Old Roan Chase

Ultimately Poquelin had the better engine and is younger but Monet's is the better jumper of the two. He took half a length out him at the last even though the former cleared it fine. I'm not one of those jump fans who always poo poos the flat but that is the best actual race I've seen since March.
He was trying to win as easy as possible after the last 2 and got caught out when outjumped - he could gave put the race to bed 2 out.

No he couldn't - he made the runner-up (who doesn't like it up 'im imo) look to be going better than he really was.
Poquelin was being held together and was just outrun by an old star on his favourite stage- Geraghty gave it an exemplary ride .
MONET'S just superb - although we do have to forgive attempts to KAUTO STAR his way through a couple, with heart-stopping moments. I have to admit to teary eyes after that result. Barring his two brush-cutting exercises, his jumping was beautiful and he stayed straight as a die throughout, focussing all the time. So professional. POQUELIN a most worthy second, would've wandered if Geraghty hadn't have kept ahold of him, I think.
Lovely to watch him, just a joy. Clearly enjoys racing and jumping. Has a low head carriage and just kind of bowls along. Must be such a pleasure to ride. :<3: