Nelson Mandela RIP

The IRA campaign was neither.
But that is a subjective view, a personal opinion. Many in the nationalist community held the opposite attitude.
Over thirty thousand voters in Fermanagh South Tyrone gave vindication for armed and violent resistance by electing Bobby Sands -- an avowed IRA terrorist -- to Parliament.
Many in the nationalist community held the opposite attitude.

Unfortunately that's true, many did, but were they right?

As an aside, that Bobby Sands election was mainly about recognition of IRA prisoners as political prisoners. Not all the 30,000 intended their vote as an expression of direct support for the campaign of violence. Generally speaking the Sinn Fein vote tended to dip when the IRA was particularly active and to rise when they were getting on with the peace process.
If we have to have saturation media coverage of anything, I'd rather it was Nelson Mandela than the non-news stories of Tom Daley's coming-out or Nigella Lawson's sordid marital shenanigans ..
If we have to have saturation media coverage of anything, I'd rather it was Nelson Mandela than the non-news stories of Tom Daley's coming-out or Nigella Lawson's sordid marital shenanigans ..

spot on

its a sad carry on when both of those issues even hit the 6.00 news here...there is something patently wrong with people who are remotely interested in either story imo
spot on

its a sad carry on when both of those issues even hit the 6.00 news here...there is something patently wrong with people who are remotely interested in either story imo

Modern Britain unfortunately
If we have to have saturation media coverage of anything, I'd rather it was Nelson Mandela than the non-news stories of Tom Daley's coming-out or Nigella Lawson's sordid marital shenanigans ..

Tom Daley's genuinely honest and intelligent coming out was significant for teenagers of that sexuality. It probably has helped them in many respects. Thats news

Mandela is dead and what more is there to say? Worth noting too he had effectively been inactive (too much so many would so) for a very long time

Having said that, there is the element of the second coming which must be on the cards given the BBC's coverage
Whatever lip service Mandela gave to communism at certain points of his career he never tried to implement it when he came to power. It was a flag of convenience in a cold war era, in which corporate elements in the US and UK were the two biggest supporters of the white regime. When the moment for practical action arrived, his biggest priority on taking office was to make sure foreign capital did not take fright and leave the country.
Commumism is stupidly of course and there is also the far lefts fetish for control and domination (which is why they adore Islamists of course). Mandela was far from authoritarian, humourless and thick but the videos do illustrate lazy thinking which a white leader would be crucified for