Obese Children

Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Jun 15 2007, 10:45 PM

Wrap everything else up in whatever glitzy paper you wish, to suit your own views, but your views are man's views, not God's. That is the position of the Catholic Church.
At best - the Gospels are the word of God transcribed by man . The Catholic Church is simply men interpreting documents written by other men ( with the odd female occasionally allowed in.

For 2000 years the Catholic Church has been oppressing women, adopting policies that are open to dispute on Biblical interpretation, to reinforce patriarchy .

Nothing changes .
Originally posted by krizon@Jun 16 2007, 10:51 AM
Can you point me to the part in Christ's teachings where it expressly proscribes abortion, please.
How about:

Thou shall not kill.

There is no mention of "foetus" or "abortion" in the bible as far as I know but there are plenty of mentions of "unborn child/ren".
Originally posted by Desert Orchid+Jun 16 2007, 01:38 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Desert Orchid @ Jun 16 2007, 01:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-krizon@Jun 16 2007, 10:51 AM
Can you point me to the part in Christ's teachings where it expressly proscribes abortion, please.
How about:

Thou shall not kill.

There is no mention of "foetus" or "abortion" in the bible as far as I know but there are plenty of mentions of "unborn child/ren". [/b][/quote]
Somehow thou shalt not kill seems to be selective .

The Catholic Church supported capital punishment for most of the last 2000 years - indeed it handed it out to heretics as they called them . Burned people at the stake and did other unspeakable things in God's name. It has supported numerous dictatorships that greatly enjoyed killing - Franco for a start.
Originally posted by Ardross+Jun 16 2007, 01:42 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Ardross @ Jun 16 2007, 01:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Jun 16 2007, 01:38 PM
@Jun 16 2007, 10:51 AM
Can you point me to the part in Christ's teachings where it expressly proscribes abortion, please.

How about:

Thou shall not kill.

There is no mention of "foetus" or "abortion" in the bible as far as I know but there are plenty of mentions of "unborn child/ren".
Somehow thou shalt not kill seems to be selective .

The Catholic Church supported capital punishment for most of the last 2000 years - indeed it handed it out to heretics as they called them . Burned people at the stake and did other unspeakable things in God's name. It has supported numerous dictatorships that greatly enjoyed killing - Franco for a start. [/b][/quote]
I suppose I just think that the Catholic Church is so morally compromised it has no right to tell others what to do . In fact I feel that about all organised religions .
I don't deny those supposedly leading the Catholic Church have been responsible for atrocities down the centuries but no number of wrongs will ever make a right.

As for "Thou shall not kill" being selective? Hardly. It sums the whole issue up.
Where does it say in the Bible that life begins at birth and not conception?

There are quotes in the bible like 'the baby leapt in its mother's womb'. It also mentions, as I said before, unborn children.

When life actually begins is a question that even scientists cannot agree upon so I don't know how you can expect me to come up with an answer!

However, here is one scientific viewpoint:

There is a tremendous consensus in the scientific community about when life begins. This is hardly controversial. If the claim were made that life was discovered on another planet, for example, there are well-defined criteria to which we could refer to conclusively determine whether the claim was accurate. How do scientists distinguish between life and non-life?

A scientific textbook called “Basics of Biology” gives five characteristics of living things; these five criteria are found in all modern elementary scientific textbooks:

1. Living things are highly organized.

2. All living things have an ability to acquire materials and energy.

3. All living things have an ability to respond to their environment.

4. All living things have an ability to reproduce.

5. All living things have an ability to adapt.

According to this elementary definition of life, life begins at fertilization, when a sperm unites with an oocyte. From this moment, the being is highly organized, has the ability to acquire materials and energy, has the ability to respond to his or her environment, has the ability to adapt, and has the ability to reproduce (the cells divide, then divide again, etc., and barring pathology and pending reproductive maturity has the potential to reproduce other members of the species). Non-living things do not do these things. Even before the mother is aware that she is pregnant, a distinct, unique life has begun his or her existence inside her.

