Nicky Vaughan sacked by Michael Owen


Senior Jockey
Jan 8, 2004
From a post on the Betfair forum although I believe its from the Daily Mail. No real suprise as I thought he was a very odd choice in the first place. He was more of a travelling head lad at Gosdens than Assistant and got there through connections via Frankie & David Platt. He never had enough experience for this sort of role and it has showed.

"Michael Owen, the Manchester United and former England striker, is searching for a new trainer at his multi-million pound stables in Cheshire after terminating the contract of Nicky Vaughan, who has run the Manor House yard near Malpas since March 2007. Vaughan said that Owen's decision had "come out of the blue", and that staff at the yard had been told that a new trainer will be installed within "the next 10 to 12 days".

Vaughan, a former assistant to John Gosden, met Owen through the former England footballer David Platt, who is married to Vaughan's sister.

Platt, an owner at Gosden's yard, introduced Owen to racing and it has since developed into the 29-year-old United forward's principal interest beyond football, both as an owner and breeder. In his autobiography, published in 2004, he described racing as "a world I want to dive into after football".

Manor House Stables, which is estimated to have cost at least £4m to develop to date, was a major step along that path, and while Vaughan had no previous experience as a licence-holder before taking charge, his experience and connections with Gosden and Owen made him appear a natural choice.

Results have been disappointing, however, with only two turf winners emerging from the yard during the current Flat season, and just five in all during 2009. Vaughan's strike rate has barely passed 5% and, in all, his string has won less than £30,000 in prize money this year.

"It's the case that I'm finishing here, and the staff were notified by Mrs Owen today," Vaughan said. "I'm having another meeting with them on Friday, and then I should think that that will be that.

"It's basically come out of the blue, but these things happen. When you are a salaried trainer, it's just one of those things that is always going to happen at some time. It's a bit of a shame because the horses have had a virus. We've been closed down since the end of May and the horses are just starting to come right now.

"I've really enjoyed training [at Manor House], it's a wonderful spot. It's a shame to end like this, and I'd have liked a full year this year, but that's not the case so there's not a lot I can do about it. I'll just have to shake myself down and get on with things."

The only horse in Vaughan's yard to have won two races this year is Mr Macattack, in minor events on the all-weather at Wolverhampton in February and March. He races under the banner of Owen Promotions Ltd, has since contested some valuable races on turf, finishing 12th in the Buckingham Palace Stakes at Royal Ascot and fourth when co-favourite for a Class Two handicap at Doncaster in May.

Unlike many yards, where the trainer is the figurehead who sets out to find new owners, the glamour of a famous footballer's involvement with Manor House Stables can be an important selling point for anyone considering sending a horse to be trained there. One of Owen's intentions when setting up the complex was also to attract fellow footballers to send horses to the yard.

However, while the names of Nicky Butt and Paul Scholes feature among Vaughan's list of owners, and Andrew Black, the multi-millionaire founder of the Betfair betting exchange, also has horses at the yard, Vaughan has saddled only 33 different horses in 2009, suggesting that many of the boxes at the yard are standing empty.

After such a significant investment in training facilities, the pressure was on Vaughan to produce results as swiftly as possible. That pressure will now pass to the next trainer at Manor House"
Well £30,000 in prize money might of looked good if you was still employed by Newcastle, now you are with United I think he'll be expecting Group winners for his money.
If you check out the Daily Mail online then they describe it as a sacking. I would imagine they are not going to risk a libel case if there is no truth in it. Perhaps the Racing Post are just behind in their information.
Suspension normally indicates an investigation usually involving inpropriety of some description. Sacking is of course different and can be the result of a host of issues including the catch all 'any significant other reason'.

Not sure who'd have my money between these two august oracles to be telling the truth mind you. I'd have thought it more likely that the Mail would source a story from the Post to be honest, but neither would necessarily appear on my radar as paragons of journalistic integrity. From the Mails perspective suspension would equal no story. Sacking might equal worth reporting. If anyone's exaggerated it, it would be more likely the Mail I'd have thought, it's not as if they haven't made errors before. In terms of libel it wouldn't be worth pursuing, and since it will probably involve a 'compromise agreement' as is the trends these days, it would be a pretty futile pursuit regardless of the truth.

If I were guessing it's probably the case that the Mail followed up the Posts story, and decided they could interpret it is a sacking after having got a clearer picture
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Weird given that Owen is out in the Far East at the moment.

But Mrs Owen ain't.

