Manchester Bombing

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Yes, that is a fair assumption - these things always play into the hands of the right-wing. The problem is that the right-wing are generally useless when it comes to effective policy-making, what with them being a shower of chinless cu*nts, n'that.

Containment (as far as it can be reasonably contained) of the terrorism problem, is entirely down to the professionalism and diligence of the intelligence services and Dibble; both of whom have a welcome degree of operational independence, from the eejits in Government. I'm not convinced that there is, or has ever been, a policy in the right-wing toolkit, that has been demonstratively-proven to have helped tackle terrorism.
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It could skew or change voting patterns Slim, yes. Because the constant Conservative campaign message, that Jeremy Corbyn sympathises with terrorists will hit home for a few disenchanted people, that are easily led into believing slander.
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Spot on, Flagship....hence a stronger-line on immigration will be ineffective. The Internet doesn't recognise borders.
I can't agree Luke, Corbyn attended the funeral of IRA paramilitary that were shot dead when attempting to attack a police station. The comments made by the newspaper he was part of after the Brighton bombing were frankly outrageous no matter your political belief.

I have absolutely no doubt the media have an agenda with pushing his IRA sympathies but as a child of a soldier I was brought up taught how to check under a car for a bomb and what to look for. Nobody who ever had sympathies with the murderers who still refuse to come to Westminster (despite them now being legitimately elected and given the opportunities to influence the Northern Ireland agenda directly in Westminster) will get my vote. And I won't be voting Tory or UKIP either as immigration is the biggest red herring as to the cause of our country's issues.
THis will only end when the royal families in the middle east stop funding these people. In the same way the IRA were brought to the table when America stopped funding them.
Ha, I was agreeing with you. He's slightly to the left of Trotsky, and standing up to terrorists isn't exactly his strong point.

You obviously don't much (if anything) about Trotsky then. You might like to acquaint yourself with the Russian civil war and the Kronstadt rebellion before making such low investment comments. If standing up to terror is what you want, then Trotsky would have been a sight more severe on them then Theresa May, who so far only seems to be bothered about introducing a snoopers charter and her own approved firewall to determine what we're allowed to look at on-line (all in the name of security of course and nothing to do with being a controlling nanny state)
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You obviously don't much (if anything) about Trotsky then. You might like to acquaint yourself with the Russian civil war and the Kronstad rebellion before making such low investment comments. If standing up to terror is what you want, then Trotsky would have been a sight more severe on them then Theresa May, who so far only seems to be bothered about introducing a snoopers charter and her own approved firewall to determine what we're allowed to look at on-line (all in the name of security of course and nothing to do with being a controlling nanny state)

You may expect more calls for it then as no doubt this dude will have been radicalised via the internet.
You may expect more calls for it then as no doubt this dude will have been radicalised via the internet.

Undoubtedly, but then I do wonder what the true value of these enhanced powers has been? For a couple of years David Cameron used to hide behind the seven plots that had been foiled as his justification. Gradually however these cases started to come to court and the level of amateursim behind them was staggering. One guy used the Twitter handle "mystery bomber", had 'Jihadi John' as his avatar, posted videos on youtube of experiments with explosives in his back garden, and finally conducted an on-lie poll regarding his target. Honestly, we're entitled to expect our security services to pick this kind of stuff up with or without the right to turn our televisions into listening devices, access all our phones, and lurk on our hard dirves monitoring everything we write.

When however the UK's snoopers charter and intrusive state fails to protect us, do we think for one second that Theresa May is going to say have your liberties back? Or do we think that oncce we've let her in she'll just consolidate and then go for more
You obviously don't much (if anything) about Trotsky then. You might like to acquaint yourself with the Russian civil war and the Kronstadt rebellion before making such low investment comments. If standing up to terror is what you want, then Trotsky would have been a sight more severe on them then Theresa May, who so far only seems to be bothered about introducing a snoopers charter and her own approved firewall to determine what we're allowed to look at on-line (all in the name of security of course and nothing to do with being a controlling nanny state)

It was a throwaway comment rather than one to be taken literally.