Furthermore, that life is unquestionably human. A human being is a member of the species homo sapiens. Human beings are products of conception, which is when a human male sperm unites with a human female oocyte (egg). When humans procreate, they don’t make non-humans like slugs, monkeys, cactuses, bacteria, or any such thing. Emperically-verifiable proof is as close as your nearest abortion clinic: send a sample of an aborted fetus to a laboratory and have them test the DNA to see if its human or not. Genetically, a new human being comes into existence from the earliest moment of conception.
Thou shalt not kill is not accurate though. The commandment is "Thou shalt not commit murder." Is abortion murder? I am not sure.
That depends where you learn them - I'm pretty sure I learnt it as "kill".

Unfortunately, "thou shalt respect the right of every woman to retain complete control over their own body" was left out due to lack of space and Moses' inability to carry more than two tablets at a time...
DO, no I don't want the science bit. I can pull that up on Google any time I want it. I'm asking you, as a committed Catholic, to find me the bit in the Bible where Christ says something about not killing unborn - or even born - children. Not Moses, and the 10 Commandments (did you know there were originally 15, but he tripped down the Mount and we'll never know what the other 5 were, although I heard one was about backing odds-on favourites in handicaps of less than 10). I'm asking you for something specifically from Christ, because you say it is 'the word of God' regarding abortion. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but Christ told his followers there was no way they were going to get to God, unless it was through Him. In other words, through belief in Him as the son of God. Hence the prayers and hymns 'THROUGH Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen'. You can ask God all you want and think you've heard from Him, but if it ain't through Jesus, your pleas are going nowhere. So... since the Catholic Church employs (not solely, but particularly) the phrase, 'through Jesus Christ', then surely Christ has revealed the word of His Father, and the word of His Father must be known - it follows - to all believers? So you simply must know what God imparted to Christ, and THROUGH Christ to us, about the nuances of killing.

How then does one then reconcile the word of God with warriors, inquisitors, executioners, and assassins working on behalf of the Holy Roman Church - all of whom are sent to kill, on either an individual or mass scale? I know there's a good deal of smiting in the Old Testament - hardly a passage passes without someone being smote by some enraged or vengeful person. However, moving on, where's not Moses's Top Ten, but Christ's word? It's a CHRISTian religion, it has to move in accord with Christ's teachings.

There are too many contradictions for me to think that some confusion between the word of God, His Word through Christ the Lord, and the rather convenient word of Man has not been occurring down the eons.

If Christ, for whom I bear the utmost respect, taught that getting shot of your unwanted babies (in any form) was wrong, then at what point in the Bible do we find God instructing Him thus, that He may instruct us?

Another point, one you raised yourself. You questioned PDJ's morals in having a baby of unwed parents. How, then, do you reconcile the Church's stance on bringing many more babies into the world to unwed mothers, without even the benefit of a nominal partner, as a result of rape or incest? If PDJ and the millions of other unmarried men and women round the world who've borne children in love together can be viewed as 'immoral' by the Church, it cannot exempt the mothers it urges to bear children of rape and incest from being anything other than 'immoral', too. The women certainly don't love their rapists. Are the babies of such base biology immoral? People won't use the term '######' any more in its true sense, but let's stop being coy and let's call them all ######. So, is the ###### baby due to the victim of rape (or rapes) or incest more 'morally' brought into the world as a result of the accident of its biology, and the baby born to PDJ and Lyndy less 'moral' because her parents failed to wed prior to her conception? How do you, having raised the issue of birth and morality, square these issues in concert with your religion? And how can your religion square them? Your Church is positively reinforcing immorality (by its own stance on the immorality of unwed motherhood) by demanding the continuing pregnancies of women or girls - who in no way imagined they'd be raped, let alone fall pregnant - being made to bear the ###### fruit of unlawful, forcible congress.

