Paedo Ring

It's not even subtle

Savile was a DJ - so was Dave Lee Travis, Chris Denning, Paul Gambuccini (released uncharged) and a few others

All of them did different degrees of charity work, but only one of them could pick up the phone to the Prime Minister. Go and figure it out. One of them is protected, the others don't get anything like the same level of protection. Why? One of them is in a different ring to the others. It isn't hard to deduce is it, especially as there was no shortage of circumstantial evidence and suspicions about Savile. It's not as if people are claiming to be shocked. The only surprise is the industrial scale of it, but for crying out loud, the Tories put him on the board of hospitals and gave the keys
thats a nice story Warb..wonder why there are no names mentioned..if it had been a footballer or Corry star they would reveal it..must be untouchables involved
This thread is just way off track. Alun you're into Starchamber conspiracy theories and I don't buy it.

If you want to convince me or anyone else is suspect it would serve you better by not making ludicrous and irrelevant comparisons, or openly bating.

I'm firmly in the Grassy camp here, and you've posted nothing even remotely compelling to convince me otherwise.

OK perhaps you'll listen to the UK's most senior police officer as reported by the BBC today

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, commissioner of the Met Police, said the force was taking the allegations "very seriously". (thats code for we believe them)
Police had about 40 detectives looking into claims, he told the programme.
"There are a series of claims over quite a long period of time and not all of them are linked, ....." Sir Bernard said.
"We have now had more recently this discussion or these claims about murder and, of course, that makes it even more serious."
The allegations of a cover-up included the "extra complication" of involving "people in power", he said.

Just dwell on what he's admitting here. "Extra complication" because its involving "people in power". That's nothing short of remarkable (even if we've all known it for years). This is the Head of the Met admitting it's difficult for the police to investigate and prosecute because some people are above the law. I'm tempted to ask what circumstantial evidence and witness statements he must have seen that's drawn him into what is an exasperated appeal. It's as if he's getting his excuse in early because he knows ultimately that the "powers at work in this country" (to quote the queen) will prevail and the police or CPS will get the blame

I want to pay particular tribute to the Sunday Express who are doing the damndest to blame this on ..... David Blunkett and John Prescott for not responding to a Trade Union whistle blower circa 1999. Reading between the lines it seems they were probably a shop steward at Richmond Borough Council (probably a social services employee). The ever loyal article however does go onto finally admit in the final paragraph that all of the politicians involved are Tories. I should say, that I believe the Sunday Express (or express group newspapers at least) have had information going back to at least 1993/4 themselves
I think this is a big story and a lot is going to come out. However I do not believe that such disgusting behaviour would go unreported now. I a, suspicious of Leon Brittain here. Not as someone who did but someone creepy enough to arselick power (well he was known for that anyway... Not liked amongst peers)

But before it's seen as a right wing establishment thing or form of behaviour, mustn't forget the long term covering up of multiple rapes within the swp not to mention the ira

the point is that people in powerful institutions have in the past felt untouchable. Doesn't have to be conventional "establishment".
Actually Grasshopper started the thread with a very basic question. I do wonder if Hogan Howe hasn't in fact answered it?

The reason no one is doing anything is because there are "complications" caused by the accussed being the "people in power"

Months later Teresa May still can't find anyone able to whitewash it for her. The NSPCC openly say that they don't recognise that the description of "expert" applies to "half of the people on the enquiry", and we already have form in that Cameron totally disregarded Leveson before the ink ever dried. Elsewhere the establishment have kicked Chilcott into the long grass because they're scared of what the American reaction would be if the British evidence that George Bush and Republican administration were genocidal maniacs capable of starting a nuclear war was ever made public.

The police need the public to rise up and empower them a bit. We need a fundamental retrenchment that the police are 'our' police force entrusted to uphold the laws according to our society and mandated to do so by us. They are the private security firm of a state within a state that has been corrupted by own democratic leaders and other notables.

Do we live in a democracy? well on paper yes, but as this episode is proving, our governance model is much closer to that of a plutocracy

What we need is more government from Brussels and less from London
mustn't forget the long term covering up of multiple rapes within the swp not to mention the ira

the point is that people in powerful institutions have in the past felt untouchable. Doesn't have to be conventional "establishment".

I'm sure the SWP would be laughing their heads off to be described as a "powerful institution" (well at least I am anyway). My experience is that most of them would be so pissed at any given time they wouldn't know if they'd been raped, and wouldn't have a clue where to start in covering it up. As regards being inlfuential within the establishement, they can barely afford a loaf of bread. I'm sure you'll find the church have a more systemic problem then the various strands of Trotskyism, and if Nigel Evans's evidence is anything to go by this year, so to have the conservatives.

Come to think of it, it's mildly amusing that one of the last acts that William Hague performed as Foreign Secretary before mysteriously deciding it might be a good time to go and write a book, was to share a platform with Lara Croft to try and bring about an end to rape in war zones (he can't even control it within his own party - albeit you might argue that the conservatives and a war zone needn't be mutually exclusive terms of each other at times).

There was a time in the old CPGB members were coerced into joining the WRP under Gerry Healy. I've tended to the view myself that without the industrial proletariats that the Soviet Union had, Healy identified students as his vanguard, and female students in particular, who could only obtain a better understanding of Marxism if they slept with him! Well preaching Marxist dialetics becomes wearisome in the end. I think it was more of a cult to be honest, but there's also plenty of evidence that MI5 agent provocateurs were involved too, in much the same way of course as Met police officers have recently been exposed infiltrating environmental groups under cover. At the time, these "reds in the bed" were considered a massive threat in the cold war (God knows why) you only had to attend a few meetings to realise they were much more of a threat to each other than they ever were to national security, but it hardly seems unlikely (quite the opposite actually) that state agents were involved too.
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that "extra complication" is really does sum up the law of this country and how it applies to two distinct types of people..the new class system in clear definition..the plebs and the important's

he's basically saying there are two laws in this country when they look at cases..the straightforward pleb cases where you throw kitchen sink at the offender...and the more complicated cases.

it should cause an absolute public outcry..that quote alone should cause that..but it won't..because at moment we got Celebrity get me out of here and Strictly to keep pleb occupied.

unreal Warbler..a great quote to let us all know where we stand
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if you look at this thread...consider how many people read many reply showing concern...and you can easily see that very few people give an arse about who does what to who within the upper that to the thousands of sheep who put their name to the Ched Evans campaign..most won't even have read the details of that case..and you can see that the mass vote wins in this country..and the mass vote is only interested in certain people..those they see every other day in the media

you can do what you like given a certain position in our society..the masses are easily misled

lets say someone with the "added complication" of being important..was in Ched Evans you really think he would have even got to court?..police would have looked at who it was..and let lady..can i say that?..go home with her handbag with no further interest shown

what a shite system eh?
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i'll bring this back up...we have two different sets of laws in this evidenced in that quote Warbler put for the plebs..and one for the important people this a country divided by postion or not?..and do people think thats acceptable?
Police today confirm that they're treating this as a triple murder case but as yet can't find any witnesses prepared to come forward (one asumes they've been contacted and threatened in advance - if they're still alive). What a depressing state of affairs. Parliament is only to happy to mobilise in the pursuit of bringing others to justice, but when it's their own they go quiet. Perhaps they could start off asking the council solicitor at the time of these offences what they remember about the allegations. Wonder who that might be :whistle:

From the BBC website

Asked about the claims, Det Supt Kenny McDonald - who is overseeing Operation Midland - said officers who had spoken to him thought his account was "credible and true".

Det Supt MacDonald appealed for other boys who might have been abused to come forward.
"We are working hard to try to establish the number of boys involved. I would like appeal to those boys to trust me I will support you and do all in my power to bring the abusers to justice," he said.

This is very unusual (outside of the Savile case) for a police investigation to describe a witness thus ahead potential proceedings. Sadly it sounds as if the police are becoming increasingly desperate though. Something tells me the 'dark forces' just aren't going to let this happen
Amazing that its taken so long for the BBC to mention this case. They really are a disgrace.
i wonder if the 22 will be filmed being arrested and splattered over the front pages like the unprotected celebs we have seen over the past 2 years...or will their visit to plod be very discrete?

The witness is named as "Nick"..i wonder if that's wishful thinking by the cops.
I think you can safely lob two zeros on the figure EC. There's some mighty reputations going down, not just those involved, but those who knew about it and elected to turn a blind eye. It is cross party, but a vast majority of those involved are Conservatives. Still, Clive might have tried to make capitlal out of Rotherham, that is nothing compared to this. I should also say though, I'd be pretty confident that preparing us for 22, with the attendant 3 MP's (who are probably dead now) will be all we get at best