
A sad day for horse racing, a very sad day.

At least he adds colour to a dull program,

I will miss his screaming of 6/4 Coral, they knew :)
I'm not insinuating anything clive - I'm quite blatantly referring to you letting loose your views on a set of women and/or British-Asian broadcasters (even referring to one of them as "it") and making the assertion that not only do they only have their jobs because of their gender and/or race, but that they're keeping better broadcasters out of a job - a bizarre implication when you consider the overall standard of all of the BBC's presenters. For example, how you can have a rant at "smug" Five Live presenters and not mention John Inverdale? Because it doesn't fit your rancid argument, that's why.
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Classic Winner

Joined: 28 Sep 2003
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Location: Twickenham
Posted: 14 Mar 2008 19:18 Post subject:


The bits of Radio five live coverage i caught was full of the "oh isnt it so wonderful" blathering from the creepy John Inverdale and the slightly patronising Balding

No doubt racing fans are seen as evil white working class (see BBC2 season) or fox murdering [expletive] by the beeb and are not deemed worthy of anything other than a sneer

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From TRf which u read

"smug" inverdale is not one part of the
overall standard of all of the BBC's presenters

You are all over the place
I agree with Clive on this one
And Mac will be missed by me with all the banter involving him.
Thank you for providing me with the evidence that proves my point, clive.

As you appear to have long held the view that the white, male Inverdale is just as objectionable as those you mentioned in your post above, perhaps you will explain why you singled out a group of female and/or Asian presenters?

It's obvious, of course. You want to bang on about how the presenting standards are rubbish because people are getting jobs based on their gender and/or racial background, conveniently ignoring that - by your own agreement! - the BBC are well capable of hiring white, male presenters who are just as bad.

Once again, thanks for proving my point for me.

"smug" inverdale is not one part of the

overall standard of all of the BBC's presenters

"Smug" Inverdale is the epitome of the BBC's presenters.

Way to miss the point...
"What Andrew Thompson says is that I am gettingtoo much publicity and they essentially want to do away with that.

“It's taking too much away from everyone else, so, in other words, I have too high a profile; the programme is too much associated with me. They want to ease that down and spread it about. That is the argument they are using.”

- John McCririck quoted in the RP.

The mans clearly deluded. What he fails to even comprehend is the nature of the publicity he's getting. Do you real think Ch4 have done this on a whim? I doubt it. They'll surely have done some kind of market research and discovered that his offensive outbursts (which have become more frequent and by no means confined to his Ch4 racing podium) are not playing well with the public I suspect or embarassing to Darley or putting of advertisers. Mind you this idea that he's pedalling that he's somehow bigger than the rest of his colleagues combined, is hardly going to endear him to them either.

The thing is he's branched out into non-racing areas with ever greater vigour and revealed a consistently unpleasent side to himself that people do not respond to with any sense of affection. He's not a question of Thompson being concerned about him getting too much publicity, but much more likely to be centred on the type of publicity he's both courting and attracting. Ultimately it will damage the Ch4 product as people don't like to hear it, and don't want to associate with it.

McCririck is clearly so arrogant and self-righteous he doesn't seem to be able to comprehend it, yet alone realise that he's solicited it and brought it on himself with his inability not to offer any offensive remark on every subject that anyones prepared to give the oxygen to shout about.
Apart from his being (allegedly) a big, fat, smelly, obnoxious and mysoginist prick, here is my problem with McCririck.

Firstly, when Tanya is trying to deliver a piece to camera he will do anything to draw the attention of the viewer back towards him.

Secondly, he makes no contribution to my information on betting. He is broadcasting to a home audience and rants "Freddie Williams goes Bottle." Whadafuq has that got to do with the price of turnips?

