would be welcome, there are enough regular contributors anyway (during the Jumps season, at least) to keep the debate sufficiently lively......though I do accept that we don't want the forum ending-up a half-dozen people bickering amongst themselves.

The forum has had some knocks lately; firstly with Slim's absence, which has stymied a lot of the Other Sports traffic, and latterly the exit of Icebreaker and Clive - who would keep me amused in the Lounge during the long summer months. Those exits have probably come at a bad time, as thread-counts always tends to tail-off during the summer anyway. However, like DO, I suspect things will pick-up over the winter, as the Jumps kick-in.

Unlike DO, I have no opinion on the current (or past or future) state of Flat racing. :cool:
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In the general scheme of things I mean, gus. Obviously the big Saturday races are a different matter but I now don't see any point in looking at any race worth less than £20k and at this stage of the year results are telling me that you really need to go up the value scale by quite a hike to avoid surprise results and even then you get the odd eye-opener.

Turgid was probably not the right word to use. Uninteresting [to me] would probably have been more appropriate.

Then there's been the very changeable going and not knowing what part of the track they're going to race on.

Last Friday, at two televised meetings not counting the 2yo races:

York - Highland Colori, 22/1, beats 12/1, 16/1,10/1, 33/1, 10/1 & 66/1 shots with the three single-figure-odds runners doing no better than 8th; the next 'good' (£31k+ to the winner) goes to a 16/1 shot (20/1 on the tote and better than 5/1 place-only) having only its second run of the season having been well beaten the time before; Robot Boy finally pops up in a £20k race but is followed home closely by 40/1, 20/1 16/1, 6/1 and 33/1 shots while the 11/4f was stone last of 19.

Newmarket - In the 12-runner G2 Challenge Stakes the rank bottom-rated [ORs] wins and the field splits in to two even groups. Four of the races were for 2yos and held only a passing interest [for me]. Fine for those wishing to unearth possible future nuggets but I'll worry about them in the future.

Saturday at Newmarket: F&M race, fillies' nursery (FFS!!), 2yo race, 2yo race, Cesarewitch, 2yo race, a G3 with only a 9lbs spread in the ORs - a glorified handicap.

I didn't even bother to watch much bar the Cesarewitch which does happen to be one of my favourite races of the entire year and (for me) it was a cracking renewal but I imagine lots of people wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

Meanwhile at York in the big handicap sprint - a hundred-grander - the three single-figure-odds runners finished 10th, 16th and (at 3/1f) tailed-off last.

Different strokes and all that, obviously, but I spent most of the afternoon doing other things when I'd much prefer to be watching the racing. I watched the two valuable TV handicaps from York but the form worked best in the Ces with only the 50/1 runner-up at longer than 9/1 in the first four followed by two 16/1 shots.

And I reckon it's been that way for about six or seven weeks.
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We have lost some good posters, no doubting that.

Still a vast array of knowledge here and comps will hopefully bring more around.

ill never post on the flat and the jumps is in its early weeks. I'd imagine a few are in same boat. I know my posts will increase over the coming weeks.

others will replicate.
Around the time just after the E.U referendum, (or was it about Isreal, or Corbyn, or whatever else), disagreements, insults, and addresses were posted in the lounge. None of it has any place on a horse racing forum. Clivex left and rightly so, Icebreaker had enough, and that was his prerogative. The person who actually gave out addresses is still at large, prowling the forum, accusing people of racism, and waiting for the next Zionist to 'run their mouths'. (only kidding Simmo :) )
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I enjoy this place, and really learn a great deal. Not sure how much sticks in but I'm not a serious punter anyway: an ew accumulator on a Saturday and a few pissed up bets with a mate on a Monday night are my limits.

But the in depth stuff is fascinating at times (a great debate last year about how ratings are calculated for hurdlers and chasers, and why chasers invariably have a higher rating). And even if I don't contribute because I don't know enough, it's a privilege to read the contributions at times.

We all contribute at various times anyway, and loads of us have a go at the TTF compo, so I'd say the forum is pretty well maintained by all of us. But a huge thanks to all who contribute on a regular basis.
Around the time just after the E.U referendum, (or was it about Isreal, or Corbyn, or whatever else), disagreements, insults, and addresses were posted in the lounge. None of it has any place on a horse racing forum. Clivex left and rightly so, Icebreaker had enough, and that was his prerogative. The person who actually gave out addresses is still at large, prowling the forum, accusing people of racism, and waiting for the next Zionist to 'run their mouths'. (only kidding Simmo :) )

I'd like to make it clear that Zionism had nothing to do with my responding to Icebreakers insults in kind. ;)
I'll post some NBA bets when it starts if anyone is interested. They'll be reposted from elsewhere on the web but I bet them myself and they grind out a decent profit.
Agree with Ec that forums like this are in danger in this age of "social media"

But its important that we have them, as it more times than not brings us racing fans together

Am on Twitter but given a choice prefer the comradery of a forum, though don't agree like some forums have done in charging their members a subscription fee.
Whatever happened to slim, seemed to disappear around the euros??

