That was good fun! At least I wasn't Trotsky, though Ardross is beardless and spectacle-less (well, the last time I saw him, anyway). Poor old Pee, definitely not Billy Bunter - he is very tall and well-built, and I don't think he bumbles, either! Just for fun, can you match the forumites to the following:
TWO bottles of Smirnoff, oshiffer? Don't be silly! Make it five!
My perfume? Oh, Eau de Silage, I think... ooh, mind the cowpats!
If you go back to Old Brown Nose #15 in 1748, crossed with Nickynacky Old Bay and Greystoke Pathfinder, the cross with Doodah is less pronounced through the Tiddlywinks line of 1842...
... on 147, which by my 2004-5 seasonal calculations sees an increase of at least 7 over my pre-calculations for him in 2007, by which time we should see him easily around 150 with the others at no more than 148, giving him every chance to...
... thieving bastards who leave a trail of corrupt slime wherever they set out their stalls to fleece the poor, unsuspecting punter...
I use a shutter speed of 400rpm with a Dingbat Superdef film in bright sunlight, but by the end of the day I swap to a Wowee Flash Wizard 800 for the long-distance shots, with an Xtra Anti-fade Filter System when it's...
... went at it like bandits all afternoon, though I had to get her back to her dorm by 10.30 p.m., without her knickers, which I found later in the kitchen...