Obese Children

Nice one Kathy!!

On the other forum of which I'm a member, which is totally international, religion is a forbidden topic, as is politics; otherwise there would be mayhem. It does make for a less, shall we say, febrile atmosphere than we get on here from time to time...
Ardross, there is always an excuse - this time it's Amnesty!

PDJ - for starters, what on earth does it matter whether I go to church or whether I am Catholic or not? I am making an observational point about the regular attacks on Catholicism that are made on here; there are Catholics who post on here and have made no secret of the fact that they are practising either. And slagging off Catholicism's "skewed viewpoints" isn't slagging off Catholicism?
Surely in order to be part of a religion you must take part in some kind of worship?

Can you argue that their stance on Amnesty International is moral, Shadow Leader?
Didn't they used to stone people to death in the Bible for fornicating outside of marriage/getting pregnant outside of marriage? Thus also killing the unborn child?
I've just watched a programme on the Peak oil crisis. Why not put the obese children on electricity producing treadmills for 8 hours a day and kill two birds with the one stone?
Originally posted by purr@Jun 18 2007, 11:53 PM
Didn't they used to stone people to death in the Bible for fornicating outside of marriage/getting pregnant outside of marriage? Thus also killing the unborn child?
No, people were stoned for saying Jehovah.