PS: unfortunately, due to the censor on this board, the correct word b-a-s-t-a-r-d has been replaced with hash signs. Such a shame that normal discussion, using perfectly proper words, gets the Bowdler treatment. So coy and twee!
Krizon, none of Christ's teachings mention abortion, and you probably knew that, so let's cut out the cheap points-scoring, eh? This is a serious issue for millions of people.

If thousands of theological and non-theologocical academics down through the centuries are still arguing about the rights and wrongs of abortion and at which point life begins, we're not going to resove it on a horseracing chat forum.

As you say, we're a gulf apart, let's agree to differ.
I take the issue of being implied as being immoral a serious issue too. I have no idea what makes me that, other than archaic reasons and a devotion to a religion increasingly out of touch with reality. My daughter will be brought up to understand right and wrong, to respect others, irrelevant of colour, creed or religion and to obey the rule of law. What am I doing wrong by not getting married? Is marriage itself not increasingly irrelevant today?
Originally posted by Ardross@Jun 16 2007, 01:24 PM
For 2000 years the Catholic Church has been oppressing women
Well, they haven't done a great job in oppressing me!!

No, seriously now, I find the attitude towards Catholicism on here amazing. There are several people on here (always the same faces) who jump on it at the slightest opportunity, slagging it off as much as they possibly can, without thinking about those on here who are Catholics that they may be offending. Stick the boot on the other foot; were it to be Islam that the same old faces were making such offensive comments about and all threads would be pulled as being 'rascist'.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jun 17 2007, 06:42 PM
Well, they haven't done a great job in oppressing me!!
Even if you were devout enough to attend church outside weddings and funerals, I doubt very much you would be oppressed by the church as you live in a country which (quite rightly) gives women equal rights and in an age where money is the new God.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader+Jun 17 2007, 05:42 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Shadow Leader @ Jun 17 2007, 05:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Ardross@Jun 16 2007, 01:24 PM
For 2000 years the Catholic Church has been oppressing women
Well, they haven't done a great job in oppressing me!!

No, seriously now, I find the attitude towards Catholicism on here amazing. There are several people on here (always the same faces) who jump on it at the slightest opportunity, slagging it off as much as they possibly can, without thinking about those on here who are Catholics that they may be offending. Stick the boot on the other foot; were it to be Islam that the same old faces were making such offensive comments about and all threads would be pulled as being 'rascist'. [/b][/quote]
I don't regard the attack on Amnesty and telling Catholics not to support an organisation which does immense good in upholding human rights across the world as the " slightest opportunity " I regard it as a disgrace .
So you go to church regularly, Shadow Leader? Devout Catholic are you? I am not slagging off Catholicism as much as the skewed viewpoint that it has produced here. Although their view on Amnesty International beggars belief. There is nothing racist there.
There are several people on here (always the same faces) who jump on it at the slightest opportunity, slagging it off as much as they possibly can, without thinking about those on here who are Catholics that they may be offending

:what: A touch of the pot calling the kettle black here, methinks ....
Originally posted by PDJ@Jun 17 2007, 05:44 PM
So you go to church regularly, Shadow Leader?
PDJ, rumour has it she stopped as soon as she realised that caravans are mentioned in the bible. :what:

"Anna the Mother of Mary
On the birth of Jesus
Jesus the son of my daughter, was born here in Nazareth in the month of January. And the night that Jesus was born we were visited by men from the East. They were Persians who came to Esdraelon with the caravans of the Midianites on their way to Egypt. And because they did not find rooms at the inn they sought shelter in our house.
And I welcomed them and I said, “My daughter has given birth to a son this night. Surely you will forgive me if I do not serve you as it behooves a hostess.”

Then they thanked me for giving them shelter. And after they had supped they said to me: “We would see the new-born.”

Now the Son of Mary was beautiful to behold, and she too was comely."