
Who said there's never any good news?

A slow push through the exit. Pity it isn't an instant sacking, but with any luck his days on my tv screen are numbered.
He is far from the first that I would shove of the CH4 studio, and I'm sure it has more to do with him being a relatively elderly gentleman at this stage.
They did this with Oaksey didn't they - he was still listed as a part time team member years after he vanished from the screen.

Makes me realise, although new faces keep being added, very few leave - what was the lineup in the late eighties?

John Tyrell (passed away)
Graham Goode (shunted but still there)
Thommo (has he aged a single day in 20 years?)
Oaksey (left gradually)
Brough Scott (why did he leave - to concentrate on business or was there a more interesting reason?)
Francome (joined 1988 ish?)
Timeform Jim
(edit - remembered) Raleigh Gilbert (passed away) and John Penney (?)

It would be interesting to see an '80s Channel Four racing - I think I have a 1988 one on tape somewhere, must dig it out...
Mcririck thinks its because his profile is bigger than the programme, and people want to see him. im of the opinion that hes a mug, and the trainers/jockeys/owners are getting fed up with him eg, harry findlay last week classic example?
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Mar 18 2008, 02:38 PM
18 reasons for starting to watch the Morning Line again.
Just McCirrick being made part time, ain't going to improve The Morning Line, it's not McCirricks fault program is carp

Producers, those who employ these people, decide what gets discussed , aired, have a lot to answer for imo
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Mar 18 2008, 02:55 PM
It's a start.
I'm no fan of McCirrick and tend to agree with you, but there's a lot more needs to happen to turn The Morning Line into a watchable racing program imo
Interesting that he chooses to try and get the punter through the RP to do his bidding for him. Unfortunately, McCrirrick is an offensive dinosaur and if racing is ever going to branch out and attract new supporters and followers, then it needs to front up with someone who doesn't seem hell bent on alienating at least 50% of the population. On top of that, you've got those (a majority) who don't share his bigotted political views, and quite why Ch4 have indulged him over the years by offering him the oxygen of that newspaper review slot I don't know. If he thinks it's because he's become "too big", then it just goes to illustrate what a delusional idiot he is, and is clearly intoxicated on his own ego. There are slicker broadcasters about who aren't so hell bent on trying to promote the cult of their own personality. He doesn't strike one as being the easiest individual to work with, and some of the forked tounge comments directed at him in links, are just too frequent to make you think that many a true word is indeed spoken in jest. His shows of childish petulance in other arenas also hint at a wider issue, and it hasn't just been confined to the Big Brother embarrasment either. I fear he might get a shock when the 'army of punters' don't come riding to his defence.

Does that mean we'll lose Tweedle Dee and his Bismarck too? Anyone who witnessed that television talk sport show when one of Radio 5's less than brilliant journalists tried her hand at live television (Victoria Derbyshire) will know what I mean. Nasser Hussain was then England captain Mir Bose sports journalist in the studio, so who do they get to comment on Hussains moral right to captain England?, McCrirrick and Dennis. I'm sure you can guess how things developed? It was car crash television at it's worst. I seem to think Victoria Derbyshire's television career finished about 2 weeks later as she'd failed to control the pair and show the duty of care to the studio guest.

Good ridance
Pretty good stuff there Warbler i must say

have to agree with a lot of that about Mac and the news review thing was incredible frankly.

As for Radio five, isnt it a mix of good coverage and awful arrogant and smug presenters. Derbyshire is terrible. I cannot abide listening to her. Worse still was the odious Jane Garvey, whos nicely shown herself up subsequently. And whats that Azz Mamir or whatever its called? who are these people?

We now have Jackie Oakley shrieking thru football matches like shes sitting on John holmes lap and some bloke called Sohail who seemingly doesnt know which game hes at. Anyone suggest how they got their jobs? I wonder...
Half-good news. I'd have preferred it if they'd got rid of the bloated old wreck completely, but you can't have everything, I suppose. Paul Haigh will be pleased.

His position as the unofficial voice of racing has been an embarrassment for far too long.

