New Year Resolutions?


Senior Jockey
Dec 6, 2011
Bangkok Thailand
Mine's easy.

I have been pretty fit most of my life. Riding work at several yards and training in Karate for many years.

Even took up Jeet Kun Do when I moved to Bangkok at an age most would struggle to run up a flight of stairs

Now if I sat on a horse I'd probably fall off as quick as I got on or be run off with never to be seen again and as far as kicking ass goes I couldn't kick my own never mind someone elses.

All down to one thing and it's not old age, at least not yet, it's SMOKING.

With the aid of Champix my New Year resolution is to stop.

I start my course on the 2nd as I will be too drunk on the 1st and the hope is by the 8th I will have stopped.

Wish me luck.

So come on you rum lot get the dirty washing out confess!! what are you going to attempt to change about your bad selves :rolleyes:
I quit 938 days ago (still keep NHS smoke free app) best thing I ever did.....good luck mate!
I want to stop but im not sure if I REALLY want to stop which is the key if you know what I mean
Tried before but always ended up having one a day to take the edge off
All about will power as the say
Gamblers! will power! Maybe I should change my resolution to stop backing SS ante post every day :lol:

Naaaaaaaaa!!! better chance of me quitting the fags.

Thanks for the best wishes I will try my best
Don't know why you are bothering fist. You haven't got long left anyway so may as well enjoy it.
My first is to see in the new year sober in the Hot Tub with the three kids too (Baby in her mermaid tail)
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Don't underestimate how difficult it is to stop smoking. I've still got a pretend cigarette that I keep by the pooter and sometimes play the Paul McKenna stop smoking hypnotism cd that I used years ago. Two things stopped me smoking; the ban on smoking in pubs [even though I rarely go to them now the association with cigarettes was so strong that the minute I walked in the door I had to buy a packet] and the birth of my first grandchild, as I wouldn't go near him smelling of nicotine. If the Champix doesn't work try something else; if all else fails try the electronic ones. They might explode and take you with them but, then again, smoking isn't without it's dangers is it? Good luck!
Don't know why you are bothering fist. You haven't got long left anyway so may as well enjoy it.

Father is 72 and stopped last year and the change in his breathing is unreal before he would struggle to get to the bottom of the street, now he does laps around the town. Much more things to do now for him and enjoy, he's been racing two times this year which would have been impossible before.
Fit as a flea he is. A Happy New Year to you and yours Nat. Hope to meet up with you all soon!
Mine has got to be to sort my own life out first instead of everyone elses'! (something I am hideously guilty of)

Happy New Year all.
Father is 72 and stopped last year and the change in his breathing is unreal before he would struggle to get to the bottom of the street, now he does laps around the town. Much more things to do now for him and enjoy, he's been racing two times this year which would have been impossible before.

I Wasnt being serious.
Gave up smoking in April and switched to Nicolite which so far to date, has done the trick

The only resolution that leaves me then is to be more civil to Clive, but ............... nah
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Gave up smoking in April and switched to Nicolite which so far to date, has done the trick

The only resolution that leaves me then is to be more civil to Clive, but ............... nah

happy new year to you too

i smoke lightly. Just evenings. Never seem to want one during the day. Giving uo shouldn't be that hard if I tried I suppose. Not into resolutions. I will wake up one day and say that's it.
Going to pour myself a large Bacardi in a few minutes and hopefully be asleep for 12. The New Years resolution is no sugar, no wheat, no alcohol.Want to swim at least 50 lengths 4 times a week until April when I hope to cycle 100 miles a week.Big ask but not impossible.
Going to pour myself a large Bacardi in a few minutes and hopefully be asleep for 12. The New Years resolution is no sugar, no wheat, no alcohol.Want to swim at least 50 lengths 4 times a week until April when I hope to cycle 100 miles a week.Big ask but not impossible.

Or you could just kill yourself?
Wheat and alcohol not a problem, but I do love suger in coffee. Swimming a problem [can't swim] but I am going to give that a go at the gym as most of the laidees on laidees morning have been swimming, apart from me.Shall also join a walking club; not too good walking on my own as have no sense of direction. My cycling is worse than my swimming and Matilda, my bike, hasn't been used in 40 years and is more rusty than me.
Going to pour myself a large Bacardi in a few minutes and hopefully be asleep for 12. The New Years resolution is no sugar, no wheat, no alcohol.Want to swim at least 50 lengths 4 times a week until April when I hope to cycle 100 miles a week.Big ask but not impossible.

Good luck Luke
Luke . I do about 50 miles. Hate swimming . But cycling is addictive . Road biking is a bit boring so I hybrid around London parks and towpaths too . Feel fitter than ever .

Key is to find good routes. Lucky where I am I must say
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