What's weird is the number of times Newcastle might have sacked Owen of course for failure to turn up for work, or under-performance when he did:lol:

Actually there's a case involving the Llanelli Scarlets due to be heard soon where a contract has been terminated because of 6 months sickness absence, which will be interesting as there's clearly an occupational hazard in the world of professional sport, but there also has to be an argument about the ability to discharge the functions for which you are contracted etc.

It's another argument though (interesting though it is) as it verges into Health and Safety, industrial injuries and duty of care as the reason for the sickness absence was as a result of the demands of the workplace/ occupation, as opposed to someone who might be dismissed on health grounds for things that occurred outside of the working environment
Use of the word 'sacked' seems to imply deriving some sort of pleasure from the situation to me.

I'd have thought it more likely that they're looking for a slightly sensational angle to be honest for the reasons I suggested, unless of course you're suggesting that JinnyJ has put her own spin on things that reflect a feeling of schadenfraude, which is driven by a degree of envy and sense that she thinks she could do a better job if she had had that kind of investment and plethora of rich owers?

Where as I don't doubt for one second that the racing industry attracts a disproportionately high number of nasty minded and jealous types of people, (I'm sure you could list hundreds of them?), I think that perhaps in this case you'd be better off taking it up with the Dail Mail SL.

Their headline reads "Owen Sacks Vaughan" so it seems like a reasonable reproduction?
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Dragging the topic back onto its subject for a moment, if I may... I find it interesting that the author thinks that ownership would be attractive based on a footballer owning the yard, and a trainer with no back form. I'd say that expecting great results in your first year of anything was optimistic, and in today's gloomy financial climate, where most owners don't earn footballer-style money, perhaps recklessly so.

It seems to be a bit of a vanity project to me, based on nepotistic connections which aren't working out, for whatever reason - the main one being a lack of horses, and a lack of star horses. Owen's money could've bought him some really decent nags, if he used a good bloodstock agent, to help kickstart both Vaughan and the yard's profile. Being a star in one field of sport doesn't make you a star in another, though, and while Mick Channon's the one trainer from a non-horsey/racing background who has made it, and there are plenty of racing-laden trainers who are duff, it might've been less risky to have installed an ambitious, young, promising trainer who could've been upgraded by the appointment. I'm thinking of chaps like John Ryan and Andy Haynes, who are on the up - the sort of guys with an improving record.
The Post states he has "been suspended pending an internal inquiry". Seems to suggest they are looking into something. "...further comment will [not] be made until after the result of that inquiry has been deduced".

A nice piece of gobbledegook.
My prediction is that the wife or similar will take up a licence now that Vaughan has shown them the ropes of running and setting up a yard to that extent.(whether or not he did a good or bad job) If he is an employed trainer, then surely if he is failing you have to question the employers after all they will have the final say which is obvious by the fact Vaughan has been "sacked" I wonder how many times Vaughan has had his decissions over ridden
Look at how he was hired....

"jobs for the boys". A lazy and dim method of hiring, especially if jillys comments about his prior role are correct

He might be superb at his job, but being David Platts cousins sister or whatever...
Jobs for the boys is half the problem in racing, and on many counts i.e. if they didn't get the job on their merits, performance cannot be calculated, leaving room for costly mistakes, which are preferentially and not professionally based. I guess a bit like putting a horse into group races without it ever having run before.
Tom Dascombe is being lined up to replace Vaughan it would seem.

Does no one think it rather odd that Vaughan & Dascombe both train for Black, who took the race fixing case to BHA/Police and that Owens yard has Black horses and was witness in the trial for Fallon. Seems like insider dealing to me and the case brought high publicity at cost to the tax payer. Have Betfair not wasted police time and is that not an arrestable offence?
Owens place is pretty sumptious - interesting to see who does go there. Dascombe looks obvious choice as he very much going in the right direction and it was rumoured a while back that he was looking at places like Churn Stables when Gerald Butler vacated it. I presume Alan McCabe is still floating around too? His results haven't looked bad - has anyone heard any more re his situation?
Well, of those two, Dascombe is certainly the cheerier, and would have a more attractive public persona for interviews with the media, that's for sure. If Owen is hoping to raise his outfit's profile, Dascombe has the easy, open manner to do it well. McCabe looks as if he's just heard his house burned down, and though I realise that image isn't everything, it's about 90% of perception.
I believe McCabe has moved into John Fretwell's place.

Fretwell referred to this in quite a long interview on RUK at Sandown yesterday.
He didn't give the impression that McCabe would be training any of his horses.
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McCabe is going to John Fretwell's place vacated when Eoghan O Neill relocated to France (which I wasn't aware of).