Re the frumpish ms Garvey, public school-educated opponent of the supposed middle class bias of radio 4, she is now on radio 4 doing Woman's Hour!
Is he really worse than the rest of the motley crew (with a few exceptions) that C4 has assembled? He wouldn't be in my top 5 of C4 racing RESIGN NOW individuals.
McCrirrick is an offensive dinosaur

in your opinion Warbler you mean?

whats offensive to one individual isn't to another

remember Mary Whitehouse?...she used to get offended if Andy Pandy looked wrongly at Looby Lu

i think it might be worth lightening up about a program which isn't actually aimed at the knowledgeable's a vehicle to bring on board those with a passing interest

anyone that thinks larger than life characters turn folk off have it wrong's the julian wilson type does that..he was the most boring dross ever seen on tv...i hope you folk aren't harping after that type of presenter again..because it looks like it reading this thread :eek:
Originally posted by EC1@Mar 18 2008, 08:30 PM
McCrirrick is an offensive dinosaur

in your opinion Warbler you mean?

Well I'd have thought it blindingly obvious that it's my opinion to be honest (which is what these boards are for). Are you taking me literally as a matter of fact? If you are, then I should perhaps point out that despite my description of him, John McCrirrick is not really a Jurassic Therapod.

As reagrds broadening the appeal - can you not see that with his misogyny and overall rudeness likely to alienate women, his lack of connection likely to alienate the young, and is ill considered partisan jingoism likely alienate anybody else left, McCrirrick is the very last person to fulfill this function.
Whos called for Julian wilson?

To many he was just as elitist and patronising as McCririck. hes not the opposite at all
Originally posted by Warbler@Mar 18 2008, 09:08 PM
As reagrds broadening the appeal - can you not see that with his misogyny and overall rudeness likely to alienate women, his lack of connection likely to alienate the young, and is ill considered partisan jingoism likely alienate anybody else left,

Derek Thomopson alienates the mildly intelligent.
Tanya alienates the punter that knows anything about gambling.

Give me McCrirrick anyday.
Indeed, a few less women and Asians [or whatever they're called] and it'd be much better

Stupid comment and you know it :suspect:

A little more conviction that commentators are chsoen for ability and communication skills rather than race/gender would improve matters.
Originally posted by clivex@Mar 18 2008, 09:17 PM
Whos called for Julian wilson?

To many he was just as elitist and patronising as McCririck. hes not the opposite at all
Indeed, did they not both attend Harrow?

McCririck is paid for his racing insights and so on. More often than not in recent years he's allowed himself (be it because of money, an insatiable appetite to raise his own profile, or plain old fashion ego seducing him into thinking that anyone is interested in his opinions) beyond racing. He increasingly crops up on inflammatory phone ins, or as the unreasonable and out of step voice in audience participation or talk shows, that is predominantly designed to provoke and offend. He presumebly enjoys the role he's casting himself, and might even sincerely believe he has something to contribute beyond becoming a figure of ridicule, which ultimately reflects on racing.

In an essay on 'criticsm' Alexander Pope observed that "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" (I'll spare you the full critique) but McCririck has pushed the boundaries in recent times and wandered into dangerous and devisive territory. In effect he's become the partially articulate and partially informed manifestation of what Alexander Pope noted centuries ago.

As Clive points out, Wilson and McCririck are different peas from the same pod, pedalling very similar messages at a constituency which they have zero appeal outside of. McCririck is largely the architect of his demise but probably doesn't realise it. That he thinks he can run off to the RP and mount some media charm to have himself reinstated on a sympathy vote, only reinforces the man's misplaced sense of his own self importance. His views and conduct are just as likely to damage and restrict the appeal of racing in the longer term, and Channel 4 in the short-term.

As such I wouldn't confuse his outwardly eccentric appearance, with 'being a character'. Had he stuck to the visual side of things, and reinforced it with a charismatically roguish obsession with gambling he might have pulled off what I'll call the "Bilko effect". Instead he's used his media profile increasingly to advance his own opinions on any subject and in doing so has only succeeded in under lining the pro-establishment exclusivity that will always restrict racings appeal.
It's always just coincidence clive, isn't it?

What are u talking about? Either front up what r u trying to insinuate or shut up

There is a very fine lady West Indian commentator (name escapes me) in cricket and numerous ex asian cricketers of course. They are there, from what i have seen, on merit. I ahve no way of proving otherwise but some recent additions to various BBc commentating teams do not give any impression that they were the very best options for the job