Thirdly - everytime there is a betting coup or some jockey is caught stuffing cocaine up a kangaroos arse, Irish talk radio contacts him for an interview and introduces him as a 'betting' expert. My goldfish knows more about betting than him.
Is this the first chance that C4 Racing have had a chance to change his contract since that thing with Chris Tarrant's wife?
As far as I am concerned McCririck, and Julian Wilson for that matter, are very poor adverts for public schools in general and Harrow in particular.

Rude, arrogant and boorish................and both well past their sell-by date.

If, clivex, is referring, in his own unique way, to positive discrimination, then I agree with him.

The number of women involved with sport presentation seems perverse and doesn't in any way reflect the percentage of women who are interested in sport, from my experience anyway.

The colour of the presenters doesn't matter a jot to me, as long as they are as good at the job as they should be. .............and. imo, Persad isn't.
The colour of the presenters doesn't matter a jot to me, as long as they are as good at the job as they should be. .............and. imo, Persad isn't.

So their colour does matter to you if they're rubbish? I must have missed the bits in the Loughran thread where it was pointed out that he only got that job because he's white.
Thank you for providing me with the evidence that proves my point, clive.

As you appear to have long held the view that the white, male Inverdale is just as objectionable as those you mentioned in your post above, perhaps you will explain why you singled out a group of female and/or Asian presenters?

The evidence that i provided you with is that my dislike of certain presenters has nothing to do with gender/race. I think tahts very easy for most people to understand.Your laughable line that you "were not insinuating" anything but at the same time my comments are "rancid" was well and truly stumped.

So the criticism of any grouping is not valid unless theres a token white male in there is it?

The second point that the BBC have been hiring commentators (who are often average to say the least) on the basis of gender/race stands as far as i am concerned.

I agree with all of that but C4 are guilty of indulging him too. It works both ways. The embarassing newspaper review bit on the morning line is perfect example as you said. They have created the monester in many ways

Would you agree though that when restricted to racing talk and interviewing, as on ATR sometimes, hes pretty good value?
Gareth, what I thought I said was (and I don't think it was ambiguous)...all that matters to me is if they are rubbish or not.

If they are rubbish off with their heads, whatever colour that head may be.
Ch4 have provided a platform and he's taken it and continued to use it to push his own views on anything from social commentary to political opinion. It might have started out as a sports review but he's pushed the envelope and has crossed the boundary of what should have been acceptable a long time ago given his supposed remit. In effect he's hijacked aspects of the programme and turned it into his own soap box. In effect he's done little to broaden the appeal of racing and I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover that audience response surveys or sponsors/ advertisers have taken a dim view and don't want the association. It's typical of the man's arrogance that he doesn't seem to realise this and thinks it's because he's become bigger than his jealous colleagues, many of whom you suspect have had to work with him under a degree of sufference.

As AC says, it's as if he's become a right wing, reactionary staple that when ever the fast moving 24 hour news programmes want someone to offer a provocative and ill thought out sound bite they turn to. Far from thinking about the implications (or even damage he might be doing to his own causes, as he's hardly the most eloquent and charaismatic advocate) he can't resist drinking the cup each time its held up to his lips. If you want to hear this kind of thing, you need look no further than a late night radio 5 phone in, when Steven Nolan picks on an inflamatory subject designed to appeal to a baser instinct, and then invites half addled listeners to moralise with indignation over it.

You've got the Tarrant thing, Big Brother, and Celebrity wife swap to think of three recent incidents when he's frankly been embarassing. Had he been cleverer he might very well have cultivated the image of an ecentric englishman obssessed with gambling (and might yet be able to reinvent himself in the States thus).

