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Officially Left University

Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Oct 5 2006, 12:17 AM
I'd want more money and I'd want more time off.
Ah of course - you teachers can't handle any less than a minimum of 10 weeks holiday per year....:P

I'd consider a job in racing but I doubt anyone would be prepared to beat my current salary.

Take home salary isn't everything, Dessie - I'm sure I'm on a fraction of what you are but at the end of the day I make far more money than my wage - at least double my salary, if not more.

Of course, the job would also be minus all the horrendous stress levels that teaching entails - as you teachers love telling us about as much as you can!!! ;) :lol:
Good luck Martin. The best advice that I can give is to ignore all advice and do what your instincts tell you is right. Even if they're wrong you'll have learnt something.
Thank You all. At the minute having been down to Jobcentre Plus and seeing how it operates i'd like a job in stream-lining their operations and the ways and means you "sign on" etc.

There's the betting shop i'm at now but don't really want to do that for too much longer, applying to become a "scheme manager" with a housing association but been put off that by the "management" of a sheltered housing project that my grandad's in run by the same company (the warden seems to be letting her son in law and daughter screw the residents out of money), a job in data input at the Department for Work and Pensions and a customer service assistant job with a well known large (think the largest) Equine Retailer based in my local area which would probs be until Christmas.

Either way I'm well chuffed about graduating and going out for a few belated celebratory drinks tonight (no Lambrini though).

Thanks for all the advice, i'll do my best to take most of it on board and try not to do anything too rash on the call-centre type front (have already applied to two mind).

Hey Marty!

A major congratulations :D I know you have been stewing over whether you passed or not, so you should be bloody proud of finally getting to that red tape at the end of the race!

I again echo what others have said on this Board, if you go into a job with a positive outlook, learn as much as possible, you will eventually be rewarded.

Also did you find any grad programs?

All the best!
Well started training for a new job in betting on Monday (special thanks to Gamla_Stan, Dom and Griffin for advice) and sitting loads of tests on it. Dreading anything to do with phones though - I keep getting mixed up with the buttons to press etc :(
Hopefully not permanently Arkwright but for the time being. I figured if I give it a period of time say a year and don't find my hours getting better (currently 25 hours a week) or moving to a different department then I still have the stuff I studied in my degree to use.

Seems better than a normal call centre though and all people on our induction course are really friendly etc so fingers crossed. Does leave just £30 of non-taxed, non-rent, non-food money per week mind.
All the very best Martin! I know it will lead to better things because you have the desire to make that happen.

Apologies to Martin for thread hijacking but time for a bit of maternal pride...:

My son (yes he IS a boy - I was told this 23 years ago...) left Uni two and a half years ago and spent two years weaning himself of the joys of living in Bath - he was self-supporting by working full-time in a pub and putting together a music magazine. I must admit both his father and me were getting a bit fed up with the fact that he really hadn't got his butt in gear but, to our credit I think, we held off nagging. Probably because we were splitting up at the time!

Last June he applied for a journalist job in a Financial Journal in London and, because of the magazines he'd put together himself in Bath, he got the job out of 300 applications. It was crap money and so we had to help him out for a while but two weeks ago, after he'd picked up so many testimonials from the readership of his articles online - he was made Editor for the sister publication they are launching in a month's time.

OK, so it's obviously not an important publication but it's meant a good raise for him (his second in 7 months), he works all hours and the really good thing is he loves it ! It will look good on his CV too.

Originally posted by Irish Stamp@Feb 7 2007, 07:43 PM
Does leave just £30 of non-taxed, non-rent, non-food money per week mind.
The money is pathetic alright. You really need a few quid behind you to enjoy the job. Most of the people I work with are miserable over the money. Youd want about £150 excess cash minimum to have any sort of a lifestyle.

Congratulations. Even if its sitting on a call centre, those measily hours (as many might care to say) will eventually go in your favour.

Its much easier to get another job when you already have a job, as opposed to not having a job and finding the dream job.

Remember I sat for 7 months, the longest time of my life between 2004 and 2005 to find another job. I hated what I was doing, and was tempted to walk out right away. However I held myself together, and waited. My patience was rewarded and I have been with the same company heading on 2 years now.

Always remember the saying Marty, good things come to those whom wait!

Love ya hun!
Good stuff Martin - you'll be grand! It won't be long before you're answering phones in your sleep.....:lol:
Well I've done it for 4 years now (is it really that long!) and have survived despite on many ocassions felt like packing it in because at the end of the day there are some really nasty characters on the other end of the phone.
Fortunately the staff are brilliant and help you get through the day,and let's face it there aren't many jobs where you have all the days sporting action on screen in front of you to view as and when you have the opportunity.
Well, there's that too Gearoid!!

Luckily Arkers I've never had to put up with it for more than a couple of months - and that was a while back! It would send me running for the trees......
Exactly Arkers, i've never worked in a call centre before and this one looks better than the other's i've seen (ok so it is just Betfred's). I'm kind of excited as it's a different side of the betting industry to the shops which i'd worked in part-time previously. Either way it's experience though I still have a few more tests to pass first and alot more training to do.
Good stuff, Martin - congratulations.

All this talk of work though, when the ink is barely dry on your degree? It's so crass.

Surely you should get hold of a couple of credit cards, sod off to one of the colonies and spend a year rattling boilers, before you even contemplate joining the rat-race, no?

It's recommended therapy for potless ex-students, krizon.

Modesty forbids me from expanding further, but Martin knows what I'm talking about.
By 'potless', do you mean without a pot of money, or without the benefit of roll-ups, Grasshopper? Doesn't anyone spikka da Eengleesh any more?
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@Feb 7 2007, 08:30 PM
Dreading anything to do with phones though - I keep getting mixed up with the buttons to press etc :(
Dont they have numbers on the buttons like normal phones? :P

Good luck and hope it works out for you.
I'm still reeling at the news that Shadz was going to be a paramedic. Bloody hell!!! Thank God for the bookmaking industry