Manchester Bombing

  • Thread starter Thread starter SlimChance
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How many more incidents do we need in the UK before people start voting to the right?
I can t vote for a party that has Corbyn and McDonnell in it after whose side they were on in Northern Ireland. I can't believe he would sympathise with IS however.

I don't understand why the world can't club together and get rid of their strongholds. Wipe them out. They aren't Muslims, evil people twisting words to justify oppression and violence.
People in the UK have been voting to the right in the UK for 25 years, progressively more so.

What good has it done?
I can t vote for a party that has Corbyn and McDonnell in it after whose side they were on in Northern Ireland. I can't believe he would sympathise with IS however.

I don't understand why the world can't club together and get rid of their strongholds. Wipe them out. They aren't Muslims, evil people twisting words to justify oppression and violence.

People like Corbyn helped to bring in Sinn Fein from the cold-compare what we have now in Northern Ireland to what was there before the first ceasefire.
How many more incidents do we need in the UK before people start voting to the right?

It's barely appropriate to mention something as trite as betting but for what it's worth, following a drift in recent days the various Conservative markets have hardened again overnight

A targeting of young teenagers out enjoying live music - can it get any worse? :mad:
There must be a very strong possibility that this attacker was one of many volunteers and that there is a cell making these bombs for more imminent use.
It seems like a very sophisticated type of device that worked to its full devastating potential and it must be doubtful that this guy cooked it up in his room before walking to the M.E.N at the most optimal time at a concert to cause this.
Our security forces must be in a complete state of panic as to where the next one will be?

Shopping Centres, Champions League, any concerts, schools......the list is endless
I'd be surprised if the perpetrator/wanker/coward/cu*nt wasn't already known to authorities. They usually are, to some degree, and they are hopefully already rounding-up anyone connected to him.
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How many more incidents do we need in the UK before people start voting to the right?
This is a silly comment by your standards, Slim.

Voting "to the right" does nothing to combat a terrorist, targeting a Pop concert.

The security services have more powers than MP's, so "voting to the right" to stop these terrible incidents, is a load of hogwash.
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He's not the favourite person of most of the British press but I think Commission president Juncker says well here what I would want him to say:

It was with great sadness and profound shock that I learnt of the brutal attack that struck Manchester.

It breaks my heart to think that, once again, terrorism has sought to instil fear where there should be joy, to sow division where young people and families should be coming together in celebration.

I would like to convey my deepest sympathies to Prime Minister May and to the British people.

Today we mourn with you. Tomorrow we will work side by side with you to fight back against those who seek to destroy our way of life. They underestimate ours and your resilience – these cowardly attacks will only strengthen our commitment to work together to defeat the perpetrators of such vile acts.
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There must be a very strong possibility that this attacker was one of many volunteers and that there is a cell making these bombs for more imminent use.
It seems like a very sophisticated type of device that worked to its full devastating potential and it must be doubtful that this guy cooked it up in his room before walking to the M.E.N at the most optimal time at a concert to cause this.
Our security forces must be in a complete state of panic as to where the next one will be?

Shopping Centres, Champions League, any concerts, schools......the list is endless

Not often I agree with you Harry it this is an attack on the freedoms we all enjoy.I ha e a ticket for U2 in Twickenham and I might give it a miss.
These events will most probably be the most guarded in the near future Luke.
the soft underbelly would be easier targets like schools, trains etc?

This does seem like a well rehearsed plot that is part of an organised terror cell with volunteer Martyrs to carry them out.
The bomb maker must be the biggest target of recent times.
I don't understand why the world can't club together and get rid of their strongholds. Wipe them out.

You saw an illustration of why only a couple of days ago.

This particularly strand is nearly always Sunni, and nearly always resolves to Wahhabism, and the promotion of it. To give you some context, the Soviet Union spent something like 7% promoting communism of what Saudis spend promoting Wahhabism. As Obama remarked to Malcom Turnbull "It's more complicated than that". This week the Saudis signed a $300bn defence contract with America, hung a gold medal round Trump's neck, and gave $100m to his daughters charity. The result? Trump blames Iran

America won't touch Saudi Arabia, one day however (and renewables are getting cheaper every month) the oil will run out and their influence will wane
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This is a silly comment by your standards, Slim.

Voting "to the right" does nothing to combat a terrorist, targeting a Pop concert.

The security services have more powers than MP's, so "voting to the right" to stop these terrible incidents, is a load of hogwash.

I'm referring to being harder on immigration rather then policing etc.
Not often I agree with you Harry it this is an attack on the freedoms we all enjoy.I ha e a ticket for U2 in Twickenham and I might give it a miss.

Agree with both of you. How long before this happens in Ireland? If it can happen in Sweden it can happen everywhere.
I think immigration has very-little to do with terrorism in real-terms, and correlating the two is an error.

A philosophy which suggests terrorism will stop - if we could only "close the gates" - is misplaced for two reasons, imo.

Firstly, it would not be surprising if the perpetrator is eventually found to be a UK citizen. It's certainly been the case with many other Islamic terrorists who have committed atrocities on UK soil, and it's hard to see how a tighter immigration policy would help, when it comes to these types of individuals.

Secondly, pursuing tighter immigration as a means to control terrorism, simply means wasting money/resources in an area that will provide limited material benefit. Such money and resources as are available to fight terrorism, would be better committed in other areas, such as additional surveillance of suspects, intelligence-gathering, de-radicalisation programmes etc. IMO.
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I'm referring to being harder on immigration rather then policing etc.
We've had a Centre Right (led) government in the U.K for 7 years now Slim, if could argue this has happened on their watch.

They (and the security services) might have to actually provide some answers after this, its silly to view the left as part of the causal factor here, then use this as an example of why we need to vote for Conservative or U.K.I.P.

The Islamic threat is so diverse, so much more random, than say the I.R.A.

Whether its a lone wolf, a copy cat merchant, or someone related to Osama Bin Laden himself, you never know with these lot. :(
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I think immigration has very-little to do with terrorism in real-terms, and correlating the two is an error.

A philosophy which suggests terrorism will stop - if we could only "close the gates" - is misplaced for two reasons, imo.

Firstly, it would not be surprising if the perpetrator is eventually found to be a UK citizen. It's certainly been the case with many other Islamic terrorists who have committed atrocities on UK soil, and it's hard to see how a tighter immigration policy would help, when it comes to these types of individuals.

Secondly, pursuing tighter immigration as a means to control terrorism, simply means wasting money/resources in an area that will provide limited material benefit. Such money and resources as are available to fight terrorism, would be better committed in other areas, such as additional surveillance of suspects, intelligence-gathering, de-radicalisation programmes etc. IMO.

Is terrorism not correlated with the borders opening in Europe?
We've had a Centre Right (led) government in the U.K for 7 years now Slim, if could argue this has happened on their watch.

They (and the security services) might have to actually provide some answers after this, its silly to view the left as part of the causal factor here, then use this as an example of why we need to vote for Conservative or U.K.I.P.

The Islamic threat is so diverse, so much more random, than say the I.R.A.

Whether its a lone wolf, a copy cat merchant, or someone related to Osama Bin Laden himself, you just never know with this lot. :(

It almost makes the IRA look legit, at least they were fighting for a known cause. Not that I condone the IRA.
In terms of voting to the right, I'm not suggesting it's the soloution but rather it's likely the party's with more extreme right views are likely to prosper the more incidents like last night. Is that a fair assumption?