Ch4 are certainly far from blameless in providing him the oxygen and allowing him to wander into areas outside of his remit. To some extent they can only impose limited controls over his activities, but for such time as he's working for them, on their programmes, they should have reigned him in a long time ago. It strikes me that he's got little if not any, sense of the figure of ridicule, revulsion and ultimately, liability that he's become.
Totally agree with both Warbler and An Capell here. The man marginally amusing a few years ago, and did a lot for racing charities - apparently he's much nicer in real life, and always ready to help out in a good cause - but he's now become a complete buffoon... a caricature of a caricature

His presence also attracts all those idiot gurners at the lens from over his shoulder... I wouldn't be surprised if his colleagues have made their feelings well know inc the camera teams who have to deal with it.
When CH4 see the light and dump the insufferable boor completely, maybe I'll start watching the Morning Line again. Until that day comes, that's one viewer less!
If you want to hear this kind of thing, you need look no further than a late night radio 5 phone in, when Steven Nolan picks on an inflamatory subject designed to appeal to a baser instinct, and then invites half addled listeners to moralise with indignation over it.

Or as we call it, a new topic on 'Non Racing Chat'
Perhaps our English contributors could inform 'mealy' mouthed politicians of the debacle in Iraq, the financial crisis or the unending devastation caused by Pikeys and caravans. Then he can worry about something real.

Racing Post

LABOUR MP Alan Meale, one of racing's staunchest supporters in the House of Commons, on Monday slammed the decision of Channel 4 bosses to cut back dramatically on the number of days the broadcaster will use John McCririck next year.

“It's a disgrace, an absolutely atrocious decision,” said Meale. “Here we are, trying to take racing to a wider audience, and Channel 4 cuts down the hours of the one man who, whether you like him or not, gets racing's ethos across to everyone.

“To take someone off the screen because he's too popular is bizarre,” added the MP for Mansfield. “Andrew Thompson has just put salt on the cornflakes.”

McCririck himself on Monday tipped Tom Lee to become C4's new face in the betting ring following the broadcaster's decision. Though it is under-stood no decision has been reached as to the identity of McCririck's succes-sor, the Channel 4 betting guru described Lee as “the ideal candidate” to fill his shoes on the 18 Saturdays when he will no longer be on air.

Lee, son of trainer Richard Lee, has already worked in the ring with McCririck and was on Monday installed evens favourite to be in McCririck's chair in future editions of The Morning Line by Paddy Power.

McCririck will be back on terrestrial television this weekend, when C4 broadcasts the William Hill Lincoln meeting on Saturday, but will be missing on April 12, the first fixture dropped from his regular schedule. Asked who might replace him, he said: “I don't know, but I would have thought Tom Lee would be very likely. He's worked for RTE and did a fair bit of training there and has filled in a fair bit when I'm not there. He's the number one in the frame.”

McCririck, racing's best-known media figure and household name, has been dropped from 18 Saturdays he would have worked by C4, a decision believed to have been made by the station's head of sport Thompson, despite resistance from Highflyer Productions, to whom he is contracted.

Though Thompson could not be contacted on Monday, McCririck believes appearances in the Big Brother series and Wife Swap, both C4 programmes, have convinced bosses he has become too big for the C4 racing brand.
On Monday he received support from C4 colleague John Francome, who said: “It's a shame because he's a good member of the team.

“A lot of people see him on screen and he rants and raves and is not always easy, but there's a good side to him and fun side as well. Maybe if he's on less people will appreciate him more when he comes back
I should think an endorsement from McCririck is the last thing Tom Lee needs. That's his chances scuppered then. Nick Luck or promotion for Tanya I'd have thought. Again the man can only talk about his successor by using himself as the reference point. "Has filled in in a fair bit when I'm not there". It's hardly a ringing endorsement, and reads more like not as good as me, but covers for me etc.

He might have made the connection between his other activities and his semi sacking, but still hasn't worked it out has he. Nothing to do with him becoming too big, and every to do with him becoming to big a liability and embarassment.

As for Alan Meale? What a prick. There's nothing really left to add. It reminds me of the last days of the Tories under mogadon man when they'd clearly lost all ideas, connection and sense of priority. It also casts serious question marks on the man's judgement. McCririck is the last person to broaden racing appeal precisely because he offends and alienates so many people, apart from those outside of a small constituency.