most slagging off by 5pm tomorrow

Well I must say that the universally hated Kempton Dom was going on about was absolutely packed today and there was queuing to get in.

9 bookmakers unlike her predicted less than three and it was an enjoyable card despite the weather. I would say there was a good few thousand there today and the main car park was full.

Obviously no one wanted to go did they, and they want Kempton shut. The BHA's decision proved an overwhelming success in my opinion.
No doubt Kempton would have been pretty deserted had Sandown been on, but it was nice today to have loads of people there, it was a bit like Kempton's jumps meetings. A nice crowd, plenty of people and atmosphere.

Does anyone know why the stand was shut at the bottom?
There was no way they were going to race at GLs this week (and I expect they *were* offered an extra fixture) since every one has been flat out since this time last year and all the key people had a little holiday planned for this week! No racing til 8th Jan
Don't get me bloody started!!!!!!! Where do poxy fecking poxy fecking poxy fecking arse end of the world, shithole Kempton get off staging so many bloody meetings?????? They've several weeks in the year when they stage 3 or 4 meetings a week which is sheer madness.

...and they wonder why no-one goes to the karzy and the place is losing money hand over fist so they're having to make cutback after cutback! Cretins.

Dom, I think I love you. Post of the year. Post of any year. I couldn't count the number of times I have wondered why no one goes to the karzy. Well said that lady.
Don't get me bloody started!!!!!!! Where do poxy fecking poxy fecking poxy fecking arse end of the world, shithole Kempton get off staging so many bloody meetings?????? They've several weeks in the year when they stage 3 or 4 meetings a week which is sheer madness.
Shado, you are not a 6ft 10, Gillingham supporter are you?

Your outbusrt, legitimate as it is, reminds of the scenario I observed leaving Swindon Town's ground in the early eighties.

Swindon had just beaten Gillingham 8-1 and, as I was happily leaving the ground, I saw this giant of a Gillingham supporter holding a skinny five foot Swindon supporter a clear 2 feet off the ground, with one hand, yelling into his face 'you fecking tosspot, you haven't got a fecking clue about football, hav' yer. You fecking haven’t, av yer, not a fecking clue .... fecking football ...... fecking clue ..... fecking ground ....

- at which point three uniformed officers jumped him.

Some of you boys are a little slow off the mark - that was posted days ago! :D

There must've been a couple of hundred people there today - the common consensus of opinion was that they'd gone to the local soup kitchens and offered free soup and a place to kip in the stands.