I love the "Movember" idea, and am so glad and proud to see people pledging to donate to this cause.
I love it is because it raises money and awareness for two illnesses/conditions that I am ever so familiar and current with, cancer and depression.
Although its a campaign for male health, I think its great that both conditions are being made more aware, particularly depression in males. Having been diagnosed myself (even though I am a female) with depression recently, this condition really is a silent killer, particularly in males. People feel ashamed to admitting they have a problem, and will not do anything about it, and eventually the shame, frustration, angst and anxiety catches up with the sufferer before its all too late.
I know, because I was in this boat several weeks ago, before 2 very caring people stepped in, and now I am slowly starting to regather. I have my good days, and also my bad days. Tonight was a perfect example of when anxiety sent me mad, that my best friend had to take my phone off of me, to calm me down, because I was distraught I had not paid my phone bill on time and was being sent "evil" messages from the phone company that they would switch off my access in 24 hours.
Several weeks ago I would have been ashamed to even have admitted this publicly, or to even think I had depression. Now I am not.
That is why i am glad of campaigns like Movember, and charities like the Cancer Council and Beyond Blue for making us AWARE of these crippling conditions.