most slagging off by 5pm tomorrow

Needham doesn't have a meeting tomorrow, does she?!

The arseholes who decided Kempton would stage an additional meeting on Saturday shoul dbe a shade of odds on.
You fecking work it then.

I'd love for someone to tell me how in the name of God a shitty card of crap racing at the poxy sandpit is in any way a replacement for the decent NH cards lost so far?

The BHA's heads are stuck up their arses.
Hang on a second Chris - you say there's a race for yours on the card? Bloody marvellous - it's a banded racing card? A bunch of utter yaks that shouldn't be in training competing to see who is the slowest then. Superb stuff.
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5 class 6's and one class 4,

apparently its Channel 4 who requested it.

I won't take offence Dom, Star is only having two more runs till his retirement. He may not be very good but he's won a race and the wording of bunch of utter yaks is bit harsh, end of the day if you don't like your job you don't have to do it do you. :)
Chris, the BHA shouldn't be staging such utter shite, especially not with three days notice. No-one wants to see these useless hairy yaks crawling around an empty, shitty hole of an excuse for a racecourse.

Pray Tesco builds on top of the hovel and soon.
Not everyone is daft enough to think that their slow, non-staying little darling is worth running over hurdles you know.
Fair dos, thought it was aimed at my campaigning of Gio earlier this year. Plenty of poor flat horses do go hurdling though!
Some do, GS, some don't.

Look, I know these poor animals are the darlings of their owners but, realistically, they shouldn't be in training since they have no hope of troubling a judge. The sooner the BHA phase out these lower rated animals, the better. It's dragging down the already low standard of our racing even further.
I agree, the 2 sprint handicaps at Lingfield today are perfect examples but there has to be plans in place regarding what happens to these horses once they can't get in races and make the grade unless you want a sudden influx to slaughter yards. If new homes can't be found then they have to stay in the yard and rack up bills for owners and I'm afraid to say the easiest option out of that pointless spiral of bills is slaughter. I could easily have had Gio's head off a few months ago but I decided on moral grounds to rack up a couple months more bills instead.
...none of them will be gracing Kempton on Saturday!

The trouble is that too many people don't even think about what they might do with their horse after it has finished racing. It should be taken as much into consideration as running it when you take them on.
I think in the past I have made my view of AW racing known. My main reason being that it’s too easy to stage a poor AW meeting and risk devaluing a superb sport.

I don't have the numbers but my gut feeling is that AW racing delivers weaker horses, my reasoning is illogical but:

'Godolphin train and aim their horse for an AW & turf season and have been found wanting'.

'In my trends anaysis for better turf races, I have rarely been found out by eliminatiing every AW winner in the field. There were a few exceptions but not many in the past three years.'

I can understand the reasons for AW, i.e. keeping the industry rolling and growing through inconvenient times (weather, evening etc) but once a sport starts losing its spectacle it soon shrinks to nought.

We may criticise our organisers and our few bad apples but having watched 'a much lesser racing product' in other parts of the world I am convinced that racing in the UK is second to none

As pointed out elsewhere why have the powers that be decided to stage an extra card at Kempton on Saturday with Wincanton,Lingfield and Sandown weather permitting due to race.

Geographically it's a no brainer and surely any extra flat meet should have been staged at Wolves!

Yes, Needham is on duty weather permitting at Catterick tomorrow.
I'll reply in full tomorrow as I'm off out but there are some decent animals running on the all-weather and that needs to be supported so the standard improves. Also, there would be just as many shit selling hurdles run in the Winter as AW class 6 handicaps if you could run them at night and in any weather conditions as easily as class 6 handicaps at Kempton can be staged.
It works both ways - if I'm backing in a race on the a/w I more or less ignore turf form since the two rarely correlate, in handicaps at least, and in practice at all. If a horse has good form on the a/w then I'll usually back it against a 'turf' horse. Works for me!
As pointed out elsewhere why have the powers that be decided to stage an extra card at Kempton on Saturday with Wincanton,Lingfield and Sandown weather permitting due to race.

Geographically it's a no brainer and surely any extra flat meet should have been staged at Wolves!

Yes, Needham is on duty weather permitting at Catterick tomorrow.

There is already a meeting at Wolves though Arkwright. The addition for Kempton was mainly for TV and Betting purposes.
Some do, GS, some don't.

Look, I know these poor animals are the darlings of their owners but, realistically, they shouldn't be in training since they have no hope of troubling a judge. The sooner the BHA phase out these lower rated animals, the better. It's dragging down the already low standard of our racing even further.

the problem is that if you remove a section of horses that rarely then create a new section of non winners that were beating these horses

taken to its conclusion...if you removed every horse rated 80 or less then you would still get horses above these that would then never win as they need the 80 or less horses to be there to beat

you can't ever get rid of the non winners.
There is already a meeting at Wolves though Arkwright. The addition for Kempton was mainly for TV and Betting purposes.

I can't see any meeting for Wolves on Saturday,looks like it's a rare blank Saturday evening for racing.