Newmarket July Competition - 100 Euro Prize


At the Start
May 2, 2003
New forum….new competition!!

Newmarket’s July Cup meeting starts next Tuesday running through to Thursday.


Pick one horse for each race on each day.

10 points – 1st Place
5 points – 2nd Place
2 points – 3rd Place

Any winner selected will also have points added for the SP (e.g 10/1 winner gets 10 bonus points). No bonus points for placed selections.

Person with the most points at the end of the competition is the winner…if it’s a draw it will go back on number of winners and placed horses.

Winning prize will be €100 to the winner or a €100 bet whenever you choose (giving me notice).

I'll try - but I'll be at Newmarket all three days so who knows how I will find the time!
On grounds of the fact that this is my bogey meeting in the calender and I'm pretty confident that having sworn a vow never to bet it again, (I think I can keep to it) a competition of this nature presents a controlled withdrawal, so I'll break the habit and enter
I hate this meeting and always lose, so having vowed not to bet it this year, this would seem like an ideal antedote:)