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He asked to be removed. Obviously I can't say the reason why but it wasn't anything to do with anything on here that upset him or anything like that.
Forums have been dying a death for some years now without exception. It started when Facebook came along and then Twitter, and I don't see it getting any better in years to come. Some forums I used 15 years ago had thousands of active members, now I would say 80% of them have gone, the rest are dead. I know some of you use thedvdforums, on 9/11 the thread about the attack had over 200 posts in about an hour, and that was with the server being down for around half that time. I remember looking at the stats at the time and there were over 1000 members online. Now they are lucky to have 50 members online, and seems to be about 50 posts a day (posts not threads). Another forum I used to advertise phones on was so busy you would post a thread at 9am and it would be on page 10 by dinnertime, I've just had a quick look now, and page 1 has posts on from 27th September. Phones are more popular now than 15 years ago, so the subject matter is more popular so you can only surmise people are going elsewhere, Twitter and Facebook.

Considering we have a relatively small member base compared to many forums that have gone over the years I don't actually think we do too badly. I do keep an eye on stats, and we usually have 50+ actual people showing online during the day, it will show 80+ but there tends to be 30 or so spiders and bots included in that figure. Other dedicated racing forums have also massively declined over the years and I don't know of any that are as popular now as they were, and again can think of quite a few that aren't here any more.

Presumably many people who joined in the past have changed too. Many will have joined when they were in their 20's or early 30's, with disposable income to have a bet with, but now, 10-15 years later, have a wife (or husband) and kids, don't get to go racing as often, don't get to have a bet every day as they just don't have the money to spare any more, and although there will be 20 somethings following racing, they will have been brought up with Facebook and Twitter so don't come onto forums.

Personally I don't get Twitter, and I use Facebook but not for stuff like this. I don't want 100's of random people I don't know being able to see my family pictures, whereas on a forum, you can have thousands of strangers all sharing their views, and no one will see your personal stuff.

I've seen posted quite often people don't post because there are others who are more clued up, and they don't know as much. To me thats no reason not to post. In fact thats all the more reason to post, as people can help you and surely thats how you learn. You like a horse in a race, post it, if it comes last no one will laugh at you, but before the race others are likely to say why they agree or disagree with your reasoning and surely you learn from that?

I've tried over the years to get more members, but it is hard. I sometimes change thread titles to something slightly better for SEO purposes. I made the bookmakers free bets section simply for SEO as that is a massive search term on google, I'm going to do a casino one at some point too, not because it generates an income (they don't!) but because someone interested in Casino gambling is likely to be interested in racing too, or might become interested. I've added facebook and twitter integration that no one uses, added tapatalk, that does get used and we have had a few new members from, and upgraded the software to allow blogging and suchlike, again that no one uses.

We get a lot of non members reading and I try to convert them to members, but again, its hard. I've littered the second post on all threads with adverts that only people not logged in see to try to get people to sign up, and we do get new members, but apparently most don't read the email or see the massive red writing saying email me to confirm the membership as hardly any do, I can't have it automatic due to spam.

For the first time in 16 years I looked at the figures properly in July when the hosting was due for renewal, but realised there are still a lot of people using the site, and when comparing with other racing forums, we are still quite busy, so kept it going, plus, I don't want it not to be here.

I do send an email out a couple of times a year, and useage goes up then for a while, but if I send too many I get accused of spamming, if I don't send enough it means the users drop, I can't win on that front lol.

Anyway this post is long enough now :) but just thought I would pop my thoughts into the discussion. Hopefully people do start to use the forum more than they do now!
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Just to add my 2 cents. Facebook is a CIA spying agency so I for one can't use it for privacy reasons. Twitter however, there's no personal info, I read news, stuff from RP and TF and make searches for Faugheen, etc see if there's any news. They say twitter is for short span attention of today's generation but its a useful tool for getting fast news and pictures, short videos. In March year I got into a long tweet argument with RUK's Lydia who was talking shite of Nichols Canyon before his run in the CH. People also post links to their blogs etc. Its a useful tool and also replaced something that forums used to provide, stable information(of course not trustworthy on twitter). But cannot ever replace the learning space that a forum can offer. I used to post mostly on the betfait community but now they've blocked me because I'm not from UK.. There are many other forums I visit and I can make a list of 5 forums that are discussing Chelt races for 2017 in detail. Its not that bad.

P.S. forgot to add about bookies restrictions, that is ongoing issue for the last 10 years at least. I was a member of SBC(secret betting club) and the amount of reports of horse racing account blocks was close to 100% for the fellow members. Imagine in these 10-15 years that the many experienced their accounts blocked from betting on horse racing and so the word spread. Young people cycle of -betting, then becoming interested, eventually getting captured by horse racing and learning step by step how to make it worthwhile now aren't even starting this cycle. People in the industry refuse to accept this simple truth that bookmakers are destroying the sport and they don't even try to take any actions against it. Only thieves select their targets like bookmakers do, it has nothing to do with business decision. They are thieves and the racing industry accepts their bribe(sponsorships, etc) for committing crimes against weak/unsuspecting targets because they don't know that on long term their plan is to destroy horse racing(for obvious reasons). This caused less people to get involved and interested in horse racing so the `twitter generation` which is growing with each year, are looking at other sports.
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I've said it before, but if the forum isn't being run as a commercial venture (and I don't believe it is), then there is no harm in being relatively small in numbers. You can follow the conversations more easily, more voices can be heard, and you can get to know the character of the individual contributors - as far as you can over the ether, anyway). There is something to be said for that degree of intimacy.

TRF started to nose-dive when it got too big. TH is still in the sweet-spot (more or less) as far as I'm concerned. The recent losses clearly haven't helped, but they haven't dumped the forum on its arse either. I expect the usual level of frothy discussion throughout the winter.