Paedo Ring


Senior Jockey
Nov 14, 2006
Why the FU*CK is there any delay or prevarification WHATSOEVER, in getting after these bast*ards, chopping the cu*nts up, and feeding them to the dogs?

Anyone guilty of either partaking-in or covering-up this scandal is going to be in their 60's and highly unlikely to still be in a position of power; and even if they are, they're almost-certainly expendable in the current climate. What can be the motivation for those in the corridors of Westminster these days, NOT to pursue the fu*ckers responsible like a pack of hounds?

Cameron could win the next election at a stroke, if he ordered an immediate, fully-independent, public inquiry, and was able to dangle a corpse or two from the Downing Street lamposts, before the clocks go forward.

If the reports are true, we're talking-about State-approved peadophilia, which would probably put us one-notch below IS in a historical sense. They need to go after the perpetrators with everything they've got. With any luck, we'll be able to identify some of the guilty via a series of unexplained suicides in the region of the SW1 post-code area.

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Anyone guilty of either partaking-in or covering-up this scandal is going to be in their 60's

and highly unlikely to still be in a position of power;
(very wrong)

Cameron could win the next election at a stroke, if he ordered an immediate, fully-independent, public inquiry, and was able to dangle a corpse or two from the Downing Street lamposts, before the clocks go forward.
(very, very wrong)

Long story.

This ain't new.

The names are well known and it shakes the British establishment to the core. Remember discussing it variously with a Daily Mail journalist, R5 journalist, and a BBC journo way back in the mid 1990's. Also had friends of friends who worked on the Independent and the Express at the same time. All of them gave the same names. Still amused when I hear an assoicate of one of them on R5 feigning shock at some disclosures.

The biggest offenders are the Tories by far, but the biggest single fish is Labour. The Liberals don't escape undamaged either, and so too does the untouchable pillar of the British establishment and very embodiment of all things British

The original broke years ago by a magazine called Scallywag that had the photographic evidence supplied by persons now dead (mysterious death - think about the number of people associated with Kennedy who got caught in bungled robberies or car accidents). Scallywag named alot of those involved with the epitaph "sue us if you dare". No one did. Bit of a shame given that 12 months earlier John Major sued them over Claire Latimer. The precedent was set but no one stepped up. About 6 months later Scallywags offices were broken into and the evidence disappeared. The magazine shut about 3 months after that and the whole thing went quiet and became the traded secret of media and political classes

You can safely assume, this will never come out, and if it does, it'll be confined to the dead and the less well known (civil servants, judges etc) there are some major names and reputations going down the toilet if the extent of it is ever disclosed
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The report in one newspaper over the summer where a former collegue of Jill Dando said she was trying to start investigating the rumours within the BBC before murdered was interesting. Couple that with the BBC's links with MI5 and I suppose she'd be perfect to bring into the fray for some conspiracy theorists, but on the other hand, with the sheer negligence of the establishment through the whole scandal, you (or I) wouldn't put much past them?
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I think you're mispelling the word "complicity" as "negligence" there

There is nothing negligent about this. It's extremely powerful.

You might recall the MP who first dared to raise it again later stating under parliamentary privilege that he'd had his own life threatened. Interestingly he appears to have gone very quiet since
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When I saw the title of the thread, I thought he was advertising for one. I'm as open as the next man about what goes on these forums but that seemed a bit strong I must say
I was appalled to note in an article yesterday that there used to be a Paedophile group by the name of PIE who campaigned for the age of consent to be dropped to 4.


When I saw the title of the thread, I thought he was advertising for one. I'm as open as the next man about what goes on these forums but that seemed a bit strong I must say


There was a case a few years ago of course where the Daily Mail whipped up a shitstorm that resulted in a paediatrician being hounded out of their home. Somewhere in southern England, or was it South Wales?
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I ain't buying it, Warbler.

This isn't being reported by some back-street rag whose tale can be conveniently supressed. It's all over the British and International press.

Time moves on. The Internet enables these stories to have the kind of reach that would have been unimaginable when these crimes were being committed. There is no mechanism to supress these things any more - no matter how much power elements of the Establishment think they might have.

The proletariat no longer respect the Establishmen, and neither do they fear it. The classic deference of "they know best" which existed was largely swept-away during Thatcher's revolution, and it's influence has been on the wane ever since, as money/power moved towards the emerging Middle-Class.

Some of the levers of power now rest with this new, monied, Middle-Class - not least large tracts of ownership of the written-press - and they have no feeling of debt or obligation for their positions of priviledge. Indeed, some newspaper owners/editors of UK newspapers have long been openly-contemptuous of the Establishment.

This particular genie can't be put back in the bottle, imo - the people will demand answers.
I wouldn't call them middle class, this is certainly not the most relevent factor even if they are anyway, they are more like the 'connected class'.The types of people who get jobs in the media (and they do) because their dad knew someone big somewhere, etc. The media is no different now to any other big profession of influence, law, politics or finance. It's not what you but who you know.