I studied Russian Economic History (and got a first) as part of my first class honours degree in Economics. So you can stick that up your hole frankly.

Back on topic this is a sickening attack - sadly the real surprise is that there aren't more of them. The security services do a great job.
I can't agree Luke, Corbyn attended the funeral of IRA paramilitary that were shot dead when attempting to attack a police station. The comments made by the newspaper he was part of after the Brighton bombing were frankly outrageous no matter your political belief.

I have absolutely no doubt the media have an agenda with pushing his IRA sympathies but as a child of a soldier I was brought up taught how to check under a car for a bomb and what to look for. Nobody who ever had sympathies with the murderers who still refuse to come to Westminster (despite them now being legitimately elected and given the opportunities to influence the Northern Ireland agenda directly in Westminster) will get my vote. And I won't be voting Tory or UKIP either as immigration is the biggest red herring as to the cause of our country's issues.

This account from Ann Travers sheds a lot of light on Corburn in my opinion
Quite like Donald Trump's stance here. Call them what they are.

These cunts are obviously being radicalised so it begs the question have the Intelligence services got undercover officers posing as likely converts. If so I wonder how many of these attacks are being thwarted and can more be done?
Not Trump's biggest fan but he calls a spade a ******* spade and he's spot on about this.

Unfortunate, then, that he's tried to label Shia Iran as the root of all terrorism, when it's clear to anyone with a brain, that it is Sunni groups who are causing all the problems. It's a position which betrays a total ignorance of the subject-matter.

He might call a spade a spade, but that's not much cop if he can't tell the difference between one, and a combine fu*cking harvester.
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The bomber has been identified as Salman Abedi. I'd say he's a good Christian.

Born in Manchester in 1994, the second youngest of four children his parents were Libyan refugees who came to the UK to escape the Gaddafi regime.

His parents were both born in Libya but appear to have emigrated to London before moving to the Fallowfield area of south Manchester where they have lived for at least ten years.

They had three sons in total and a daughter, who is now 18-years-old.

Abedi grew up in the Whalley Range area, just yards from the local girl's high school, which hit the headlines in 2015 when twins and grade A pupils, Zahra and Salma Halane, who were both aspiring medical students, left their homes and moved to Isil controlled Syria.

There were unconfirmed reports in Manchester that the whole family apart from the two elder sons recently returned to Libya.

Others have been arrested and one of those arrested was Abedi’s brother, one of the security officials said the two brothers were known to U.K. security services as having been radicalized but neither had a criminal record.

It is time to move in early on those known to have been radicalised
Born in Manchester in 1994, the second youngest of four children his parents were Libyan refugees who came to the UK to escape the Gaddafi regime.

His parents were both born in Libya but appear to have emigrated to London before moving to the Fallowfield area of south Manchester where they have lived for at least ten years.

They had three sons in total and a daughter, who is now 18-years-old.

Abedi grew up in the Whalley Range area, just yards from the local girl's high school, which hit the headlines in 2015 when twins and grade A pupils, Zahra and Salma Halane, who were both aspiring medical students, left their homes and moved to Isil controlled Syria.

There were unconfirmed reports in Manchester that the whole family apart from the two elder sons recently returned to Libya.

Others have been arrested and one of those arrested was Abedi’s brother, one of the security officials said the two brothers were known to U.K. security services as having been radicalized but neither had a criminal record.

It is time to move in early on those known to have been radicalised

So immigration is nothing to do with it then...
So immigration is nothing to do with it then...

Immigration is a huge issue along with the soft underbelly of the authorities in this county but right now I'm being careful what write as I'm full of anger and hatred. It really is time for the authorities to take charge and stop worrying about their human rights. We have to stop these inhumane acts by whatever means necessary.
We have to stay calm, These arseholes want a war.

If they want a 'war' come out and fight an army, not blow up civilians. They are cowards of the worst kind, and if they really believed in their 'cause' they would fight like the men they claim to be, but clearly are not.