
I was banned by everybook before the exchanges even started,took me 6 years to win 7 figures was winning on everything especially the aw my mates brother was steven gough if you read andy holding thing on the simon nott interview he hung around with same person,he;s porobably worth 50 million and thats where i learn't it all just putting bets on for him and watching replays with him on his screens 25 years ago...Since the exchages have bee around its just got worse every year plus the amount of racing,most of its so uncompetitIve there;s very little value anymore,illness and having a 16 year old daughter and 7 year old son it's got to the point where everything is just hassle just to get a bet on,been like it for years,that's why i've done things like post on here for 8 years...That thread has been prolific over the years,ive had 4000/1 accas up some days,but you can see the gradual decline of betting opprtunitys on there,don't usually use the exchanges muh now as usually i've already moved the markets overnight just by people reading the thread,some value in place nmarkets that i've been using a fair bit but thats about it..i can't get much on resuming i can find someone to put me a bet on...I'm looking to take out 5 fiogures when i have a bet now on multiples but it's just getting harder and harder as there''s less and less to do,15 years ago i could turn over 10 grand somedays now most daus i don't even have a bet,thats why i'm doing other things getting interested i politucs plus watching my daughters eductation as she wants to go into medicine.Mum has canceer as well so that's also put things into perspective and last year i was diagnosed with ms,just a roller coaster at the moment betting just seems futile i just use it to get my mind off things for awhile.
The only time i leave the house now is too see my mum or hospital appointments,might be the last year me posting on the forum it was going to be last year my mrs is 10 years younger than me,in 10 years time i might have deteriorated so sooner rather than later need to try and do some stuff with them...Iwill still try and maje that thread prolific over the flat season,but its 16 hour days i've been doing it for over 20 years now with 4-5 hours sleep am actually up now looking at sticks form and i havn't doine any for 12 years...unless i know i'm the best i will just pack in..see how it gors for this season.
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Very interesting, gigilo, thanks for reply and my best wishes to you and yours :)
I would love another 5 years at it,if something changes i might still csarry on but it's 10x harder to win now and sitting around for three days just to find one bet that you struggle to get three figures on whats the point plus unless you put the 16 hour days in there's no way you can win big you need to know everything before even looking at the form..It's that bad i've started looking at the sticks,i havn't bet on the sticks for 12 years because if you do it like the flat and thorough then you need to be looking at times of novice races you need to be doing 20 jour dats wuthout moving,that;s where the angles are i won't be taking it to seriously over the sticks but will try it for a few weeks..
If i see a pattern where there's value standing out and i'm not having to study times too much then i might dip in and out of it for a bit till flat gets innto full flow...i did the form for all of mondays meethings over the sticks,didn't take me long but i never went back to check aall the novice race times so it could be bollox,i will be looking tomorrow to see if i generally have read the races right..
Got to put the work in, no easy money in this game. At least you made your money years ago, most punters make a loss year in, year out - but they still keep plugging away :blink:
Punctured bicycle on a hillside desolate..

What a ******* great opening line!
Saw the stone roses in my town in a little shitty club,30 years ago :rolleyes: lyrical genius same with morrisey i have played their albums to death probably know every word of every song off by heart/...Some of the riffs that jonny marr plays are incredible,it was a completely new sound to music sort of inspired all those later bands like stone roses etc/...
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I used to play that album to death,i prefer the the songs not released as singles on there he had a great voice..
I have Introducing the Hardline as well, not played it for many years.
Should have had a much longer time in the limelight than he did.
He was never the same after Hughie Green's daughter had her evil way with him, and look what became of Michael Hutchence and one of her daughters died so young.

Saint Bob seems to have got away with being cursed by her though.
Always felt sorry for Bob geldof,amazed he hadn't topped himself after what he's been through...
Off to see The Specials at Glasgow Barrowlands on Thursday with the missus. Trying to hold my general dislike of being in the same place as lots of other people in check so I can enjoy myself - it's later than you think.
A great band. Love them. Probably helped by the fact that I knew Neville well in my younger days and saw the band several times before they made it.

I hadn't noticed they were touring. I must get tickets.
Ghost Town was a good tune tbf and things not improved much 38 years on

This town (town) is coming like a ghost town
Why must the youth fight against themselves?
Government leaving the youth on the shelf
This place (town) is coming like a ghost town
No job to be found in this country
Can't go on no more
The people getting angry
Apparently they are refusing to play ghost town. Quite right too there are loads of great songs to choose from but all you ever hear is ghost town.

I'm hoping for pearl's café myself...