Our Pets


At the Start
Dec 21, 2005
keep meaning to start this so we can add the piccys of the talked about pets!

Jess aged 5yrs (now 13yrs) who is the one in the vets at the moment

Hopefully she won't mind but this is Ballydoyles gorgeous chocolate lab:)


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Oddly I have seen more choc labs this year than I have for the past 10yrs!

We have a trade stand that we take around the dog/country shows etc & we sort of notice the different breeds that seem popular one year & not the next
Love Jess's white eyebrows and whiskers - cute contrast against the black! She looks like she's carefully setting something - perhaps your ankles, Aldaniti?
Oh, Jess is so pretty, hope she is better now. And the lab is adorable, I love them. My cats do not agree though. I need to figure out how to post piccies here .....
Skydog thats so old!!! He is enormous now!!!



(Yes I know its naughty but they had to test the sofa bed was comfy for guests!)
Thanks Krizon - and doesnt he know it! nearly 10mnths old now and weighs in at a hefty 32kgs (but the vet is happy with him and he isnt fat - no belly!)

He is a Sussex dog too - bought him for a breeder in Chailey ;)

Isinglass - you need to have a photobucket account (they are the easiest to use) and upload your photos to there then they give you a link you just copy and paste into the forum page. I could send screen shots if you wanted?
Ah - Chailey. Last meeting at Plumpton, Arkwright and I walked to the jump at the top of the hill past the winning post, and admired the stunning views from there. I didn't realise we could see so far - in the distance is the white windmill at North Chailey, so that's more or less where His Gorgeousness came from.

I'd love to be the guest snoring away in that room, with him snoring alongside. I know some people disapprove of pets on beds, but I don't. The only problem was when my cats would lie on my legs, pinning me! If I finally just had to move, they simply rode it out, resuming their positions. It used to get a bit much when my ginger stripey queen would walk up onto my chest, kneading me with very sharp claws, purring away like an old traction engine.
Spot on Krizon - he was in fact born in North Chailey! And he snores for England - the worst noise we have ever heard! Makes up for the fact he never barks....

Opps forgot to add that the dog is called JARDINE and the cat is LADY (16yrs and still going strong!)
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:lol::lol: There's something so endearing about dogs snoring, while if your mate does it, he gets a sharp dig in the ribs!

Oh, Mel, that's lovely - you ought to send out personal Christmas cards with that on! Did kitty get down okay, or bring the whole tree with him/her, too?
They are all gorgeous.

Sadly have no digital pics of Dougal before his chemo. Wouldn't embarrass the poor lad by posting any now.
One of our departed kitties used to go around eating the chocolate decorations off of the tree the first xmas we had them, jamie was 10mths old at the time & we thought it was him!

It was only when I caught jasper with a bit of foil stuck out the side of his mouth I realised who it was!
My biggest worry for this Christmas - where to put the tree out of reach of both ends!! (Lab tails should be listed as dangerous weapons)
Lamp posts don't get much more artificial, remember! But hopefully being off the ground will prevent a sudden power outage as a little 'sprinkle' fritzes the twinkly lights!
Thanks Ballydoyle, I will figure out how to use the photo thingie ..... eventually. :lol:

The lab and cat are adorable next to each other. My dog used to snore too. One of the vcats does and often my husband or I think it is the other of us, until we look and see said cat fast asleep, little paws and whiskers wiggling.
Here's a few seasonal picks taken this morning.


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They are adorable - love the snowy nose in the first one! Did they go a bit nuts when they first went out? A friend's dog loved gnashing the snow when first released, the daft thing.
At least you have a proper snow covering - down here its a bit feeble!!

Taken at 6.40am today!


Jardines first real look at snow


A second closer look - couldnt video it (too dark but all this was accompanied by lots of snuffling and blowing!)
Hehe.Great pics Bally.He's like 'can I eat this?'.

Yeah Kri,they go mad when it snows. They just want to be out all the time.It was really funny early tonight,I was on my way back from the shop and got talking to a neighbour and Skye (the long haired one) just buried herself in the snow,disappeared from sight then popped up covered in snow.Pity I hadn't got the camera.

I made the mistake of kicking the snow at them so they are forever getting under my feet now expecting it!!

Here's a couple more. The first is like 'Can I come in now?'


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