most slagging off by 5pm tomorrow

There are no evening meetings on Saturday nights in January, very strange.

Back to the debate Dom started, the fact is that there are so many crap horses rated in the 50s and 60s running on the AW in Handicaps between 5f and 1m2f because there are so many opportunities for them. The reason there are so many opportunities for them is that AW racing is very easy to stage, it can be ran at all hours of the day in pretty much any weather conditions. Like I said, there would be just as many crap handicap/selling hurdlers and chasers were it so easy to stage opportunities for the horses. There will continue to be as many opportunities for these crap horses as long as punters bet on these events as the bookmakers will continue to want them to be staged, the BHA would have had a rocket from sections of the industry were there just one AW meeting on Saturday so they've had to act and put this meeting on, granted it's weak stuff but they are guaranteed big fields and plenty of runners unlike if they staged a 1m6f Listed Race for example.
Will He Wish has been round the block more than some of the girls I went to University with.

Hardly. He didn't run till he was 7. He still runs to a decent level at the age of 13. You're only saying that 'cos the trainer you have your horse(s) with managed to f**k him up for the best part of 2 years and wasted the best part of his life, as she thought he was a jumps horse :mad:
I didn't mean it in a nasty way Simon, it was just a joke, he's a consistent performer but he's not hardly progressive!

Mandy certainly didn't think Gio was a jumps horse, we chose to go down that route when he'd proved himself to be awful on the flat.
She messed up our boy though, and for that I will never forgive her. We missed the best part of his life (I'm sure he'd have been Group class as a 2/3yo.) and he only got going when he was 7. He's taken us to the best meetings, and we'll always love him. No, he's not progressive, but he also is dropping down the handicap a lot like some of these old boys you see. I don't agree he's been round the block millions of times, he's not raced all that much, really, and will certainly be winning again soon.
I love how protective people get over slowboat animals.

The quality of jumps racing at this time of year is absolutely appalling and the more all weather cards there are to fill the gaps that abandoments leave the better. I'm not the BHA's biggest fan but I don't really see how they can win with some people, what was the alternative on Saturday? Staging an NH card in Morocco?
Not too sure of the past with that one Simon and certainly not debating it on a public forum when I have little to no idea of the history of your dealings with Mandy.

Good luck with Will He Wish, he'll continue to win more races for you I'm sure but like you say, I can only see him dropping down the handicap and winning at a lower level.
Not too sure of the past with that one Simon and certainly not debating it on a public forum when I have little to no idea of the history of your dealings with Mandy.

Good luck with Will He Wish, he'll continue to win more races for you I'm sure but like you say, I can only see him dropping down the handicap and winning at a lower level.

Again, I disagree. If reports from his work at home are anything to go by, he'll be competing at this level for some time to come.
what was the alternative on Saturday? Staging an NH card in Morocco?

Well, there was always the option that has been used for plenty of years beforehand in that you takes your chances. If the only racemeeting tht could be staged on Saturday had been Lingfield aw, then so be it - shock, horror, some people would have to find something else to bet on (God knows there's enough to spunk money away on) in the eventuality of their only being one meeting on. Why does there HAVE to be extra meetings on? Who ACTUALLY wants them? No-one I know, that's for sure.

Anyway I'm going to laugh my tits off if, as it now appears, as well as Lingfield (around 45 mins away - why, as Arkers says, couldn't they have staged this at Wolves?????) staging a sandpit card on Saturday, it looks as though Sandown may be on. In which case not a punter will be in evidence and hardly any bookmakers - in fact, I'd say they will struggle to get the three bookmakers in attendance that are required to return an SP. I'll laugh until I cry if they are struggling to get an SP returned for the zero punters that will go - Kempton/the BHA get what the deserve for being such greedy, money grabbing arseholes.
Surely the meeting wouldn't have been put on if no-one wanted it?

The bookmakers probably wanted it and if they wanted, their punters wanted it.
"The bookmakers" is such a good, and vague, title for a group of people, dontcha think?? All of them???!? Certainly not all bookmakers - that will be in evidence by the very few oncourse boys that will actually bother to turn up. Two of those will only be there as they will have been made to go there, God knows where they're going to scrape up the 3rd bookmaker from with Lingfield and Sandown on. One thing is for sure - the 3rd bookmker will be one who wouldn't ordinarily (ie way from Kempton) ever be considered for inclusion in the returning of the SPs since it'll be some outfit that won't lay a carrot.
Dom will be delighted about this...

Additional fixtures for Kempton and Lingfield

By Turia Tellwright3.33PM 2 JAN 2009

THE BHA has announced two additional all-weather fixtures at Kempton and Lingfield to compensate for the threat of further abandonments.
A six-race card will be heldat Lingfield on Monday January 5 and another the next day at Kempton. Entries for both meetings close at 12pm on Saturday January 3.
Don't get me bloody started!!!!!!! Where do poxy fecking poxy fecking poxy fecking arse end of the world, shithole Kempton get off staging so many bloody meetings?????? They've several weeks in the year when they stage 3 or 4 meetings a week which is sheer madness.

...and they wonder why no-one goes to the karzy and the place is losing money hand over fist so they're having to make cutback after cutback! Cretins.
I hear Ladbrokes are going 1/10 about Dom before the winters out walking into work with a sandwich board saying turn Kempton into a Tesco on her.
I'm starting to wonder whether that should enter the guiness world records for the sentence with the most 'fecks' and the most 'poxys' in.
Not to mention the arses and shitholes - oops! pardon my French

LOL Has Shadz ever been in the Army, I wonder?? or the Navy? She'd be right at home
I wouldn't have thought so Heads, she isn't quite the right build for the Army but I'm sure she would be good at giving the orders.

I hear she is an active member of the WI though :)