Nicky Vaughan sacked by Michael Owen

Not from his facial expression. It's more 'life is shit, and if I smile I might just die'. About as hot a contender for the Mr. Chuckles Competition as Brian Meehan and Jim Best!
Didn't someone on here once say that Brian Meehan shakes like mad as though hes really nervous when hes interviewed?
Oh and suprise of suprises Betfair have now closed their 18-30's club for which Owen was patron. Have they been taking the p**s or what!
That's a great shame as it was a fantastic idea but it was never going to be profitable at the rates they were charging without huge subsidies from the BHA which was never going to happen.
Does no one think it rather odd that Vaughan & Dascombe both train for Black, who took the race fixing case to BHA/Police and that Owens yard has Black horses and was witness in the trial for Fallon. Seems like insider dealing to me and the case brought high publicity at cost to the tax payer. Have Betfair not wasted police time and is that not an arrestable offence?
What a load of old cobblers.
That's a great shame as it was a fantastic idea but it was never going to be profitable at the rates they were charging without huge subsidies from the BHA which was never going to happen.

The concept is the same as the the package holiday deals, the problem was I feel that Betfair hadn't acknowledged that 18-30's does not have the same appeal as when it was first introduced and why, so it could counteract that aspect.
The chain of events and connections both pre and post the CofLP/Betfair case. The pattern and timing of these that are suggestive of certain things and in some areas, at least in my opinion of course.
The chain of events and connections both pre and post the CofLP/Betfair case. The pattern and timing of these that are suggestive of certain things and in some areas, at least in my opinion of course.

Can I keep this sentence please? It's priceless.
Gamla, why would the BHA support Betfair's racing club, when it has to push hard to get people to join the ROA's 18-35 one?

Wals: true, true. 'Twas brillig, and the slithey toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe as well, you know!
I thought the ROA one was sponsored by Betfair? £200 a year from members isn't going to cover the training fees from all those horses, if it was subsidised from the BHA then we'd be getting somewhere.
Story in today's RP that betfair are no longer backing the ROA Racing Club. Not a huge shock considering the investment they are making in a Timeform/Betfair one instead.

Suggestions that betfair brought some sort of case is ridiculous. As far as I understand, they merely passed account info to the BHA who in turn passed it to the Police, who in turn made a big horlicks of everything.
Yup, that wasw mentioned before dj, hence the discussions about it.

As for the conspiracy theories, hey, who needs the truth when there's a good conspiracy theory to be made up instead?!
Duh... sorry! Haven't had enough caffeine yet, obviously! 'Course it was, guys, cheers. (In that case, I'll remove all of their application forms from the bars!)

Making an investment in a TimeForm racing club? If it's anything like the publication, they'll be at about six racecourses, then...
Yup, that wasw mentioned before dj, hence the discussions about it.

As for the conspiracy theories, hey, who needs the truth when there's a good conspiracy theory to be made up instead?!

Conspiracies arise when people run or try to avoid the truth.