You seem to be suggesting it is the establishments fault that the media aren't scrutinising this issue as much as they could?
I think it can only be the media's fault that the type of movement you talk about on this issue hasn't been explored.
Furthermore, with what happend at the BBC you could argue the media are half in the dock with the establishment, couldn't you?
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Really, you honestly think the people will demand answers do you? Remind me how many protests we've seen so far? Most of the people don't give a rats ass, so long as they can get their fix of Premiership football and Strictly Come Prancing.

This story has been widely known for decades within the media and other circles. Once you know some of the identities it actually becomes quite amusing to watch the hints being offered with cuts to images and oblique cryptic references inserted into copy. Have I Got News For You used to be terrible for dropping hints

The people I was talking to in the mid 90's weren't back street rags merchants either. One was on a fast track within Northcliffe (Ok I'll give you that one as a rag) and the other who it came through was a lobby correspondent. I also picked up the same names through a diplomat I knew as well. Same names, and same locations. They have got a little bit closer in the last year, but cast your mind back and remember what happened and ask yourself how plausible it is

The most you'll get are a few deceased minor public figures should it ever become necessary to satisfy the prol's during half-time

There was a lovely line once in Spooks which said it all when a whistleblower threatened them. I can't quote it verbatim but it was something to the effect of

"Don't be so stupid. We'll discredit you, and spin it. No one will believe you. After that, well I'll let you guess what your fate will be"

Look Tom Watson, Labour MP for West Bromwich has said under parliamentary privilege that he's been warned that his life would be in danger if he continues to pursue this. It's in Hansard. Where's the outcry you're telling me about? That should be the starting pistol firing if ever there was one. Not a bleep though. Why? Because they're all in it together :whistle:
Long story.

This ain't new.

The names are well known and it shakes the British establishment to the core. Remember discussing it variously with a Daily Mail journalist, R5 journalist, and a BBC journo way back in the mid 1990's. Also had friends of friends who worked on the Independent and the Express at the same time. All of them gave the same names. Still amused when I hear an assoicate of one of them on R5 feigning shock at some disclosures.

The biggest offenders are the Tories by far, but the biggest single fish is Labour. The Liberals don't escape undamaged either, and so too does the untouchable pillar of the British establishment and very embodiment of all things British

The original broke years ago by a magazine called Scallywag that had the photographic evidence supplied by persons now dead (mysterious death - think about the number of people associated with Kennedy who got caught in bungled robberies or car accidents). Scallywag named alot of those involved with the epitaph "sue us if you dare". No one did. Bit of a shame given that 12 months earlier John Major sued them over Claire Latimer. The precedent was set but no one stepped up. About 6 months later Scallywags offices were broken into and the evidence disappeared. The magazine shut about 3 months after that and the whole thing went quiet and became the traded secret of media and political classes

You can safely assume, this will never come out, and if it does, it'll be confined to the dead and the less well known (civil servants, judges etc) there are some major names and reputations going down the toilet if the extent of it is ever disclosed

I've heard the same and read the same and was told this went all the way to the Royal Family yet no names were ever mentioned with regards to them. There is plenty of info on the net but some of it is from wordpress blogs and you wonder if it is the truth or conspiracy theories:



I've only posted links there that are freely available from google searches on Elm Lodge Guest House, Kitty or Jill Dando's murder. I think someone has already mentioned the theory that she was on the brink of exposing a paedophile ring and was silenced with a bullet to the head. It's also suggested that this was a message to the press/journos to keep their mouths shut and their noses out. I'm not sure if this stuff will ever get out and expose the high profile people you mention as it will surely put lives at risk but I think we'd both agree there has been a huge cover up that needs exposing.

Have you also seen the stuff online about Melanie Shaw? Apparently an abuse victim that was going to expose people but got jailed based on little or no evidence. There seems to be a lot of online support for her. I saw some links on twitter and tried to find out more from online research.
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The names I'm more familiar with are the North Wales ones although there is some cross over. One of the names on that party invite list in particular rang very, very, true and corroborates with something else which was a badly kept secret

If the people of this country knew what an uttelry contemptible class of vermin they have representing they'd never vote for any of them, but sadly they don't, and more to the point, don't want to know.

The ultimate problem you're always going to face is that victims make for lousy witnesses. By the time they get to court, they're emotionally destroyed. A vast majority of them have lived a life of vice, drugs, and if they're lucky, alcohol (slightly less hramful). They're easily destroyed by expensive barristers defending respected establishment figures. Their evidence is easily presented as being unrelaible, and with a burden of proof that requires beyond all reasonable doubt, it's very, very difficult to get a conviction
Just to say that I would be very dubious in general of anything written on thecolemanexperience blog.
The author of the blog is notorious as a paedophile-obsessed crazy person. His ideas and views for a few years now are tinfoil-hat stuff.

The internet, we know, is the spiritual home of conspiracy theorists, ...................and thecolemanexperience is the scribbling and ranting high-priest of that lunatic fringe.
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I've had a bit of a look at it and there is a recurring theme with the identities of so many he cites on the most tenuous of grounds. And he doesn't hesitate in highlighting their religion/origin.
I do wonder if Grasshopper's army of bloggers freed up on the internet actually help? Far from brining things to people's attention they inadvertantly create a swamp.

