Look Out!

:lol: :lol: AC and Brian!

I think Desperate Dan ought to head up the Treasury, PDJ and Maurice could head up Edewkayshun, and Honest Tom should head up all those 'special working parties' into integrity in sport...
And topping the poll for the Best Bullshit Quote of the Year So Far is one Mr Robert Kilroy-Silk with the following pearler -

He told a London news conference that Veritas - Latin for "truth" - would avoid the old parties' "lies and spin".

:lol: :lol: :lol:

(quote taken from the BBC website)
Veritas indeed. And this after he admitted lying about his leadership aspirations while in UKIP.

Another quote I liked:
A UKIP spokesman (don't know his name), when asked about K-S's description of it as a party containing "fascists and nutters", replied that they used to have one such person among their number but he had recently left.
If I'm defence secretary, can we invade Iraq? I have seen a confidential dossier which says that they are behind all this race fixing. There's no pictures of scantily clad ladies in it either. Honest.