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Msc Napoli

Thats not the case as the Police have closed all roads to the beach and some of the surrounding roads. The combers are walking miles to get to the beach and also going there at night. The place is a mess.
No not outraged. Just concerned for the place. I live quite near. I am even more concerned about the operation to remove the oil from the striken vessel. This is an area of outstanding beauty and rich wildlife.
There is nothing wrong with what they are doing. Scavenging is legal, provided the goods are returned if/when the original owner claims them.
:o DIMS I personaly think /reckon you ought to be down there and grab yourself one of those BMW motor bikes.......one never knows it could reform your image?

Just think now! You could get your self a full leather kit and this BMW BIKE with camera bag over/on shoulder roaring up at ASCOT or CHELTENHAM........ ;) :P :D

The mind just boggles!! Don't it? Or get a sidecar attached and get auntie KRI on the back I'M sure it will get you very good publicity! and who knows instant fame in a flash??

We have all heared of the two fat ladies you could be on a par with these for fame?On your super duper BMW.......with a name like The two lady horse lovers.. !!!The Snappers!!!! or even the Flashers???...just a thought? :P :)
After just watching the local news i would question that PDJ. Branscombe had a number of thefts in the night. The village is covered in the rubbish and filth left from the scavengers. There is nothing left so the looting will stop.

The oil has started to seep from the vessel at an increased rate and the birds are now coming onto the beaches covered in oil or dead. This is what I did not want to hear.

Merlin I think you are in dire need of your medication.
They are doing something wrong but because there is a (very) slim chance that these thieving bastards might report their finds within 28 days it is not illegal.

What I find amazing is the lack of intelligent thought by the police. It was not a manpower shortage that caused the police not to stop the looting, it was the legal uncertainty. They were unsure if they could do anything. So they could have repeated their warning about some hazardous cargo and up set an exclusion area on the relevant beach(es) for the safety of the public. No queation that they then could stop people.
Can't you take it earlier ..........just this once. You'll save us all.

Agreed Tout. One story reported was of one family who had shipped their personal items out to South Africa. Their cargo was washed up on the beach in one of those containers. Film crews approached the men who ripped the container open and took the items out. Photographs and pictures were thrown around the beach while they plundered the container for richer objects.
It's not the police's fault as long as they don't go through baricade's there's nothing that the police can do. They have a month to register it (and hand it back if requested) before they have commited an offence.
DIMS o-k ITS BEEN TAKEN NOW!!......JON.. One can only think in a positive manner my grand daddy told me!! ;)


I have seen in other countries people looting at the demise of others bad luck ie. Storm damage as in New Orleans and other disaster places, so is this something that regardless of circumstances people being just people will do this kind of thing?

I know there in Devon and Cornwall over 100 yrs ago they had people illegally!! lamping !!! To hope that the ships passing would run aground, so they could plunder and pillage and obviously make some monies or get a better living than they had at this time..

These people/looters are really making a mess I was watching this morning BBC 24hr NEWS they had an helicopter showing both the boat and the beach and the beach looked a disaster zone, created by these people tearing everything open in search of goodies.
I suppose if something similar happened here I am 600 yds from the Bristol Channel, I would go and look and if there was goodies to be had, I suppose like most I would know doubt help myself but to what severity I got involved I doubt I could tell you.

The incident with regards the container with the persons belongings, is sad but it could have all been ALL on the sea bed, which obviously is a much worse scenario than the ships receivers could/would have hoped for! They will retrieve some unopened containers that’s for sure, but I agree the mess created by the looters leaves a lot to be desired and obviously the wreck as gone aground in a place of natural beauty which is another sad eventuality........ :rolleyes:
Yeah right - like any of the peasants nicking stuff are going to make sure that they report it to the authorities within the next 30 days!! :lol:

This just goes to show what a nation of scavenging, money grabbing scallies we have become IMO.
There was a lady on the radio this morning who was in South Africa and called up to say she saw people stealing her things on the TV, apparently some of the stuff was returned to the Police and has been forwarded on to her.
Phil was telling me last night that a couple of the lads who are in our machinery ring decided to go down to Branscombe a couple of nights ago to do a bit of 'foraging'... Apparently, it was a complete party atmosphere, with folk having fires, picnics, scavanging as they went and they had a gas..

I think Phil was offered some obscure BMW part ...... B)
Originally posted by Diminuendo@Jan 23 2007, 11:11 PM
I bet she didn't get her photos.
According to today's Daily Telegraph their photos have been recovered. A small glimmer of hope for them.

I find all this looting fairly disgusting. Legal or not they're taking what belongs to someone else and in my eyes it makes them nothing better than any other thief.
Songsheet, I've heard of circus rings, wedding rings and drug rings, but what is a machinery ring?
It's when a group of farmers get together and 'pool' their resources - ie someone has the forager, others supply tractors/trailers etc and they go between the farms during hay, silage, maize harvests etc.

During silalge here, they'll work round the clock to get the crop in and it will mean about four large tractors and trailers on a constant run from the forage harvester back to the silage pits, with someone 'buck raking' on the pit (rolling and packing the crop right down). The pits are then sheeted down and the freaded tyres go on top. As our lanes are very narrow, they have a strict system in place to ensure that they don't need to pass one another or reverse - it's pretty impressive!

While I am permitted to do mundane jobs like roll fields, I am not allowed to haul... can't think why not!!!
Thanks, Songsheet.

So a machinery ring has nothing to do with dealing in BMWs fallen off the back of a lorry, or washed up on a beach for that matter. I'm glad you've cleared that up. B)