I'd still be very confident that nothing meaningful will come to light. In a funny sort of way you can possibly use MP's expenses as a microcosm of it. Clearly there were hundreds of them banged to right, they barely had a leg to stand on, yet only 6 were prosecuted and that was enough to sate the temporary public ire. Suffice to say, they're creeping back to their old ways again now making more pushy expenses claims and voting themselves ever bigger pay rises. The same thing will happen with the paedo ring. It's going to require some dynamite evidence, and only if that is finally forthcoming and put beyond plausible denial, will a couple of expendable scapegoats (probably dead ones) be found.
If you think public tolerance of paedophilia amongst the Westminster constituency, would be on about the same level as them fiddling their expenses, then you're practically certifiable.

I'm hoping that, now this news is being reported globally, we'll get all the relevant names - published outside the UK jurisdiction. That should put to bed any concerns of a cover-up being managed under Establishment threats, and some of those responsible for maintaining any cover-up (but with no direct involvement in abuse) cut their losses, and give the perpetrators up.
I tend to think you're more likely being idealistically naive. The most you'll get is a couple of lower ranking expendables who're probably dead , followed by a Victoria Derbyshire phone-in feigning horror, a handful of MP's equally feigning shock and announcing an enquiry that reports about 10 years later with the dreaded words that "this must never happen again". They'll give themselves a clean bill of health go for the few rotten apples excuse and that'll be it. The public will accept the answers and a few years time it'll be more or less back to normal.

This country rarely gets on the streets and protests its politicians from office. In fact the public tend to sympathise with politicians when this happens. Remember no one is going to admit this, and there'll be no shortage of people more than prepared to believe their partisan favourites rather than watch some significant reputations being shattered on the back of testimony from emotionally damaged male prostitutes and drug addicts (which is how most victims end up). It's not just the political classes of course, there is a significant name in the morrass from the Royal Family too - not the one most recently reported aka Savile and "his lovely ladies" - (which incidentally has barely drawn a squeak of protest has it?)
Public sympathises with politicians when there are cases of paedo group sessions or whatever? You are kidding surely?

The only reason this is not abolsutely the biggest story around is because it dates back 30 or 40 years. If it was current or relatively recent politicians and public servants you can guarantee this would be massive. No way would it survive a cover up
Is would also be very careful before throwing names out into the mix from such rubbish as that nasty website. It surprises me that a poster who's all over posters who used the phrase "the woman" is not here pointing this out.

i think anyone who wants to take that site seriously ought to look at the sites links and also be very clear about the sick prejudices of the author.
Public sympathises with politicians when there are cases of paedo group sessions or whatever? You are kidding surely?

The only reason this is not abolsutely the biggest story around is because it dates back 30 or 40 years. If it was current or relatively recent politicians and public servants you can guarantee this would be massive. No way would it survive a cover up

Oh there are plenty of very recent names in the mix Clive, plus a whole host who covered things up and disappeared evidence. If you were aware of the identities, you'd frankly weep at some of the sanctimonious and hypocritical talking heads parliament puts up now and then to feign idignation on such issues. If you think this is restricted to events from 30 years ago then you're being as naive as Grasshopper. But when a drug addled male prostitute turns up making a claim that a politician buggered him when he was younger, then the public will believe the politician, I have little doubt about that, as that's what they've always done. That's providing of course you can even get the individual to testify. There was an hysterical case within the last 12 months where someone made an allegation and withdrew it under circumstances which frankly beggar belief.

Hell, the judge even believed Jefferey Archer and found agaisnt Monica Coghlan.
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Public-opinion was what caused the heads to roll in Rotherham, though I grant you, things have gone rather quiet on the inquiry into why it was accepted for so long. Was it - as the reports would suggest - tolerated due to the kind of "left-wing bed-wetters" so adored by clive, and their misplaced logic regarding 'community relations'? Or was there a deeper, more sinister hand at play?

Maybe I am being naive and this will be massaged-away. But the subject is a touch-stone with the public, and if it breaks in a wider-sense - and nothing is seen to be done about it? - then I don't believe for one second that it could be conveniently brushed under the carpet. Especially if the rest of the planet - who have no legal account to be held to - start publishing names. The country will become both an international laughing-stock, and a pariah, if nothing was done.

Again, maybe I'm being naive - but your faith in the public's faith that politicians know-best, is possibly more naive. That kind of deference just doesnt exist any more. These days, the junkie would be pushing favouritism in a match.
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No, the Home Select Committee and its chair, Keith Vaz, was about to force a motion in parliament forcing the chief constable to resign after weeks of stubborn denials of his own culpability. He then decided to resign.

Thankfully, we don't live in a world where we are ruled by public opinion. That would not be desirable and we'd have new laws passed everyday to appease groups in society, which isn't what parliament should be about.

I understand what you're saying though as obviously how can parliament effectively investigate itself...its clearly not doing a good job at present.
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